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Terms for subject Microsoft containing modèle d | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
modèle 3D3D model (A computer simulation of a physical object in which length, width, and depth are real attributes: a model, with x-, y-, and z-axes, that can be rotated for viewing from different angles)
Modèle d'accès à dispositif spécialiséSpecialized Device Access Model (The model that describes the two ways that a Windows Store app can access a specialized device: Open Access Model and Restricted Device Access Model)
modèle d'accès à un périphérique ouvertOpen Device Access Model (The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website)
modèle d'accès à un périphérique restreintRestricted Device Access Model (The device access model for vertical solutions. Restricted Device Access does not allow other applications to access a specialized device)
modèle d'adresse IP virtuellevirtual IP template (A template that contains configuration settings for how a load balancer should handle a specific type of network traffic)
modèle d'applicationapplication model (Within a single application layer, a model that includes a specific set of developer elements such as classes, tables, and forms)
modèle d'applications CloudCloud App Model (An application-hosting architecture that relies on cloud-based services. Application logic and data are typically hosted on a distributed set of services on the Internet, connected through web APIs, and authenticated with server-to-server authentication technologies such as OAuth)
modèle d'approbationapproval template (A table with a list of templates that the user can select to set up which documents he wants to be included in an approval process)
modèle d'autorisations Project ServerProject Server permission model (A security model in which permissions are assigned directly in Project Server using global and category permissions)
modèle d'environnementenvironment template (A resource, consisting of virtual machines, that is stored in a team project library share and can be used to create new virtual environments)
modèle d'exploration de donnéesmining model (An object that contains the definition of a data mining process and the results of the training activity. For example, a data mining model may specify the input, output, algorithm, and other properties of the process and hold the information gathered during the training activity, such as a decision tree)
modèle d'inscription centralisécentralized registration model (A registration model that removes all certificate subscriber participation from the management policy. For the workflow, a user designated as the originator will initiate the request and an enrollment agent will execute the request)
modèle d'inscription déléguédelegated registration model (A registration model in which a person other than the certificate subscriber initiates the certificate transaction. The certificate subscriber then completes the transaction by providing a supplied one-time password)
modèle d'inscription libre-serviceself-service registration model (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) registration model in which a certificate subscriber performs or requests certificate management activities directly using a Web-based interface)
modèle d'objectifgoal template (A set of default goals that have predefined descriptions to help an organization create specific goals for employees)
modèle d'objet d'administration BDCBDC Administration object model (An object model that lets you create, read, update, and delete metadata objects in the BDC Metadata Store)
modèle d'objet d'exécutionRuntime object model (An object model designed for use by BDC clients and applications that provides an intuitive, object-oriented interface that abstracts the underlying data sources)
modèle d'objet d'exécution BDCBDC Runtime object model (An object model designed for use by BDC clients and applications that provides an intuitive, object-oriented interface that abstracts the underlying data sources)
modèle d'objet d'exécution compositeComposites Runtime object model (An object model that that can be used to incorporate and/or modify the behavior of a composite at runtime)
modèle d'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine template (A library resource consisting of a guest operating system profile, a hardware profile, and one or more virtual hard disks (.vhd files), which can be used to create a new virtual machine. Computer identify information must have been removed from the .vhd file that contains the operating system files by using the System Preparation tool (Sysprep). Self-service users must use designated templates to create their virtual machines)
modèle d'organisationorganization model (Internal control, data access, and performance reporting structures designed to divide responsibility for human and operations resources and work processes)
modèle d'élémentitem template (The portion of a DataRepeater control that is used to provide a visual interface for the repeated items in the control. At design time, controls can be added to the item template, and properties can be set to modify the appearance of the DataRepeater)
modèle global d'entrepriseenterprise global template (A collection of default settings, such as views, tables, and fields, that are used by all projects across the organization. These settings exist within a special project in Project Server)
étape du modèle d'activitéactivity model step (A synonym for an action from the viewpoint of an activity model. When an action is contained within an activity model, it is referred to as an activity model step)