
Terms for subject Microsoft containing l | all forms | exact matches only
accès aux informations de l'autoritéauthority information access (A certificate extension that contains information useful for verifying the trust status of a certificate, as defined by the 2008 Memo of the Network Working Group. This information potentially includes Uniform Resource Locations (URLs) where the issuing CA's certificate can be retrieved, as well as a location of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder configured to provide status for the certificate in question)
achat dans l'appliin-app purchase (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
achat dans l'applicationin-app purchase (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
Activer la synchronisation du périphérique dans l'Album photoEnable device syncing in Digital Image Library (A checkbox that turns the Device Syncing feature on or off. If it is off, no UI is exposed to the user)
activer/désactiver l'écrantoggle screen (In Windows Media Player Mobile, an optional setting that enables the user to toggle the device's display on and off. This is useful, for example, when the user is playing music using Windows Media Player on a mobile device and wants to conserve battery life. When the display is toggled off, pressing any key will turn the display back on)
administrateur de l'ordinateurcomputer administrator (The person in charge of managing a Windows computer. The administrator is responsible for installing software, assigning passwords, and managing files)
adresse de l'abonné aux notificationsnotification subscriber address (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
Adresse de l'expéditeurSender Address (A plug-in that enables users to quickly insert an HTML tag into the body of an email message that displays the mailing address of the sender)
adresse de l'expéditeurreturn address (The sender's address, to which a letter or parcel can be returned if undeliverable)
adresse de l'événementevent address (An address similar to a URL that provides network access to an event, such as a live broadcast. Attendees go to this address to view the event from their computers)
adresse de messagerie de l'appelantvoice message originator (" An e-mail address that is used on call answering messages. The voice message originator is used as the "From" field for Unified Messaging messages and is the address to which non-delivery reports (NDRs) are sent.")
agressivité lors de l'itinéranceroaming aggressiveness (The degree to which (or speed at which) a device or a computer seeks to achieve or improve a connection)
Ajouter une personne à l'appelAdd a Person to the Call (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
Ajuster l'horodatageAdjust Time Stamp (A control that allows users to adjust the time an image or a set of images was taken. Particularly useful when a camera was not set to the appropriate time zone)
Analyse de l'intégritéHealth Assessment (A subtab under System Health in Centro Admin Console that helps the user monitor applications, components, and servers for the purposes of preempting or fixing problems)
analyse de l'utilisationusage analysis (A feature that enables data collection to evaluate how Web sites on your server are being used)
annuler l'initialisationuninitialize (To change the state of an enumerator or data source object so that it cannot be used to access data)
antérieur à l'événementpre-event (A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event starts)
aperçu de l'applicationapplication preview (The image, video or slide show for an application that appears in Launcher when the application is selected and appears at the center of the Launcher menu. When the application is not selected in Launcher, the application icon is displayed)
aperçu de l'applicationapp preview (A placeholder on the Start screen that represents an app not yet installed on the PC)
Aperçu de l'élément du calendriercalendar item peek (A contextual summary of appointment or meeting information, which is displayed in a callout without opening the item)
applications de l'entreprisecompany app (The apps or hubs provided by a company that users can install on their phones once they have enrolled in a company account)
approbation de l'applicationapplication approval (An additional action that is required after an end user requests an application and before the application becomes available for deployment)
Appuyer et maintenir, appuyer en maintenant l'appuipress and hold (One of the right-click equivalent actions performed with a finger or a tablet pen. The action entails pressing a finger or the tip of a pen on the screen, holding it down until a mouse icon or menu appears, and then lifting the finger or pen)
appuyer à l'aide de deux doigtstap two fingers (To tap with two fingers on a touchpad or similar device at the same time and with a relatively short distance between each other)
après l'événementafter event (An asynchronous event whose handler runs only after the action that raised the event is complete)
arborescence de l'expressionexpression tree (A tree-form data representation of the structure of language-level code expressions)
Arborescence de l'Inspecteur de baliseTag Inspector Tree (An item on the View menu that refers to the hierarchical HTML tag structure of an opened HTML document)
argument de l'actionaction argument (Additional information required by some macro actions - for example, the object affected by the action or special conditions under which the action is carried out)
Assistant Configuration de l'affichageDisplay Configuration wizard (A wizard that guides the user to configure their TV or monitor to get the best picture. The wizard helps the user to center and resize the picture, select the correct aspect ratio, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness settings)
Assistant Étalonnage des couleurs de l'écranDisplay Color Calibration Wizard (A wizard that guides users through a series of adjustments to their display to produce a more accurate rendering of sRGB color content)
association de classification du contenu de l'InternetInternet Content Rating Association An international nonprofit group that has developed a content advisory service for the Internet. ICRA's aim is to protect children from potentially harmful material on the Internet (Internet Content Rating Association)
attaque de l'intercepteurman-in-the-middle attack (A security attack in which an attacker intercepts and possibly modifies data that is transmitted between two users. The attacker pretends to be the other person to each user. In a successful man-in-the-middle attack the users are unaware that there is an attacker between them intercepting and modifying their data)
Atteindre l'ongletGo To Tab (An item on the View menu that opens the selected tab in the current window)
autre nom de l'objetsubject alternative name (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
avant l'événementbefore event (A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event starts)
barre de l'applicationapp bar (The surface that appears along the bottom edge of the screen and includes app commands)
base de données de l'abonnésubscriber database (In replication, a database instance that receives replicated data)
base de données de l'entrepôt de donnéesdata warehouse database (The database that stores operations data for long periods of time. This data is then used by the Operations Manager reporting server to build reports. By default, this database is named OperationsManagerDW)
base de l'aiguilleneedle cap (One of the two appearance properties that can be applied to a radial gauge)
base de l'applicationapplication base (The directory where the .exe file that loads into the initial or default application domain is located. If you create your own application domain, the application base is the location you specify in the AppDomainSetup class)
budget à l'achèvementbudget at completion (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
cadre de l'imagepicture frame (A container that surrounds the picture content)
