
Terms for subject Microsoft containing double | all forms | exact matches only
branchement doubledual forking (A configuration by which Lync Server or Office Communications Server operates in co-existence with the PBX)
comptabilité en partie doubledouble entry accounting (An accounting process in which equal credit and debit amounts are entered for each transaction)
contour en pic doubledouble-peak contour (A contour that contains two high points in the curve)
disquette à double densitédouble-density disk (A disk created to hold data at twice the density (bits per inch) of a previous generation of disks. Early IBM PC floppy disks held 180 KB of data. Double-density disks increased that capacity to 360 KB. Double-density disks use modified frequency modulation encoding for storing data)
disquette à double densitédouble density disk (A disk created to hold data at twice the density (bits per inch) of a previous generation of disks. Early IBM PC floppy disks held 180 KB of data. Double-density disks increased that capacity to 360 KB. Double-density disks use modified frequency modulation encoding for storing data)
double-cliquerdouble-click (To press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession without moving the mouse. Double-clicking is a means of rapidly selecting and activating a program or program feature)
double-cliquer avec le stylet, appuyer deux foisdouble-tap (To tap twice quickly on a screen or touchpad)
double démarragedual boot (A computer configuration in which two different operating systems are installed and either can be loaded at start-up)
double négationdouble bang (A double negation operator (!!), used to force a Boolean return value)
double piledual stack (For Windows CE .NET, an IP protocol stack that supports IPv4 and IPv6 independently or jointly. The DNS name resolution may yield both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Algorithms are used to determine source and destination addresses, thus determining which stack - IPv4 or IPv6 - to use)
double précisiondouble-precision (Characteristic of a number stored in twice the amount (two words; typically 8 bytes) of computer memory that is required for storing a less precise (single-precision) number. Commonly handled by a computer in floating-point form)
double précisiondouble-precision (Characteristic of a number stored in twice the amount (two words; typically 8 bytes) of computer memory that is required for storing a less precise (single-precision) number. Commonly handled by a computer in floating-point form)
Détection de doublons en blocBulk Duplicate Detection (A system job that detects duplicate records for one entity)
détection des doublonsduplicate detection (A data management process that identifies similar or identical data)
format à virgule flottante double précisiondouble-precision floating-point format (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point)
formulaire double affichagesplit form (A form in which two views are displayed at the same time. These are synched so that as your focus moves in one view it is changed automatically in the other view)
GUILLEMET-APOSTROPHE DOUBLERight Double Quotation Mark (The " character)
Publication de règle de détection de doublonsDuplicate Detection Rule Publication (A system job that publishes a duplicate detection rule)
suppression des doublonsduplicate removal (A type of grouping that removes documents with duplicate or near-duplicate content from search results)
type de données DoubleDouble data type (A fundamental data type that holds double-precision floating-point numbers. It's stored as a 64-bit number ranging in value from approximately -1.797E308 to -4.940E-324 (negative), from 4.94E-324 to 1.797E308 (positive), and 0)