
Terms for subject Environment containing entreprises | all forms | exact matches only
activité de l'entreprisebusiness activity
aire d'entreprisefacility
Charte des entreprises pour le développement durableBusiness Charter for Sustainable Development
Comité pour l'application du règlement permettant la participation volontaire des entreprises du secteur industriel à un système communautaire de management environnemental et d'auditCommittee for the application of the regulation authorizing voluntary participation by undertakings in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit scheme
communiqué aux entreprisestrade communique
Conseil mondial des entreprises pour le développement durableWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development
dimensions de l'entreprisesize of business
défense de l'environnement dans le cadre de l'entrepriseenvironmental protection in the enterprise
enlèvement par entreprise spécialiséecontractor removal
entreprise artisanalehandicraft business The profession, commercial firm or trade involving the production and distribution of articles that are made through the skilled use of one's hands
entreprise chargée de la valorisation des déchetswaste manager
entreprise commercialeundertaking business Any commercial activity, position or site associated with the preparation of the dead for burial and the management and arrangement of funerals
entreprise commercialeundertaking business
entreprise commune Piles à combustible et HydrogèneFuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
entreprise commune Piles à combustible et HydrogèneFCH Joint Undertaking
entreprise de collectewaste collection undertaking
entreprise de démolitiondemolition business
entreprise de démolitiondemolition business The activity of reducing buildings or other structures to rubble
entreprise de nettoyagecontract cleaner A commercial service provider, usually bound by a written agreement, responsible for the removal of dirt, litter or other unsightly materials from any property
entreprise de nettoyagecontract cleaner
entreprise de peinturepainting business A commercial service through which paint, a decorative or protective coating product, or similar products are applied to the interiors and exteriors of buildings and other surfaces
entreprise de peinturepainting business
entreprise de recyclagerecycler
entreprise de recyclagerecycling industry
entreprise de réparationrepair business Any commercial activity, position or site that involves work in restoring or fixing some material thing or structure, such as by replacing parts or putting together something torn, broken or detached
entreprise de réparationrepair business
entreprise de service publicpublic utility
entreprise de service publicpublic utility An enterprise concerned with the provision to the public of essentials, such as electricity or water
entreprise de service public détenue par une municipalitémunicipal utility
entreprise de traitement des déchetswaste processing industry
entreprise de traitement du lisiermanure-processing company
entreprise de transportstransportation business Any commercial venture involved in the processes of conveying things or people from one place to another
entreprise de transportstransportation business
entreprise environnementaleenvironmental enterprise Organisations that are specialized in providing advice on environmental matters, for example investigation and remediation of potentially polluted land, water and air, and in the evaluation of environmental impacts; they employ professionals with the qualifications of engineering, geology, chemistry, hydrogeology, landscaping, environmental economics, etc.
entreprise environnementaleenvironmental enterprise
entreprise monopolistique à tarifs réglementésregulated monopoly
entreprise municipale de construction de logementsmunicipal housing corporation
Entreprise nationale espagnole des déchets radioactifsNational Radioactive Waste Corporation
entreprise non respectueuse de l'environnementenvironmentally unfriendly firm
entreprise publiquestatutory public body An association, supported in whole or part by public funding, that is established to operate programs for the public, often with little interference from government in day-to-day business
entreprise publiquestatutory public body
entreprise respectueuse de l'environnement"green" company
entreprises du secteur tertiaireservice industry
facteurs environnementaux externes et internes touchant les entreprisesexternal and internal environment factors concerning the companies
fermeture d'une entrepriseclosing down of firm
forme juridique de l'entrepriselegal form of organisations
Initiative des chefs d'entreprise sur le changement climatiqueBusiness Leaders Initiative on Climate Change
management environnemental des entreprisescorporate environmental management
objectifs des entreprisesgoal of individual economic business The aim, purpose, objective, or end for a profit-seeking enterprise engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service
objectifs des entreprisesgoal of individual economic business
objectifs des entreprises économiques individuellesgoals of individual economic businesses
organisation de l'entreprisebusiness organisation
plan d'urgence interne à l'entrepriseon-site emergency plan
planification environnementale stratégique de l'entreprisestrategical environmental planification of the company
police d'entreprisecompany policy
politique d'entreprisecompany policy Official guidelines or set of guidelines adopted by a company for the management of its activity
politique de l'entreprisebusiness policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for an enterprise or company organized for commercial purposes
régime d'aide à la gestion de l'énergie et de l'environnement dans les petites entreprisesSmall Company Environmental and Energy Management Assistance Scheme
structure de l'entreprisecompany structure The type of organization of a company. Three kinds of structure are usually recognized: centralized, formal or hierarchical
taille d'entreprisesize of business No definition needed
type d'entreprisebusiness classification The categorization of enterprises or organizations involved in an economy
valeur de liquidation de l'entrepriserealised value of the firm
échange international de droits d'émission entre entreprisesinternational trading between firms
économie d'entreprisebusiness economics
économie de l'environnement des entreprisesenvironmental economics of firms
économie environnementale des entreprisesenvironmental economics of firms The use of financial resources for the purpose of incorporating ecological principles in the operations of businesses and companies
économie environnementale des entreprisesenvironmental economics of firms