calendrier de l'applicationapplication calendar (A time period concept that matches the practices that are used in your company)
capture de l'état utilisateuruser state capture (Capability to use default settings and algorithms of Windows Easy Transfer to capture user files and settings. This capability includes logic to determine additional file types that may have been created or modified by users. Without default logic, capture is based on defined manifest of where to look for and what file formats to look for)
capture de l'état utilisateur hors connexionoffline user state capture (A type of user state capture that can be performed within Windows Preinstallation Environment phase without needing to boot into full OS)
certification de l'Association Française de NormalisationAssociation Française de Normalisation certification (A certification that accounting software is legally compliant with French legislation for electronic accounting)
champ défini par l'utilisateuruser-defined field (A field that you can define to track information specific to your business)
changer l'indicateurtoggle flag (A menu option to change the flag status of an email)
chaîne de l'agent utilisateuruser agent string (A string that identifies a user's web browser and provides details about the user's computer system to web servers hosting the websites that the user visits)
chaîne de l'ID de la station émettricetransmitting station ID string (A string that specifies the transmitter subscriber ID sent by the fax machine when sending a fax to a receiving machine. This string is usually a combination of the fax or telephone number and the name of the business. It is often the same as the called subscriber ID)
chemin d'accès à l'objetobject path (A formatted string used to access namespaces, classes, and instances. Each object on the system has a unique path that identifies it locally or over the network. Object paths are conceptually similar to Universal Resource Locators (URL))
chiffrement de l'appareildevice encryption (The use of encryption to protect local device data from offline hardware attacks)
clic droit effectué à l'aide de deux doigtstwo-finger right-click (A multi-touch gesture that consists of either a left-down movement, or right-down, right-up or left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up (roll))
code d'accès à l'internationalinternational access code (The prefix that is used to direct a call internationally. The International Access Code is 011 in the United States and 00 in much of the rest of the world)
code de l'agencebranch code (A numeric code used in combination with a bank code to identify a specific bank branch)
collecte de données relatives à l'utilisation et à l'étatUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
commande de l'applicationapp command (A function relevant to an app in use that is displayed on the app bar)
Comment reconnaître l'authenticité d'un logicielHow to Tell (A marketing initiative to assist consumers in identifying genuine Microsoft software)
compensation de l'expositionexposure bias compensation (A control on most digital cameras that lets you control the under -or over- exposure of the image)
compensation de l'expositionexposure bias (A control on most digital cameras that lets you control the under -or over- exposure of the image)
compensation de l'expositionexposure compensation (A control on most digital cameras that lets you control the under -or over- exposure of the image)
Composant WebPart de g n rateur d' l ment de donn es externesExternal Data Item Builder Web Part (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
compteur de performances de l'étatstate performance counter (A counter that monitors the immediate health state of an application by collecting a snapshot of configured performance counters at 5 minute intervals. This data is available for viewing trends in Application Diagnostics)
concurrent pour l'opportunitéopportunity competitor (A competitor to a particular sales opportunity)
Configuration de l'accès Web aux programmes RemoteApp et aux services Bureau à distanceRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Configuration de l'accès Web des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Web Access Configuration (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
Configuration de l'accès Web RADRAD Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
configuration à l'aide d'un bouton de commandepush-button configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
configuration à l'aide d'un bouton de commandePBC (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
configurer manuellement l'intégration téléphoniqueManually Configure Phone Integration (A dialog box that opens when the user clicks Configure in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab. The user enters phone configuration information in this dialog box for the phone that is integrated with Communicator)
consommation de l'articleitem consumption (The items used to process an order)
contenu de l'imagepicture content (An image that is bounded by a picture frame)
contenu de l'utilisateur libre-serviceSelf-Service User Content (A node in the Library workspace that displays the resources (for example, .vhd files and scripts) that self-service users have uploaded for authoring templates and for sharing with other self-service users)
contexte de l'appelcall context (Information about the options that a caller selects that is collected and provided to the agent who receives the call)
contexte de l'objetobject context (The entity container defined in the conceptual schema. It contains a connection to the underlying data store and provides services such as change tracking)
contrat de fournisseur de l'applicationapplication provider agreement (An agreement that describes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the application provider and the organization offering a particular service with regards to the application)
contrôle de recherche dans l'applicationin-app search control (A control that developers use to implement the primary entry point for in-app search)
coordonnée de l'appareildevice coordinate (The coordinate used by the physical device being drawn on, such as a screen or sheet of paper)
couplage de la téléphonie et de l'informatiquecomputer telephony integration (The practice of using a computer to control one or more telephone and communications functions)
date d'expiration de l'articleitem expiration date (The date after which an item is no longer usable)
description de l'applicationapp listing (The description data of a single app that is rendered for display in the consumer side of the store. It consists of several pages of info that provide a composite view of all the details a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy the app. An app listing typically includes the app's name, the publisher's name, language support, device support, price tier, screen shots, age rating and customer reviews. The web-based version of this is called an app listing page)
Description de l'applicationapp description (A Product Description Page that provides a composite view of all the details that a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy a particular app. This page typically includes the title, publisher name, language support, device support, price point, screen shots, ratings, and reviews)
destinataire de l'appelcallee (The person whom, or place that, a caller is calling)
destinataire de l'appelcall recipient (The person whom, or place that, a caller is calling)
devise de l'acheteurbuyer currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
Diagnostic de l'efficacité énergétiquePower Efficiency Diagnostic (A Wizard-based interface for maximizing battery life based on user preferences)
dimension définie par l'utilisateuruser-defined dimension (A user-created and user-modifiable dimension that is not assigned a dimension type that is recognized by PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler. No built-in behavior is associated with it)
disposition de l'objetobject layout (The positioning of an object, such as a chart, shape, image or text box, on a page, along with related options such as text-wrapping styles)
