
Terms containing her | all forms | exact matches only
med.Ac anti-HAanti-HAV
gen.Ag HAHAAg
med.anticorps anti-HAanti-HAV
med.anticorps anti-HA type IgGIgG antibody to hepatitis A virus
med.anticorps anti-HA type IgMIgM antibody to hepatitis A virus
gen.antigène HAHAAg
environ.filtre du type HAtype HA filter
social.sc.Groupe de travail conjoint CC-HER/ECRI sur les "réseaux de recherche sur l'intolérance"Joint CC-HER/ECRI Working Party on Research Networking on Intolerance
tech.hl-hal U.S.bush-acre
tech.hl-ha1 b.bush.-acre
med.IgG anti-HAIgG antibody to hepatitis A virus
med.IgM anti HAIgM antibody to hepatitis A virus
agric.marchandises HAInon-Annex I goods
agric.marchandises HAINAI goods
el.mode HEHE mode
hi.energ.noyau 4He4He nucleus
hi.energ.noyau 4Hehelium-4 nucleus
hi.energ.noyau 4Hehelion
med.pessaire de Hasse-MensingaHasse-Mensinga pessary
tech.q-ha1 u.S.cwt.-acre
tech.q-ha1 b.cwt.-acre
fish.farm.requin-hatope (Galeorhinus galeus)
life.sc., fish.farm.Requin-tope (Galeorhinus galeus, Eugaleus galeus, Galeus vulgaris)
hi.energ.salle HEhigh-energy experimental hall
tech.t-ha1 ton-acre
tech.t-ha1 short ton-acre
med.virus HAhepatitis A virus
agric.volume/haapplication rate per hectare
commun., IT, engl.white hatwhite hat
commun., IT, engl.white hatwhite hat hacker
commun., IT, engl.white hatethical hacker