
Terms containing partenaire | all forms | exact matches only
ed.Académie partenairePartnership Academy
gen.accord des partenaires sociauxagreement between management and unions
environ.accueil des partenairesfellowship at the EEA
econ., fin.adossement à un partenairelinking to a partner
econ., fin.adossement à un partenaireassociation with a partner
comp., MSappareil partenairepartnered device (A device that has been set to establish device-to-device connection with another one, such as by radio, Bluetooth or infrared)
gen.après consultation des partenaires sociauxafter consulting labour and management
UNAssemblée mondiale sur les femmes et l'environnement - partenaires dans la vieGlobal Assembly on Women and the Environment - Partners in Life
polit.associé partenaire de l'UEOAssociate Partner of WEU
fin.banque partenairepartner bank
fin.bureau de recherche non confidentielle de partenairesnon-confidential partner-search network
social.sc.Comité paritaire des partenaires sociauxJoint Committee representing the Two Sides of Industry
econ., fin.Comité pour la mise en oeuvre du programme d'assistance visant à encourager la réforme et le redressement de l'économie des Etats partenaires d'Europe orientale et d'Asie centraleCommittee for implementation of the assistance programme to encourage economic reform and recovery in the partner States in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
polit.Comité pour la mise en oeuvre du programme d'assistance visant à encourager la réforme et le redressement de l'économie des États partenaires d'Europe orientale et d'Asie centrale Tacis, 2000-2006Committee for implementation of the assistance programme to encourage economic reform and recovery in the partner States in Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2000-2006; TACIS
lab.law.Commission de liaison du Conseil de l'Europe avec les partenaires sociauxLiaison Committee between the Council of Europe and Management and Labour
gen.Concertation centrale des partenaires sociaux au sein de la policeCentral Collective Bargaining Committee for the Police
comp., MSconjoint/partenairesignificant other (" Usually the spouse or domestic partner of a contact. Detail that can be added to a contact's profile, listed under "other.")
comp., MSconjointe/partenairesignificant other (" Usually the spouse or domestic partner of a contact. Detail that can be added to a contact's profile, listed under "other.")
astronaut., environ.conseil des partenaires GMESGMES Partners Board
social.sc.consultation des partenaires sociauxconsultation of the social partners
med.contenu utérin des partenaires femellesuterine contents of female mates
social.sc., lab.law.dialogue entre les partenaires sociauxdialogue between the social partners
social.sc., lab.law.dialogue entre les partenaires sociauxsocial dialogue
social.sc., lab.law.dialogue entre les partenaires sociauxdialogue between management and labour
lawdialogue entre partenaires sociaux au niveau communautairedialogue between management and labour at Community level
social.sc.dialogue entre partenaires sociaux au niveau communautairedialogue between management and labour at Union level
social.sc.dialogue entre partenaires sociaux au niveau de l'Uniondialogue between management and labour at Union level
social.sc.dialogue entre partenaires sociaux au niveau de l'Uniondialogue between management and labour at Community level
social.sc.Déclaration des partenaires sociaux pour l'année européenne des personnes handicapées - Promouvoir l'égalité des chances et l'accès à l'emploi des personnes handicapéesDeclaration of the Social Partners for the European Year of People with Disabilities - Promoting equal opportunities and access to employment for people with disabilities
gen.déclaration d'une organisation partenairedeclaration by a partner organisation
econ.entreprises partenairespartner enterprises
econ.Etat partenairepartner State
social.sc.expert partenairepartner expert
fin., polit.foire de Berlin "Partenaires du progrès"Berlin "Partners in Progress" Fair
telecom.fonction "partenaire"partner function
UN, h.rghts.act.Forum des partenaires de l'Autorité intergouvernmentale pour le développementIGAD Partners Forum
econ.Forum des partenaires pour un contrat de génération entre l'Europe et les PMAForum "partners for a compact with a generation between Europe and the LDCs"
gen.Groupe ad hoc " Examen annuel du projet d'exposé sur l'évolution de la situation sociale par les partenaires sociaux "Ad hoc Group on Annual Examination of the Draft Report on the Development of the Social Situation by Both Sides of Industry
comp., MSgroupe de partenairesPartner group (In Business Activity Services (BAS), a group of similar partners categorized for ease of management)
gen.Groupe de travail " Participation des partenaires sociaux à la prévention "Working Party on the Participation of Both Sides of Industry in Accident Prevention
comp., MSID partenairePartner ID (An ID that allows someone to sign in to a non-Microsoft website that uses the Windows Live ID service)
gen.il était mon partenaire dans la pièceI played opposite him in the play
lawinvestisseur partenairehands with