droits de l'utilisateuruser rights (Tasks that a user is permitted to perform on a computer system or domain)
durée de vie de l'objetobject lifetime (The span of time a cached object resides in cache and is available to be retrieved by cache clients. The object expires when its lifetime ends. Expired objects cannot be retrieved by cache clients, but remain in memory of the cache host until they are evicted. Specified as time to live (TTL))
Définir l'échéanceSet due date (An option that allows the user to set the date by which a To Do needs to be completed)
définition de l'appareil mobiledevice definition (The characteristics of a device available through the MobileCapabilities class and the DeviceSpecific control)
définition de l'humeur du participantmood definition (The interpretation, whether system-supplied or organizer-specified, of a particular color that indicates an attendee's mood)
délai d'expiration de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine expiration (A feature of Virtual Machine Manager that enables an administrator to set the number of days after the created date when a virtual machine is retired from use by self-service users. Expired virtual machines no longer appear in the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. However, the Virtual Machine Manager administrator still can manage the expired virtual machines. Expiration settings are applied transparently through the virtual machine templates with which self-service users create their virtual machines)
délégation de l'authentificationauthentication delegation (A method used to authenticate a session that has been opened with the published Web site)
détails de l'ordinateurcomputer details (A list of computer properties that are configured to display and provide information about a specific computer)
effectuer l'analysemeter (To measure and record usage)
effectuer l'apprentissagetrain (To populate a model with data to derive patterns that can be used in prediction or knowledge discovery)
Enregistrer l'image cléRecord Keyframe (To set a property change to occur at a certain time in an animation storyboard)
Entrer l'URI du contrôle d'appel distantEnter remote call control URI (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
Entrer l'URI du téléphoneEnter phone URI (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
en-tête de l'hôtehost header (A piece of information that enables IIS to resolve a request based on the domain name specified by the browser, rather than one based only on the IP address and port number. For example, the host header name for the URL http://www.microsoft.com is www.microsoft.com. By using host headers, you can use the same IP address and port for multiple IIS Web sites)
en-tête de l'échangeinterchange header (In EDI, a part of an interchange, or group of logically associated documents, used to indicate the start of the interchange)
espace réservé pour l'imagepicture placeholder (A rectangle that represents an imported graphic in your document. You can increase scrolling speed by temporarily replacing graphics with picture placeholders)
estimation à l'achèvementestimate at completion (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
expiration de l'articleitem expiration (The date after which an item is no longer usable)
exploration à l'aide de la barre de navigationbreadcrumb navigation (A form of navigation that shows the path to the current Web page)
extension de l'ID de classeClass ID extension (An extended HTML element that is used to describe the class of a viewable or downloadable document. It can be misused to pass dangerous attachments; EHS allows users to block this tag)
extinction de l'écranscreen time-out (A setting that specifies an amount of time before the screen turns off and the phone locks itself)
faire glisser à l'aide de deux doigtsslide two fingers (To slide two fingers on a touchpad or similar device at the same time and with a relatively short distance between each other)
fichier de configuration de l'applicationapplication configuration file (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
file d'attente à l'impressionprint queue (The list of documents that are waiting to be printed)
Fin de l'appel, raccrocherend call (An infotip for the button on the phone and video controls that ends the conversation)
fonction d'agrégation définie par l'utilisateuruser-defined aggregate function (An aggregate function created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Frameworks common language runtime)
fonctionnalité de l'appareil mobiledevice capability (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or the element)
fonctionnalité de l'appareil mobiledevice capability (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or the
format XML de l'applicationApplication XML (An XML-based serialization format used by SharePoint-based servers to represent Access Services database applications. It includes database properties, queries, forms, reports, and macros)
G n rateur d' l ment de donn es externesExternal Data Item Builder (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
Gestion avancée de l'alimentationAdvanced Power Management (An older power management technology used in mobile PCs before the implementation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Advanced Power Management is a software interface that functions between the BIOS power-management software that is specific to the hardware and a power-management policy driver that is run by the operating system)
gestion de l'alimentationpower management (Mechanisms in software and hardware to minimize system power consumption, manage system thermal limits, and maximize system battery life. Power management involves trade-offs among system speed, noise, battery life, processing speed, and power consumption)
Gestion de l'organisation en affichage seulView-Only Organization Management (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
Gestion des droits relatifs à l'informationInformation Rights Management (A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send)
Gestion des droits relatifs à l'information, services RMSInformation Rights Management (A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send)
Guide de l'utilisateurUser's Guide (A comprehensive, printable reference for using the device)
géométrie de l'environnementworld geometry (The mathematical representation of a 3D space or object)
Gérer les champs définis par l'utilisateurManage User-Defined Fields (An option, found on the Business Contact Manager menu, that enables the user to customize multiple fields)
habillage de l'imagepicture wrapping (A feature that consists of picture wrap functionality, allowing the user to select from various styles to specify how pictures flow around other objects in a document)
heure de l'applicationapplication time (The clock time supplied by applications which must communicate their application time to the StreamInsight server so that all temporal operators refer to the timestamp of the events and never to the system clock of the host machine)
ID de l'appelantcaller ID (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
ID de l'applicationapp ID (An identification number for a software application)
identificateur de clé de l'autoritéAuthority Key Identifier (A certificate extension used by the certificate chaining engine to determine what certificate was used to sign a presented certificate. The AKI can contain the issuer name, serial number, public key information, or no information at all. By matching the information in a certificate's AKI extension to a CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension, a certificate chain can be built)
identification de l'appelantcaller ID (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
identité de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine identity (The virtual machine name in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, which uniquely identify a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine)
