
Terms for subject Microsoft containing enfant | all forms
catégorie enfantchild category (An entity used in catalogs to group a set of products together in a hierarchy. A child category is a subordinate of a parent category. For example, Music is a parent category, and Rock, Country, and Classical are child categories. You create parent and child categories to organize the products displayed on your site)
compte enfantchild account (An account optimized for children that parents can control and customize)
conteneur d'application enfantchild app container (An app container that places additional restrictions on what an app can do based on its parent app container)
domaine enfantchild domain (" A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain name (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, "example.microsoft.com" would be a subdomain of the domain "microsoft.com".")
enregistrement enfantchild record (A work item that is subordinate to a parent)
fenêtre enfantchild window (A document window used within an MDI window)
groupe hôte enfantchild host group (A host group contained within another host group, which can inherit host reserve settings and virtual machine permissions from its parent host group. All host groups are child host groups of the root host group, which is named All Hosts by default)
Jeunes enfantsEarly Childhood (A game rating symbol developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
menu enfantchild menu (A type of drop-down menu that appears when a user points to a command on a higher-level menu)
nœud enfantchild node (A subordinate node)
objet enfantchild object (An object that resides in another object. A child object implies relation. For example, a file is a child object that resides in a folder, which is the parent object)
petit-enfantgrandchild (In a tree structure, the relationship of a node to its predecessor's predecessor)
point d'arrêt enfantchild breakpoint (A breakpoint created by the debugger based on a breakpoint set by a user)
site de modèles enfantchild model site (A model site that is subordinate to a root model site and is used to organize data in an application)
site enfantchild site (A site that is the subordinate of another site in a hierarchy. Any site, except the central site, is a child site of another site. A site can be both a child site and a parent site)
table enfantchild table (A table that assumes a child role when it participates in an integrity relationship with another table and whose foreign key attribute values are migrated from the table assuming the parent role in the relationship)
workflow enfantchild workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
élément enfantchild element (In a tree structure, an element that is contained by a parent element. A subordinate element)