
Terms for subject Microsoft containing recherche de radical | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
recherche de radicalstemming (" The process of capturing relationships between words by reducing inflected words to their stem or root form (reductive stemming), or expanding stems to their inflected forms (expansive stemming). For example, the word "swimming" is reduced to the stem "swim." Because the word "swam" can also be reduced to "swim," reductive stemming can create a list of all possible word forms that can be used by the query processor alongside the query string. ")
recherche de radicalword stemming (" The process of capturing relationships between words by reducing inflected words to their stem or root form (reductive stemming), or expanding stems to their inflected forms (expansive stemming). For example, the word "swimming" is reduced to the stem "swim." Because the word "swam" can also be reduced to "swim," reductive stemming can create a list of all possible word forms that can be used by the query processor alongside the query string. ")
recherche de radical réduitereductive stemming (" The process of reducing inflected words to their stem or root form For example, the word "swimming" is reduced to the stem "swim." Because the word "swam" can also be reduced to "swim," reductive stemming can create a list of all possible word forms that can be used by the query processor alongside the query string. ")
recherche de radical élargieexpansive stemming (" The process of expanding stems (root forms of words) to their inflected forms. For example, the word "swim" is expanded to the forms "swimming" and "swam." Expansive stemming can create a list of all possible word forms that can be used by the query processor alongside the query string. ")