identité de l'utilisateuruser identity (" Identity assigned to a user during authentication. For example, the user identity of anonymous users would be the default "iusr" account. ")
image de référence de l'écran videblank reference image (A snapshot of what the Surface screen looks like in your lighting environment with nothing on the screen. This snapshot is taking during calibration)
Impression prenant en charge l'emplacementLocation Aware Printing (A feature that automatically configures the default printer based on the user's network location. When a mobile user changes network locations, the default printer also changes to the correct one for that network, as defined by the user)
indice de performance de l'échéancierschedule performance index The ratio of the earned value (EV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), to the planned value (PV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). SPI is often used to estimate the project completion date. The SPI value is calculated as follows: SPI = EV/PV. If the resulting SPI value is less than 1.0, that indicates that less work was completed on the project than was planned. If the SPI value is 1.0 or greater, that indicates that more work was completed than was planned; SPI (IPE)
informations d'identification de l'utilisateuruser credentials (Information, such as user name and password, for a particular user or account for gaining access to a resource)
informations sur l'adresse de facturationbilling address information (The complete set of bill-to address information that makes up the full postal address)
Informations sur l'adresse partagéeShared Address Information (An IP address of the OneNote session that is being shared with other users)
inscription de l'appareildevice registration (The process of verifying a user's credentials and the server certificate, as well as to register information about the device on the server)
Inscription de l'autorité de certification via le WebCertification Authority Web Enrollment (The role service that provides a set of web pages that allow interaction with the Certification Authority role service)
installation de l'administrateuradministrator setup (A mode of setup that allows network administrators to silently deploy to client computers)
instance de l'orchestrationorchestration instance (A running instance of a specific executable business process)
intégration des applications de l'entrepriseenterprise application integration (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
journal d'audit de l'administrateuradministrator audit log (An auditing record that records any action, based on a Windows PowerShell cmdlet, performed by an administrator. This can help the administrator troubleshoot configuration issues or identify the cause of security- or compliance-related problems)
Jumelage de l'accessoirePairing accessory (The screen title prompting a user to enter the same PIN to pair the phone and the Bluetooth accessory)
Kit de développement de l'encodeur Windows MediaWindows Media Encoder Software Development Kit (An SDK for creating encoding applications based on Windows Media technologies)
L'utilisateur de boîte aux lettresmailbox user (A mail-enabled Active Directory user object that has mailbox attributes)
langue de l'interface utilisateuruser interface language (The language in which all software (including the operating system) displays its menus, help files, error messages, and dialog boxes)
latence de l'alertealert latency (The delay between when an alert is raised and when an alert is displayed on the MOM console)
Lier à l'enregistrementLink to Record (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
limite de l'anglemiter limit (The limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner. The miter limit controls how long the corner point of a miter join can get before it is automatically squared off into a bevel join)
Lire l'annonce enregistréePlay Recorded Announcement (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant that prompts the conferencing service to play a pre-arranged recorded announcement to the conference participants)
Liste de recherche de l'emplacement d'un espace de travail des tâchesTask Workspace Locator List (A list that is used to look up the location of a task workspace, given the details of the task type)
liste Personnaliser l'animationCustom Animation list (The list of animation sequences for a slide. Items are listed in the order in which they are added, and include icons that indicate timing in relation to other animation events)
manifeste de l'applicationapplication manifest (An XML document that describes requirements for an application. The application manifest can be a separate file or embedded in the application's .exe file)
manifeste de l'applicationapp manifest (An XML file that specifies the characteristics of an application. This includes metadata for the application, dependencies on other packages, and capabilities required by the app)
manifeste de l'assemblyassembly manifest (An integral part of every assembly that renders the assembly self-describing. The assembly manifest contains the assembly's metadata. The manifest establishes the assembly identity, specifies the files that make up the assembly implementation, specifies the types and resources that make up the assembly, itemizes the compile-time dependencies on other assemblies, and specifies the set of permissions required for the assembly to run properly. This information is used at run time to resolve references, enforce version binding policy, and validate the integrity of loaded assemblies. The self-describing nature of assemblies also helps makes zero-impact install and XCOPY deployment feasible)
manifeste de l'évaluationassessment manifest (The XML file that describes the content and function of an assessment for use with the Assessment Platform)
Marques de l'auteurAuthor Marks (A feature that identifies the author of unread new or changed content in a shared notebook)
menu contextuel de l'applicationapp Context Menu (The system user interface provided for cut, copy, and paste)
message de confirmation de l'activationactivation confirmation message (An e-mail message sent from Microsoft Online Services telling a user that the user's account has been activated and supplying a user name and password for initial log-on)
mettre à l'échellescale (To enlarge or reduce the display of an item, such as a drawing or a proportional character font, by adjusting its size proportionally)
Microsoft Office 365 pour l'éducationMicrosoft Office 365 for education (An online suite of services from Microsoft that combines the familiar Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and others to be added in the future. The education version is geared towards students and offers student access to online storage)
migration de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine migration (The process of moving a deployed virtual machine from its current virtual machine host to another host)
mise hors connexion de l'applicationapplication offlining (The act of downloading BCS Solutions from a SharePoint site to Outlook)
Mise à jour de l'Agent DPSagent update (The update of the Data Protection Server File Agent with a more recent version of the File Agent)
mise à jour de l'antivirusantivirus update (Periodic update from software manufacturers to their antivirus software)
mise à l'échellescaling (In computer graphics, the process of enlarging or reducing a graphical image--scaling a font to a desired size or scaling a model created with a CAD program, for example)
Mise à l'échelle PPPDPI scaling (The process of adjusting display resolution based on monitor resolution)
mode d'abonnement pour l'utilisation de matériels et de services informatiquessubscription computing (An approach in which telephone and internet service providers offer PCs to their customers, who then have the ability to pay for them over time through their monthly bill)
mode de gestion de l'alimentationpower scheme (A group of preset power-management options. For example, you can set elapsed times for putting your computer on standby and for turning off your monitor and hard disk. You save these settings as a named power scheme)
