
Terms for subject Microsoft containing general | all forms
administrateur généralglobal administrator (The chief administrator of Microsoft Online Services for a customer. The global administrator appoints any subordinate administrative roles)
compte généralledger account (An account in the general ledger that records financial transactions, balances, or totals that pertain to assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and owner equity)
conditions généralesterms and conditions (The contractual provisions and major terms agreed to by the parties to an agreement)
onglet GénéralGeneral tab (In the Exchange Server user interface, the main tab on the properties page)
plan général intersociétésintercompany master plan (A master plan that is used for intercompany master scheduling)
planification généralemaster planning (A planning process that encompasses many manufacturing activities, such as demand management, production and resource planning, and master scheduling)
recherche généraleglobal search (A search operation that finds a desired string or record located anywhere in an application, document, or set of files)
rôle Administrateur généralglobal administrator role (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to configure settings on the entire PerformancePoint Server system and on all computers running PerformancePoint Server within the system)