gen.j'ai besoin de partenaires pour agrandir mon affaireI need partners to expand my business
econ., met.la "Communauté, partenaire industriel"the "Community as an industrial partner"
gen.la protection des intérêts des partenaires aux projets de coopération industriellethe protection of the interests of the partners in industrial co-operation projects
transp.les compagnies partenaires conservent leur identité commercialethe companies in partnership preserve their commercial identity
gen.les partenaires sociauxmanagement and the workforce
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services - Centre d'administration PartenairesMicrosoft Online Services Partner Administration Center (The Web portal from which consultants, administrators, and technical support personnel perform technical and administrative tasks to support their customers)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services - Portail Ventes PartenairesMicrosoft Online Services Partner Sales Portal (The portal that Microsoft authorized partners use to set up trials and create quotes for paid subscriptions, which they then send to their customers)
commun., tech.mon partenaire est toujours au téléphonepartner is still on the line/my
commun., tech.mon partenaire est toujours au téléphonepartner is still on the phone/my
med.Multiplicité de partenairesMultiple partners
fin.Mécanisme en faveur des partenaires orientauxEastern Partners Facility
UN, AIDS.notification obligatoire au partenairecompulsory partner notification
comp., MSOffre de Découverte de la plateforme Windows Azure pour les PartenairesWindows Azure Platform Introductory Special for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform limited package rate, tailored to development hobbyist and small developer audience, which is available through authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
ed.organisation partenairecounterpart organisation
ed.organisation partenairepartner organisation
corp.gov.organisation partenairepartnership organization
gen.organisation partenairepartner agency
comp., MSPack Accélérateur de développements Etendu de la plateforme Windows Azure pour les PartenairesWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Extended for Partners (An extended Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
comp., MSPack Accélérateur de développements Standard de la plateforme Windows Azure pour les PartenairesWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Core for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
comp., MSPack Consommation de la plateforme Windows Azure pour les PartenairesWindows Azure Platform Consumption for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels, calculated on the actual amount of services used)
comp., MSpage Web de découverte de partenaire de compte clientclient account partner discovery Web page (The Web page that is used to interact with a user to determine which account partner the user belongs to when Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) cannot automatically determine which of the account partners should authenticate the user)
UN, AIDS.partenaire actifpartner insertive
fin.partenaire associéassociate partner
fin.partenaire chargé de la coordination internationaleinternational coordinating partner
corp.gov.partenaire commercialbusiness partner
bank.partenaire commercialtrading partner
comp., MSpartenaire commercialtrading partner (An external or internal organization with which your oganization exchanges electronic data. For example, a trading partner could be a supplier, a customer, or an internal department)
gen.partenaire coopérantcooperating partner
fin., commun., ITpartenaire coordinateurcoordinator
comp., MSpartenaire d'audioconférenceaudio conferencing partner (An audio conference service that is chosen by an organizations's conference center to integrate client functions with its Live Meeting service)
comp., MSpartenaire de basculementfailover partner (The server used if the connection to the partner server fails)
comp., MSpartenaire de compteaccount partner (A federation partner that is trusted by the Federation Service to provide security tokens to its users (that is, users in the account partner organization) so that they can access Web-based applications in the resource partner)
econ.partenaire de financementfunding partner
gen.partenaire de la coopérationCooperation Partner
avia., Canada, HRpartenaire de l'intégrationOnboarding Partner
h.rghts.act.partenaire de même sexesame-sex partner
comp., MSpartenaire de ressourceresource partner (A federation partner that trusts the Federation Service to issue claims-based security tokens for Web-based applications (that is, applications in the resource partner organization) that users in the account partner can access)
comp., MSpartenaire de référencesubscription advisor (" A Microsoft partner who is authorized to sell subscriptions for Microsoft Online Services. The subscription advisor may have additional authorization to offer technical support. Internally, a subscription advisor may be referred to as a "reseller," "partner of record", or "breadth partner.")