mode de gestion de l'alimentationpower plan (A group of preset power-management options. For example, you can set elapsed times for putting your computer on standby and for turning off your monitor and hard disk. You save these settings as a named power scheme)
mode de gestion de l'alimentation activéactive power plan (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
mode de gestion de l'alimentation ASPMactive-state power management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Mode de gestion de l'alimentation ASPMActive State Power Management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
modèle de formulaire approuvé par l'administrateuradministrator-approved form template (A browser-compatible form template that has been uploaded by an administrator to a server running InfoPath Forms Services. An administrator-approved form template can include code)
modèle objet de l'Explorateur BizTalkBizTalk Explorer Object Model (The APIs used to create tools and scripts to automate the post-deployment tasks that you perform in BizTalk Explorer. You can use the BizTalk Explorer Object Model for such post-deployment tasks as creating ports, binding orchestrations, managing party properties, or any other task where you would use BizTalk Explorer. The BizTalk Explorer Object Model APIs are in the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM namespace)
montant de l'écart par unitéunit variance amount (The amount of variance between the invoice net unit price and the purchase order net unit price when invoice lines and purchase order lines are compared)
montant de l'écart sur prix de ligneline price variance amount (The currency amount of the price variance between a vendor invoice line and the corresponding purchase order line, calculated as follows:(Invoice net unit price - Purchase order net unit price) Update invoice quantity)
mot de passe de l'appareildevice password (A passcode that a user enters on a mobile device that supports the Exchange ActiveSync protocol. The device password unlocks the device and allows access to the data stored on the device)
mot de passe de l'utilisateuruser password (The password stored in each user's account. Each user generally has a unique user password and must type that password when logging on or accessing a server)
MS Objectif de l'activitéMS Activity Purpose (A field that allows the user to indicate the reason for an action taken (email, fax, meeting, etc))
mémoire virtuelle de l'imprimantevirtual printer memory (In a PostScript printer, a part of memory that stores font information. The memory in PostScript printers is divided into two areas: banded memory and virtual memory. The banded memory contains graphics and page-layout information needed to print your documents. The virtual memory contains any font information that is sent to your printer either when you print a document or when you download fonts)
métadonnées de l'assemblyassembly metadata (Metadata that is part of the assembly manifest)
niveau de protection de l'objetobject protection level (The integrity level of an object, stored in a token or an object's system access control list (SACL). The access check algorithm uses the object protection level to perform Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC))
noeud de configuration de l'organisationOrganization Configuration node (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
nom complet de l'ordinateurfull computer name (A fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The full computer name is a concatenation of the computer name (for example, client1) and the primary DNS suffix of the computer (for example, reskit.com))
Nom de l'adresseAddress Name (An attribute of the Address entity used to identify an address. It is a required field on the Address form)
nom de l'appareildevice name (A user-defined description of a particular device)
nom de l'applicationapp name (The name of a product in the store that appears to customers. To the end user, this is the name of the product)
nom de l'ordinateurcomputer name (A unique name with as many as 15 characters that identifies a computer to the network)
nom de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine name (The name that, in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, uniquely identifies a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system)
nom de l'organisationbrand name (Text, entered by a meeting organizer, that identifies the company or organization using Live Meeting and that replaces the image file (if unavailable) in the Live Meeting user interface)
nombre À l'ancienneold-style number (A number represented in a style where numeric glyphs have varying heights and positions and may extend below the baseline. Using old-style numbers in body text improves its overall look and readability)
Norme 005 de l'Association canadienne des paiementsCanadian Payments Association Standard 005 (A standard for the exchange of financial data on automatic funds transfer (AFT) records that is maintained by the Canadian Payments Association (CPA))
note concernant l'appelcall note (A note with general information about the call, such as subject, that is generated by the ACD to potentially be forwarded or transferred along with the call)
Notification de courrier indésirable pour l'utilisateur finalEnd-User Spam Notification (An email message that contains a spam report for individual users who don't have access to quarantine or the junk email folder)
notification à l'utilisateuruser notification (A notification that an application sends to inform users about important information while the application is running)
nouvelle tentative d'acquisition agressive de l'adresseaggressive address acquisition retry (A registry setting that allows the DHCP client to transmit more messages to the server to obtain an IP address when the PC is in connected standby mode. This setting can increase power consumption but can also help resolve IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) problems more quickly)
numéro d'identification de l'employeuremployer identification number (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
numéro d'état de l'erreurerror state number (A number associated with SQL Server messages that helps Microsoft support engineers find the specific code location that issued the message)
objet défini par l'utilisateuruser-defined object (A custom object defined by the user)
offre dans l'applicationin-app offer (A feature that a developer provides in an app for consumers to buy from within the app through an in-app purchase transaction)
optimisation de l'alimentationpower optimization (The capability to automatically turn off a virtual host machine that is not needed to meet resource requirements within a host cluster and then turn the virtual host machine back on when it is needed again)
option Autoriser la désactivation par l'utilisateurAllow User Opt-Out option (The option on the Spam Filter page for turning off spam and virus filtering at the individual user level)
option de stockage Modifier l'objetModify Subject storage option (The option on the Policy Filter page for delivering spam e-mail messages to the recipient with an identifying word or phrase in the subject line)
option Restriction de l'accès à la mise en quarantaine du courrier indésirable sur la base de l'adresse IPIP Restrict Spam Quarantine option (The option on the Spam Filter page that restricts access to monitoring and managing Spam Quarantine by IP address)
ordinateur dont l'utilisation est soumise à abonnementsubscription computer (The computer offered to a customer by a solution provider where the customer chooses from a range of packaged services, including a computer, genuine Windows software, and broadband Internet services, which are included in one bill. Computer time is purchased for a specified, regular time period (for example, on a monthly or quarterly basis))
ordinateur hôte de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine host (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
