
Terms for subject Microsoft containing dimensions | all forms
apparence à deux dimensionsflat appearance (The recommended visual display of a control when it is nested inside another control or scrollable region)
association de dimensionsdimension association (A relationship between source model dimensions and destination model dimensions. One or more of these can exist for each model association)
configuration basée sur les dimensionsDimension-based configuration (A configuration technology used to create product variants by selecting values for product dimensions)
contrainte de valeur de dimension financièrefinancial dimension value constraint (A hierarchical financial dimension relationship that restricts the set of all possible financial dimension value combinations to a set of valid financial dimension value combinations)
deux dimensionstwo-dimensional Existing in reference to two measures, such as height and width--for example, a two-dimensional model drawn with reference to an x-axis and a y-axis, or a two-dimensional array of numbers placed in rows and columns (à)
dimension comptableledger dimension (A classifier created from the combination of financial dimension values listed in a chart of accounts and used to classify the financial consequences of economic activity)
dimension d'articleitem dimension (A classification used to describe an item's physical characteristics, physical location, or relationship to other items. For example, the item SHIRT can be classified by the dimensions COLOR, SIZE, and STYLE)
dimension de contrôle budgétairebudget control dimension (A combination of active financial dimensions values used to allocate budget funds to pay for planned activities)
dimension de faitfact dimension (A relationship between a dimension and a measure group in which the dimension main table is the same as the measure group table)
dimension de mesuremeasure dimension (A dimension used to characterize the magnitude of a measurement)
dimension de mise en formeformatting dimension (The dimension that numeric formatting is applied to)
dimension de performanceperformance dimension (A dimension used to distinguish and categorize key performance activity against objectives)
dimension de produitproduct dimension (The size, color, or configuration product attributes that are used for dimension-based configuration)
dimension de référencereference dimension (A relationship between a dimension and a measure group in which the dimension is coupled to the measure group through another dimension)
dimension de rôle actifrole-playing dimension (A single database dimension joined to the fact table on a different foreign keys to produce multiple cube dimensions)
dimension de stockagestorage dimension (The dimension of an item that controls how items are stored and taken from inventory, giving retailers the ability to manage inventory on a very detailed level)
dimension de suivitracking dimension (The batch number and serial number attributes that are used to track an item)
dimension de tempstime dimension (A dimension that breaks time down into levels such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day)
dimension Donnéesdata dimension (A specific node created in the hierarchical view of the Tracking Profile Editor as an immediate child of the specific tracking profile in order to describe a logical grouping or dimension of data. Each data dimension is uniquely named and is made up of one or many data fields)
dimension définie par l'utilisateuruser-defined dimension (A user-created and user-modifiable dimension that is not assigned a dimension type that is recognized by PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler. No built-in behavior is associated with it)
dimension financièrefinancial dimension (A financial data classifier created from the parties, locations, products, and activities in an organization and used for management reporting)
dimension intersociétésintercompany dimension (A system-maintained dimension that consists of only those entities that are involved in intercompany transactions with other entities in the system)
dimension intervariablecross-varying dimension (In OLAP terminology, a listing of all valid tuples by rule)
dimension liéelinked dimension (A reference in a cube to a dimension in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked dimension can only be related to measure groups in the source cube, and can only be edited in the source database)
dimension partagéeshared dimension (A dimension created within a database that can be used by any cube in the database)
dimension plusieurs à plusieursmany-to-many dimension (A relationship between a dimension and a measure group in which a single fact may be associated with many dimension members and a single dimension member may be associated with a many facts. To define this relationship between the dimension and the fact table, the dimension is joined to an intermediate fact table and the intermediate fact table is joined, in turn, to an intermediate dimension table that is joined to the fact table)
dimension prédéfiniepredefined dimension (A dimension that is assigned a certain dimension type that is recognized by PerformancePoint Planning Server. Predefined dimensions have specific member properties and behaviors associated with them; for example, Time or Account)
dimension UtilisateurUser dimension (A predefined dimension that maintains user-related information such as process scheduling reviewer and approver hierarchies, and security roles)
dimension variablechanging dimension (A dimension that has a flexible member structure, and is designed to support frequent changes to structure and data)
en trois dimensionsthree-dimensional (Of, pertaining to, or being an object or image having or appearing to have all three spatial dimensions (length, width, and depth))
ensemble de dimensionsdimension set (A named group of accounts or dimensions that contains either account values for the account or dimension values for a single dimension)
espace de travail de dimensionsDimensions workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that displays a summary of a specific dimension)
expression de dimensiondimension expression (A valid Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns a dimension)
forme à deux dimensions2-D shape (A shape that has four selection handles that you can use to resize the shape proportionally)
forme à une dimension1-D shape (Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a beginning point and ending point and can be glued between two shapes to connect them)
granularité de dimensiondimension granularity (" The lowest level available to a particular dimension in relation to a particular measure group. The "natural" or physical grain is always that of the key that joins the main dimension table to the primary fact table.")
hiérarchie de dimensiondimension hierarchy (A logical tree structure that organizes the members of a dimension such that each member has one parent member and zero or more child members)
membre de dimensiondimension member (A single position or item in a dimension. Dimension members can be user-defined or predefined and can have properties associated with them)
membre de dimension de fluxFlow dimension member (Any of the different members of the Flow dimension)
membre de dimension NONENONE member (A dimension member that is used for information that has no defined relationship to a specific member)
mesure sans dimensiondimensionless measurement (A measurement whose dimension is one and whose unit of measure is either a dimensionless unit of measure or the unit one)
niveau de dimensiondimension level (The name of a set of members in a dimension hierarchy such that all members of the set are at the same distance from the root of the hierarchy. For example, a time hierarchy may contain the levels Year, Month, and Day)
propriété de membre de dimensiondimension member property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined)
règle de dérivation de dimensiondimension derivation rule (A rule to determine a ledger dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
table de dimensiondimension table (A table in a data warehouse whose entries describe data in a fact table)
table de dimension principaleprimary dimension table (In a snowflake schema in a data warehouse, a dimension table that is directly related to, and usually joined to, the fact table)
type de dimension financière systèmesystem-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
type de dimension financière utilisateuruser-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a user-defined list of values)
valeur de dimension financièrefinancial dimension value (A data element in the domain of a financial dimension)