
Terms for subject Microsoft containing détection | all forms | exact matches only
Assistant DétectionDiscovery Wizard (The System Center Essentials wizard that helps select the computers and devices to be managed)
détection automatiqueauto discovery (The daily process by which DPM automatically detects new or removed servers on the network and discovers changes to protected servers, such as the addition, removal, or renaming of databases, shares, and volumes)
détection automatiqueauto discover (To automatically find newly-added servers and newly-added shares or volumes, or to detect changes, such as deletion or remapping, to protected data)
Détection de configuration automatiqueAutoConnect (A technology that allows Outlook and mobile devices to automatically discover and connect to the correct Exchange server without requiring the user to know the Exchange server name or other details, even if the mailbox has been moved or a server has failed)
détection de conflitconflict detection (The process of determining which operations were made by one replica without knowledge of the other, such as when two replicas make local updates to the same item)
Détection de doublons en blocBulk Duplicate Detection (A system job that detects duplicate records for one entity)
Détection de fluxFeed Discovery (A feature of Internet Explorer in Windows Vista that finds XML feeds on a webpage. User can view the feeds and subscribe to them)
détection de passerelle inactivedead gateway detection (The practice of the TCP/IP protocol in Windows 2000 and the Windows Server 2003 family to change the default gateway to the next default gateway in the list of configured default gateways when a specific number of connections retransmit segments)
détection d'erreurserror detection (A technique for detecting when data is lost during transmission. This allows the software to recover lost data by notifying the transmitting computer that it needs to retransmit the data)
détection des doublonsduplicate detection (A data management process that identifies similar or identical data)
détection des typestype discovery (The process of identifying the types that should be part of an Entity Framework model)
détection d'insuffisance de ressourcesresource exhaustion detector (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
Détection d'insuffisance de ressources Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
détection d'éditionedition detection (A feature that enables IT professionals to determine the edition of the Windows operating system that is installed on computers on their network)
Détection et analyse de risqueDiscovery and Risk Assessment (A Microsoft Office product that identifies business-critical Excel spreadsheets and Access databases by discovering files across network shares and SharePoint libraries, and that provides flexible risk assessment and categorization based on relevance, materiality and business impact)
détection expliciteexplicit discovery (A feature that defines the logic for locating only the network devices that you specify and that you want Operations Manager to monitor)
détection récursiverecursive discovery (A feature that defines the logic for locating network devices that you want Operations Manager to monitor. Additionally, this feature defines logic that inspects information on a network device so that Operations Manager can attempt to locate other devices using that information)
mode détection du serveur de licenceslicense server discovery mode (A mode that is configured on the terminal server that determines which method to use to find ("discover") a Terminal Services license server in order to request Terminal Services client access licenses (TS CALs))
outil de détectiondetection tool (The software code used by antivirus or anti-spyware programs to find malicious software or potentially unwanted software on a computer)
Publication de règle de détection de doublonsDuplicate Detection Rule Publication (A system job that publishes a duplicate detection rule)
scanner de détection de programmes malveillantsmalware scanner (Software used to scan for and eradicate malicious software)
système de détection d'intrusionintrusion detection system (A type of security management system for computers and networks. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) provide real-time monitoring of network traffic. An IDS can detect a wide range of hostile attack signatures (patterns), generate alarms to alert operations staff and, in some cases, cause routers to terminate communications from hostile sources)
test de détection de fuméesmoke test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
thread de détection de médiamedia sense thread (The thread, or object within a process, that detects the presence of media)