outil Configuration de l'application MusiqueMusic Configuration tool (The tool that you use to configure the Music application)
outil Configuration de l'interface SourceWater Configuration tool (The tool that you use to customize Water)
outil de création de package de l'applicationapp packager (A developer tool to build appx packages)
Outil de personnalisation de reconnaissance de l'écritureHandwriting recognition personalization tool (A feature of Windows Vista for Tablet PC that allows users to tailor handwriting recognition results to their own personal handwriting style)
Outil Gestion de l'activation en volumeVolume Activation Management Tool (An MMC snap-in that enables IT professionals to automate and centrally manage the Windows and Microsoft Office volume and retail activation process. VAMT can manage volume activation by using Multiple Activation Keys (MAKs) or the Windows Key Management Service (KMS))
Outil Gestion de l'activation en volumeVAMT (An MMC snap-in that enables IT professionals to automate and centrally manage the Windows and Microsoft Office volume and retail activation process. VAMT can manage volume activation by using Multiple Activation Keys (MAKs) or the Windows Key Management Service (KMS))
package de l'applicationapp package (A file that contains the app manifest, executable files, text and image resource files, and other files that make up the app for a single platform)
paiement à l'utilisationpay-as-you-go computing (A model in which a solution provider offers a computer to the customer for a low initial payment, and the customer adds time to the computer by purchasing blocks of computer usage time. Once an agreed-upon amount of usage time is purchased, the customer has unlimited access to the computer and no longer needs to pay for computer usage time)
paramètre au niveau de l'hôtehost-level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include host tracking, and properties related to resource-based throttling, rate-based throttling, and orchestration throttling. Host-level settings tweak the way all instances of host behave in a given deployment. For example, if for Host1 the setting Max. engine threads is changed to 200, all instances of Host1 will work with a maximum of 200 engine threads)
paramètre au niveau de l'instance de l'hôtehost instance–level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include .NET CLR settings and properties related to an orchestration memory throttling. Specific to a given host instance, host-level settings essentially govern the use of a computer's resources (such as RAM or I/O). An example is Max. I/O Threads)
Participer à l'amélioration de ce produitHelp improve this product (A button related to the Customer Experience Improvement Program)
plan de facturation à l'usagemetered data plan (A mobile broadband or other network or data plan that bills according to data use, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
planification contrôlée par l'utilisateuruser-controlled scheduling (A feature that allows the user to specify manual or automatic scheduling on a per-task basis)
plateau de mise à l'échellescaling plateau (A preset scaling factor)
point de contrôle de l'utilitaireutility control point (A network node that provides the central reasoning point for the SQL Server Utility. It uses Utility Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health)
pointeur de l'appareildevice handle (A piece of software code or an ID that allows a user to programmatically access the mobile device)
points de vue de l'utilitaire SQL ServerSQL Server Utility viewpoints (A feature of SQL Server Utility that provides administrators a holistic view of resource health through an instance of SQL Server that serves as a utility control point (UCP))
prix unitaire net de l'ordre d'achatpurchase order net unit price (The expected currency amount per unit that is represented by the purchase order, calculated as follows: Purchase order line net amount / Quantity on the purchase order)
profil de l'organisationorganization profile (A set of properties that describe a company, division, department, or other business unit within a company. For example, name, account number, spending limits, company discount, and so forth, are all properties that can constitute an organization profile)
profondeur de l'intervallegap depth (A measure that specifies the distance between data series that are displayed along distinct rows, as a result of clustering)
Programme d'amélioration de l'aideHelp Improvement program (A feature that helps Microsoft identify trends in the way Help is used so that Microsoft can improve the search results and the relevancy of the content)
Programme d'amélioration de l'expérience utilisateurCustomer Experience Improvement Program (A Microsoft program that invites customers to provide Microsoft with more detailed information about how the software is used including the type and frequency of errors, software and hardware performance, and feature usage. This information is anonymous and voluntary, and is used strictly for the purposes of software development)
Programme d'amélioration de l'expérience utilisateur Windows ServerWindows Server Customer Experience Improvement Program (The Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program that is deployed with Windows Server)
Programme d'amélioration de l'expérience utilisateur Windows ServerWindows Server CEIP (The Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program that is deployed with Windows Server)
projet au niveau de l'entrepriseenterprise-level project (A major project that is related to an organization, such as a team coordination project or a project created to establish consistency across the organization)
projet n'appartenant pas à l'entreprisenon-enterprise project (A project that has not been published to Project Server, either because it is being saved by someone who is not a project manager on the project, or because there is not a valid connection to the server)
propriétaire de l'affectationassignment owner (An enterprise resource who is responsible for entering progress information in Project Web Access. This person can be different than the person initially assigned to the task)
propriétaire de l'alertealert owner (The person who is assigned the alert and who is working on it)
propriété de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine ownership (The ownership under which an owner can operate and manage a designated virtual machine through the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. If a self-service policy is created for a group, the group can have either per user ownership of virtual machines or shared ownership of virtual machines)
Propriétés de l'affichageDisplay Properties (An icon in Windows Vista Control Panel that opens a dialog allowing user to change display options including screen resolution, refresh rate, color depth, and orientation)
protection étendue de l'authentificationExtended Protection for Authentication (A security feature that helps protect against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks)
protocole L2TPLayer Two Tunneling Protocol (An industry-standard Internet tunneling protocol that provides encapsulation for sending Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames across packet-oriented media. For IP networks, L2TP traffic is sent as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) messages. In Microsoft operating systems, L2TP is used in conjunction with Internet Protocol security (IPSec) as a virtual private network (VPN) technology to provide remote access or router-to-router VPN connections. L2TP is described in RFC 2661)
précision de l'arrondirounding precision (The degree of precision with which values will be rounded)
Prévention de l'exécution des donnéesData Execution Prevention (" A security feature that monitors programs on a computer to determine if they use system memory safely. To do this, DEP software works alone or with compatible microprocessors to mark some memory locations as "non-executable." If a program tries to run code that is malicious or is not from a protected location, DEP closes the program and notifies you.")
