
Terms for subject Microsoft containing réglage | all forms | exact matches only
Assistant Réglage des haut-parleursSpeaker Calibration wizard (A wizard that helps the user to adjust their speakers for the best sound by running automatic calibration tests for levels, delay, and frequency response)
paramètre de réglage précisfine tuning setting (A setting that shifts all inserted images by the same amount to align them properly on a full sheet of labels or stickers)
poignée de réglageadjustment handle (A diamond-shaped handle used to adjust the appearance but not the size of most AutoShapes. For example, you can adjust a rounded rectangle to be more or less rounded)
réglage de gaingain adjustment (A microphone feature that allows your input to be amplified so that it is made louder for use by the system)
temps de réglagesetup time (The number of hours needed to prepare the work area prior to an operation)