
Terms for subject Agriculture containing in | all forms | exact matches only
incubateur drive indrive in setter
installation de traite in-churninstallation for milking direct into can
installation de traite in-churnin-churn milking plant
lignine in situprotolignin
lignine in situnative lignin
micropropagation in vitromicrocuttage
micropropagation in vitromicrocutting
micropropagation in vitroin vitro micropropagation
Mise au point de systèmes intégrés pour la multiplication à grande échelle de plants élites par les techniques in vitro Action COST 822Development of integrated systems for large-scale propagation of elite plants using in vitro techniques COST Action 822
multiplication végétale in vitromicrocutting
multiplication végétale in vitromicrocuttage
multiplication végétale in vitroin vitro micropropagation
méthode de contrôle "in plant""in plant method"
phosphore isotopiquement diluable in vitroRussell E value
phosphore isotopiquement diluable in vitroRussell's E value
phosphore isotopiquement diluable in vitroisotopically dilutable phosphorus (in vitro)
phosphore isotopiquement diluable in vitroisotopically exchangeable phosphorus in vitro
phosphore isotopiquement diluable in vitroE value
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vitroisotopically dilutable phosphorus (in vitro)
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vitroisotopically exchangeable phosphorus in vitro
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vitroRussell E value
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vitroRussell's E value
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vitroE value
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vivoLarsen L value
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vivoLarsen's L value
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vivoisotopically dilutable phosphorus (in vivo)
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vivoisotopically exchangeable phosphorus in vivo
phosphore isotopiquement échangeable mesuré in vivoL value
système "all in - all out"all in - all out system
système de traite in churnmilking direct to can
système de traite in churnin-churn milking
traite in churnmilking direct to can
traite in churnin-churn milking
traitement in situ au colletground-line treatment
transformation in situprocessing locally