prévisions pilotées par l'efforteffort-driven scheduling (The default method of scheduling in Project; the duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a task remains unchanged)
Publier l'enregistrementPublish Recording (A UI element that allows a user to save a meeting to the conference center)
pulsation de l'agentagent heartbeat (The process when the MOM agent contacts the MOM server every 10 seconds to indicate that it is alive)
péremption de l'articleitem expiration (The date after which an item is no longer usable)
qualité de l'expérienceQuality of Experience (A measurement of a user's perception of the quality of an audio communication session. For example, in a voice communication, QoE monitors echoes and background noises such as hissing in the line)
racine de l'applicationapplication root (The root directory for an application; all directories and files contained within the application root are considered part of the application. Also called an application starting point directory)
racine de l'espace de nomsnamespace root (The top-level folder in a Distributed File System (DFS) namespace)
rappel défini par l'appelantset-by-caller callback (In Network Connections, a form of callback in which the user supplies the telephone number that the remote access server uses for callback. This setting spares the user any long-distance telephone charges)
rapport de build de l'ordinateurcomputer build report (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
rapport des récupérations de l'administrateurAdministrator Recovery report (A DPS report that provides statistics on administrator-initiated recoveries)
rapport d'intégrité de l'organisationOrganizational Health report (A report that provides you a quick view of your organization and its operating characteristics. This includes health and licensing information, and also a summary of the Exchange servers and recipients)
rapport sur l'utilisation du disqueDisk Utilization report (A DPS report that provides statistics on disk capacity, allocation, usage, and availability)
rayon de l'anglecorner radius (" The radius that determines how much, if any, the corner of a rectangular object is actually curved or "rounded-off".")
recherche dans l'applicationin-app search (An end-to-end search functionality in an app)
reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscritehandwriting recognizer (A feature that converts writing into typed text)
reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscritehandwriting recognition (The act of handwriting being recognized as text on a Tablet PC)
relancer l'analyserescan (To search for new tape libraries and stand-alone tape drives attached to the DPM server, and for storage nodes managed by the DPM server)
Remplissage à l'aide de zéroszero padding (Appending zeros to the beginning of a number, or a series of numbers)
Reproduire l'animationAnimation Painter (A feature that replicates the animation associated with a source object to one or more target objects)
responsable de l'approvisionnementsupply planner (The employee who is responsible for creating a supply plan)
responsable de l'engagement clientengagement manager (An employee who is responsible for closing services sales opportunities and developing new customer engagement opportunities)
responsable de l'exécutionexecutive planner (The employee who is responsible for the overall sales and operations plan)
responsable de l'implémentation de l'activitéactivity implementer (A user who has been assigned the Activity Implementer role and who implements an assigned manual activity)
ressource Configuration par défaut de l'applicationApp Default Config resource (A Commerce Server resource with site-level properties, managed through Commerce Server Manager. Use App Default Config to set properties that determine site functionality in areas such as currency options, billing options, and BizTalk Server integration)
ressources de l'infrastructure de l'applicationApplication Frameworks resources (A set of programs, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and scripts that enable users to install virtual applications and Web applications during the deployment of a service)
Restauration de l'ordinateurComplete PC Restore (A tool in Windows Vista that restores the entire computer (OS, settings, and files))
restrictions de l'ordinateurcomputer restrictions (Settings that limit operating system functionality; including, privacy and security)
revenu de l'applicationapp proceeds (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
revenu de l'application depuis le dernier règlementapp proceeds since last payment (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
revenu de l'application à la dateapp proceeds to date (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
routage vers l'agent le plus longuement inactiflongest idle routing (A routing method in which the agent who has the longest idle in the hunt group is offered the call first)
récupération par l'utilisateurend-user recovery (A feature that enables an end user to independently recover data by retrieving a shadow copy. This feature requires the shadow copy client software)
Récupérer l'appel en attenteRetrieve Call From Hold (A button on in the Transfer Call dialog box that reconnects the user to the call that is currently on hold)
Référence à l'alcoolAlcohol Reference (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
réputation de l'expéditeursender reputation (Anti-spam functionality that is enabled on computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed to block messages according to characteristics of the sender. The Sender Reputation agent continuously monitors senders and their past Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) interactions, such as the amount of spam and messages that are not spam that a sender has sent, and relies on persisted data about the sender to determine what action, if any, to take on an inbound message)
réserve de ressources de l'ordinateur hôtehost reserve (A resource that is set aside on the physical host computer for the use of the host operating system)
résultats de l'analysefeedback document (A document which is sent from Navision to Outlook as a response for a synchronization query. The feedback document contains all errors or conflicts detected by the C/AL code at the Navision Service Tier during the synchronization)
Sauvegarde de l'ordinateurComplete PC Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the entire computer (OS, settings, and files))
serveur d'administration de l'entrepôt de données de Service ManagerService Manager data warehouse management server (The Service Manager management server that performs the management functions for the data warehouse)
serveur de l'AlbumClipBook Server (A system service that supports ClipBook Viewer, which allows pages to be seen by remote ClipBooks)
service de contrôle d'intégrité de l'administration System CenterSystem Center Management Health service (The Windows-based service responsible for executing management packs as part of the Operations Manager agent and server components)
Service de l'agent de déploiement WebWeb Deployment Agent Service (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account)
Service de l'agent de déploiement Web MicrosoftMicrosoft Web Deployment Agent Service (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account)
Services de prise en charge de l'écriture manuscriteInk and Handwriting Services (A Tablet PC feature that provides ink support and handwriting recognition)
signature du package de l'applicationapp package signing (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
source de l'événementevent source (The point of origin of an event)
Statistiques de l'applicationApp Summary (Collected data about an app, such as analytics of download, usage, in-application transaction, customer ratings provided by the Windows Store developer portal. This type of information helps developers clearly understand how their applications are doing in the Windows market)
statut de l'agentagent state (An attribute of a user that specifies whether the user is signed in as an agent or not)
statut de l'enregistrementrecord status (The condition, at a particular time, of a record)
stockage de données de l'applicationapp data storage (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
stratégie de prévention de l'intimidationanti-bullying supervision policy (" E-mail policy settings that administrators use to prevent a bully from sending e-mail messages to specific people by adding the bully's e-mail address as an entry on the "victim's" supervision list. This functionality supports anti-harassment policies in schools and other organizations.")
