
Terms for subject Microsoft containing privé | all forms | exact matches only
adressage IP privé automatiqueAutomatic Private IP Addressing (A TCP/IP feature in WindowsXP and Windows Server2003 that automatically configures a unique IP address from the range through with a subnet mask of when the TCP/IP protocol is configured for dynamic addressing and a DHCP server is not available. The APIPA range of IP addresses is reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use on a single subnet, and IP addresses within this range are not used on the Internet)
adresse IP privéeprivate IP address (An IP address that is assigned for the internal network of an organization)
assembly privéprivate assembly (An assembly that is available only to clients in the same directory structure as the assembly)
autocommutateur privéPrivate Branch Exchange (A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers)
cloud privéprivate cloud (A cloud infrastructure that is dedicated to an organization (not shared with other organizations). A private cloud can be managed by the organization or hosted by a third-party service provider, in which case it is referred to as a hosted private cloud. A private cloud can be located on-premises or off-premises)
clé privéeprivate key (The secret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Private keys are typically used to decrypt a symmetric session key, digitally sign data, or decrypt data that has been encrypted with the corresponding public key)
clé privéeprivate key (The secret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Private keys are typically used to decrypt a symmetric session key, digitally sign data, or decrypt data that has been encrypted with the corresponding public key)
composant WebPart privéprivate Web Part (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in personal view)
en privéPrivate (A status message displayed when the caller ID of an incoming call is blocked)
file d'attente privée interneinternal private queue (For Message Queuing, a queue that stores various types of administrative messages, or an interim queue for storing and forwarding messages in transit to a destination queue. Internal private queues are not displayed in Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins, and they cannot be deleted)
ligne privéeprivate line (An additional phone number with a distinct ring tone that cannot be forwarded. A private line allows a person who delegates calls to have a direct, confidential line)
nom de domaine complet privéprivate FQDN (The FQDN of the private edge of an edge server)
procédure privéeprivate procedure (A Sub or Function procedure that has been declared as private by using the Private keyword in a Declare statement. Private procedures are available for use only by other procedures within the same module)
règle de protection de la vie privée HIPAAHIPAA Privacy Rule (A rule issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to implement the privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law that provides rights and protections for participants and beneficiaries in group health plans. The rule establishes national standards for the protection of certain health information, including standards addressing the use and disclosure of individuals' health information and standards for individuals' privacy rights to understand and control how their health information is used)
réseau privéprivate network (A network within an organization that uses Internet technologies and protocols, but is available only to certain people, such as employees of a company)
réseau privé virtuelvirtual private network (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
réseau privé virtuelvirtual private network (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
réseau privé virtuel de mise en quarantaineVPN quarantine (A network where clients that do not conform to specific criteria are placed)
réseau privé virtuel de site à sitesite-to-site VPN (A network comprised of Virtual Private Networks)
zone privéeprivate area (A secure space on a Web site in which administrators can manage restricted site functions)
état d'affichage privéprivate view state (State information that is written as a hidden field, such as the form that is currently active or the pagination information for a form)