comp., MSPartenaire de référencePartner of Record (A Microsoft authorized partner that officially represents and works with an organization to purchase and maintain volume licensing agreements for Microsoft products and services)
gen.partenaire de réservestand-by partner
hobbypartenaire d'entraînementsparring partner
gen.partenaire d'Europe orientaleEastern Partner
h.rghts.act.partenaire devant la loifull legal partner
gen.partenaire d'exécutionimplementing partner
health.partenaire effectuant la pénétration analeinsertive partner in anal intercourse
transp., el.partenaire effectuant le transferttransferring partner
proced.law.partenaire enregistrépartner in a registered partnership
proced.law.partenaire enregistrécivil partner
fin., agric.partenaire euro-medEuro-Med partner
econ.partenaire importantmajor partner
gen.partenaire institutionnelinstitutional partner
comp., MSpartenaire Lync OnlineLync Online Partner (An individual or organization that does business with, by, or on behalf of Microsoft and that is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network using the IM and online meetings technology provided by Lync Online)
ITpartenaire national de sensibilisationNational Awareness Partner
law, immigr., social.sc.partenaire non mariéunmarried partner
UN, AIDS.partenaire passifpartner receptive
IMF.partenaire pour le développementdevelopment partner
fin.partenaire privilégié de la Banqueprivileged partner of the Bank
lawpartenaire reconnurecognised partner
chem.partenaire réactionnelreaction partner
chem.partenaire réactionnelco-reactant
health.partenaire réceptifreceptive partner
econ.partenaire socialsocial partners
gov., law, social.sc.partenaire stable non matrimonialstable non-marital partner
avia., Canada, HRpartenaire stratégique – HRHR Strategic Partner
hi.energ.partenaire supersymétriquesuperpartner
hi.energ.partenaire supersymétriquespartner
hi.energ.partenaire supersymétriquesupersymmetric partner
health., pharma.partenaires au sein des autorités nationales compétentesnational competent authority partner
avia., CanadaPartenaires au service de votre succèsPartnering and delivering for success
fin.partenaires bénéficiant du régime préférentielpreferential partners
IMF.partenaires commerciauxtrading partners
IMF.partenaires commerciauxpartner countries
commer., polit.partenaires commerciauxtrading parties
gen.Partenaires de consultationConsultation Partners
work.fl.Partenaires du progresPartners in Progress
fin., UNPartenaires du ProgrèsPartners in Progress Fair
crim.law.Partenaires européens contre la corruptionEuropean Partners Against Corruption
org.name.Partenaires internationaux pour l'agriculture durableInternational Partners for Sustainable Agriculture
EU.partenaires méditerranéensMediterranean Partners
gen.Partenaires méditerranéens pour la coopérationMediterranean Partners for Cooperation
gen.partenaires nationaux de sensibilisationNational Awareness Partners
social.sc.partenaires non cohabitantsLAT relationship
sec.sys.partenaires opérationnelsimplementing partners
gen.Partenaires pour le changement démocratiquePartners for Democratic Change
UN, AIDS.partenaires sexuelssexual partners
UN, AIDS.partenaires sexuels multiplesmultiple sex partners
UN, AIDS.partenaires sexuels occasionnelscasual sex partners
lab.law.partenaires sociauxthe two sides of industry
empl.partenaires sociauxsocial partners
unions.partenaires sociauxsocial partner organisations
lawpartenaires sociauxmanagement and labour
lawpartenaires sociauxboth sides of industry
fin., social.sc.partenaires économiques et sociauxEconomic and Social Partners
econ., unions.partenaires économiques et sociauxeconomic and social partners
lab.law.participation des partenaires sociauxinvolvement of employer and worker representatives
energ.ind.pays de transit partenairegas transit partner
stat., commer.pays partenairepartner country
fin.pays partenaire méditerranéenMediterranean Partner Country
gen.pays partenaires membres du CCNANACC Cooperation Partners
comp., MSPlateforme Windows Azure Cloud Essentials pour les partenairesWindows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partners (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
comp., MSPoint PartenairesPartner Point (A unit of credit to track an organization's accomplishments to achieve elegibility for different levels in the Partner Program)
gen.principal partenairekey partner
h.rghts.act.reconnaissance des partenaires de même sexe en tant que "plus proche parent"recognition of same-sex partners as "next of kin"
IMF.relations entre les partenaires sociauxindustrial relations
IMF.relations entre les partenaires sociauxlabor relations
fin.report des abattements sur le partenairepersonal allowance transfer
fin.réseau de recherche confidentielle de partenairesconfidential business-partner-search network
fin.réseau de recherche de partenairesbusiness-partner-search network
fin.réseau de recherche non confidentielle de partenairesnon-confidential partner-search network
hi.energ.s-partenairesupersymmetric partner
comp., MSserveur partenairepartner (In database mirroring, refers to the principal server or the mirror server)
comp., MSserveur partenaire de mise en miroir de bases de donnéesdatabase mirroring partner (One in a pair of server instances that act as role-switching partners for a mirrored database)
comp., MSserveurs partenaires de mise en miroir de bases de donnéesdatabase mirroring partners (A pair of server instances that act as role-switching partners for a mirrored database)
ITservice Web Partenaires de CORDISCORDIS Partners Web Service
corp.gov.services de soutien aux États Membres et d'autres partenairessupport services to Members and other partners
med.sexualité liée à un partenaire déterminéidiogamy
social.sc., empl.sommet des partenaires sociauxsocial dialogue summit
social.sc., empl.sommet des partenaires sociauxsummit of the social partners
gen.statut d'associé partenaire de l'UEOstatus of Associate Partner in the WEU
comp., MStest partenairePartner Test (A test, written by a Microsoft partner, that uses the test framework's extensibility interfaces)
social.sc.union de partenairesregistered partnership
insur.à condition qu'il fasse part de sa décision à tous ses partenaires avec un préavis suffisantprovided that adequate notice of this decision is given to all parties