style défini par l'utilisateuruser-defined style (A new style or a modification to a built-in style. User-defined styles always contain cascading style sheet formatting attributes)
Suppression de l'arrière-planBackground Removal (An image editing feature that allows a user to isolate the foreground portion of an image and make the background transparent)
Supprimer l'associationRemove association (An option that allows the user to remove the link between an item and a To Do)
symbole de l'action, code du titreticker symbol (An identification code used to identify a publicly traded corporation on a particular stock market)
temps d'utilisation de l'ordinateurcomputer usage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
Terminer l'appelEnd the call (An infotip for the Hang Up button. The Hang Up button is a button on Phone Controls and Audio Controls)
test codé de l'interface utilisateurcoded UI test (An automated test of the user interface of an application. A coded UI test exercises user actions and validates the expected results)
texte de l'espace réservéplaceholder text (Text or some other element used in an application as an indicator that the user should enter in his or her own text)
titre de l'applicationapp title (The name a developer provides for their application)
tonalité de l'invite de la carte d'appelprompt tone (A sound that becomes audible to the user to trigger an action by the user)
toucher effectué à l'aide de deux doigtstwo-finger tap (A multi-touch gesture that consists of two fingers tapping at the same time and with a relative short distance between each other)
type clr défini par l'utilisateurCLR user-defined type (A user-defined data type created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR))
type de contenu basé sur l'élémentitem-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for any type of SharePoint list item)
type de l'objet connectéconnected object type (The object type in the connected system to which the ILM objects are connected)
type défini par l'utilisateuruser-defined type (A base data type that is explicitly defined by using the pre-compiler typedef directive)
utilisateur de l'entrepriseenterprise user (A user who has an identity in Active Directory Domain Services)
vaccin contre l'haemophilus influenzae de type BHib (A vaccine for immunization against serious infections caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b, such as meningitis and pneumonia)
vaccin contre l'haemophilus influenzae de type Bhaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against serious infections caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b, such as meningitis and pneumonia)
vaccin contre l'hépatite Ahepatitis A vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against hepatitis A virus infection)
vaccin contre l'hépatite Bhepatitis B vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against hepatitis B virus infection)
Validation de l'achatCheckout (The button that allows customers to finalize their purchase on a website)
vignette de l'applicationapp tile (A tile on the Start screen, as defined in its manifest. An app can only have one app tile, but it can have multiple secondary tiles)
virtualisation de l'interface utilisateuruser interface virtualization (In Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, a technique by which a subset of UI elements are generated from a larger number of data items based on which items are visible on the screen. Virtualization is a performance enhancement, because it is intensive, both in terms of memory and processor, to generate a large number of UI elements when only a few may be on the screen at a given time)
Visionneuse de l'aideHelp viewer (The tool or window that contains the Help content)
Visionneuse de l'étendue de l'ergonomieAccScope (The tool that helps designers and developers visualize the accessibility information of UI elements, as seen by a screen reader)
Visionneuse de l'étendue de l'ergonomieAccessibility Scope Viewer (The tool that helps designers and developers visualize the accessibility information of UI elements, as seen by a screen reader)
Vue de l'agendaAgenda view (A calendar view that displays all scheduled items)
vérification de l'instrument de paiementpayment instrument challenge (A fraud prevention mechanism that attempts to verify that an individual using a payment instrument is authorized to use or is the owner of that instrument)
vérification de l'intégritéintegrity checking (A task that the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) performs by confirming that the SHA-1 computed hash of each system component that runs during boot matches the values that are stored in platform configuration registers (PCRs) at the time BitLocker Drive Encryption was turned on. If the state of early boot components is different from the static root of trust measurement, BitLocker boots to recovery mode until the authorized user enters the recovery password)
zoom sur l'objetobject zoom (A view that shows a close-up of an object within a document)
échanger l'adresse IP virtuelleswap VIP (To swap the staging environment with the production environment of a cloud service)
échanger l'adresse IP virtuelleswap virtual IP (To swap the staging environment with the production environment of a cloud service)
énumération basée sur l'accèsaccess-based enumeration (A feature that displays only the files and folders that a user has permissions to access)
épingler sur l'écran d'accueilpin to start (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen)
Épingler à l'écran d'accueilPin to Start (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)
étalonnage de l'écrandisplay calibration (The act of adjusting a display so that its response to RGB input signals matches a predefined standard such as sRGB)
Étalonnage des couleurs de l'écranDisplay Color Calibration (A wizard that guides users through a series of adjustments to their display to produce a more accurate rendering of sRGB color content)
étape de l'applicationapp step (A workflow step whose actions can read from and write to all items in a site)
état de l'applicationapplication state (In ASP.NET, a variable store that is created on the server for the current application and is shared by all users. Application state is typically used to store information that is used for all users, such as application-wide settings)
évaluation de l'ordinateursystem rating (A number that gives a general indication of the performance capability of your computer's hardware)
évaluation de l'ordinateur hôtehost rating (A rating, consisting of zero through five stars, that is assigned to each host during virtual machine placement to indicate the host's suitability for hosting the virtual machine. The host rating is based on the virtual machine's hardware and software requirements and anticipated resource usage. Host ratings also take into consideration the placement goal: either resource maximization on hosts or load balancing among hosts. The metrics for rating hosts can be customized for Virtual Machine Manager, for host groups, and for individual virtual machines)
événement de l'origine des besoinspegging event (A resource flow event that signals the demand for a product)
être l'objet d'un dépassement de capacitéoverflow (To be filled beyond capacity)