
Terms containing conteneur | all forms | exact matches only
environ.abri conteneurcontainer shelter
health.animal livré en conteneuranimal delivered in container
IT, earth.sc.anneau conteneurretainer ring
comp., MSapplication conteneurcontainer application (An application that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another application)
insur.base du conteneurbase of container
insur.cale cellulaire à conteneurscellular container hold
lawcambriolage de conteneurcontainer theft
forestr.camion conteneurcontainer truck
tech., mater.sc.capacité d'un conteneurcapacity of a freight container
tech., mater.sc.capacité totale d'un conteneur-citernetotal capacity of a tank container
lawcargaison transportable par conteneurcontainerisable cargo
lawcargaison transportable par conteneurcontainerable cargo
lawcargaison transportée par conteneurcontainerised cargo
insur.certification des conteneurscertification of containers
fin., polit., transp.charge complète de conteneurfull container load
tech., mater.sc.charge réelle d'un conteneuractual payload of a freight container
tech., mater.sc.charge utile d'un conteneurmaximum payload of a freight container
insur.chargement complet de conteneurfull container load
gen.châssis porte-conteneurcontainer chassis
mun.plan., environ.collecte par conteneurscollection from containers
gen.Comité européen des fabricants de conteneursEuropean Container Manufacturers' Committee
tech., mater.sc.compartiment d'un conteneur-citernecompartment of a tank container
gen.conditionnement et évacuation sans conteneurscontainerless conditioning and disposal
gen.confinement sous forme gazeuse en conteneurs pressuriséscontainment in pressurised gas cylinders
gen.conteneur a liquide froidcold fluid container
comp., MSconteneur Active DirectoryActive Directory container (The identity that Active Directory gives to a collection of objects, such as a group of users or a domain of computers)
transp., avia.conteneur aerienair mode container iso
transp., avia.conteneur aerienair container
fin., polit.conteneur agréé pour le transport sous scellement douaniercontainer approved for transport under customs seal
transp.conteneur assemblablejoinable container
insur.conteneur "assimile""assimilated" container
transp.conteneur "assimilé"assimilated container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur avec équipement individuelmechanically refrigerated container with equipment "
tech., mater.sc.conteneur aéréventilated freight container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur aéréventilated container
transp.conteneur aéré ferméclosed ventilated container
insur.conteneur bachetilt-tainer
insur.conteneur bachesheeted container
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur blindéshielded container
forestr.conteneur bowles hélicoptèrebowles bag
environ., agric.conteneur "bowles"bowles bag
transp., industr.conteneur boxbox pallet
transp.conteneur bâchétarpaulin-covered container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur calorifiqueheated freight container
transp.conteneur calorifiqueheated container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur calorifiqueheat-insulated container
transp.conteneur calorifugéinsulated container
insur.conteneur chargeloaded container
gen.conteneur chauffant a liquidefluid heating container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur chaufféheated container
agric., tech.conteneur citernetank container
transp.conteneur-citernetank container
transp., industr.conteneur-citernecontainer for the transport of fluids
transp., industr.conteneur-citernecontainer for the transport of fluids or gases
transp.conteneur-citernetank tainer
tech., mater.sc.conteneur citernetank freight container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur citerne pour liquidestank container for liquids
insur.conteneur-citerne à plusieurs elementsmultiple element tank-container
insur.conteneur-citerne à pressionpressure vessel container
transp.conteneur completfull container load
transp.conteneur completFull container Load
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur completFCL
mater.sc.conteneur d'agent extincteurextinguishing agent container
transp., mater.sc.conteneur dangereuxunsafe container
agric.conteneur d'animauxcrush
agric.conteneur d'animauxcrate
agric.conteneur d'animauxholding crate
agric.conteneur d'animauxcattle crush
comp., MSconteneur d'applicationapp container (A runtime environment for Windows Store apps that's designed to minimize app impact on the computer by placing runtime restrictions on what apps can do)
comp., MSconteneur d'application enfantchild app container (An app container that places additional restrictions on what an app can do based on its parent app container)
comp., MSconteneur d'attribution de nomsnaming container (Any ASP.NET control that implements the INamingContainer interface. This is a marker interface that enables a control to create a new naming scope under itself so that ID attributes assigned to its child controls are unique within the entire ASP.NET page that contains the control)
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur de blindageshielding container
comp., MSconteneur de blocschunk container (A container in which chunks of data are stored and which is then compressed for further space optimization during deduplication)
comp., MSconteneur de commandescommand holder (A logical container for registered Visual Studio commands on toolbars and in context menus)
industr., construct., chem.conteneur de compositionbatch cannister
industr., construct., chem.conteneur de compositionbatch can
comp., MSconteneur de composition MEFMEF composition container (A MEF composition engine that is based on MEF catalogs and MEF part instances)
comp., MSconteneur de dessindrawing container (In SVG, an element that groups graphics elements, used as a partial canvas)
comp., MSconteneur de dispositionlayout container (An element that controls the positioning, size and dimensions, and arrangement of other elements contained within them. Layout containers are adaptive in the sense that they can be implemented implicitly, meaning the layout automatically resizes, or auto-sizes, according to the window size)
comp., MS, Canadaconteneur de dépôtdumpster (The deleted item recovery feature. When the dumpster is enabled, items emptied from the Deleted Items folder are placed in the dumpster for a server-configured number of days. A client can retrieve the items from the dumpster until the number of days has passed. Each folder has its own dumpster)
comp., MSconteneur de dépôt, bennedumpster (The deleted item recovery feature. When the dumpster is enabled, items emptied from the Deleted Items folder are placed in the dumpster for a server-configured number of days. A client can retrieve the items from the dumpster until the number of days has passed. Each folder has its own dumpster)
el.conteneur de filmfilm container
transp., avia.conteneur de fretfreight container freight container
UN, sl., drug.conteneur de fret maritimefreight container
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur de groupageless container load
transp.conteneur de groupagemixed container load
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur de groupageLCL
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur de la sérietype series container
transp.conteneur de l'ensemble de parachute stabilisateurheadbox
transp.conteneur de l'ensemble de parachute stabilisateurdrogue container
comp., MSconteneur de magasin de blocschunk store container (A container in which chunks of data are stored and which is then compressed for further space optimization during deduplication)
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de marchandisescontainer
nucl.phys.conteneur de matières nucléairescontainer for nuclear material
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur de mi-hauteurhalf-container
gen.conteneur de neutralisationblock form
comp., MSconteneur de notesnote container (A flexible bounding box that contains the notes that you type or paste on a page)
transp.conteneur de 20 pieds20-foot container
transp.conteneur de 20 pieds20' container
transp.conteneur de 20 pieds20 foot ISO container
tech., mech.eng.conteneur de 20-40 pieds20 to 40-feet container
min.prod.conteneur de 20 piedstwenty-feeter
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur de protectionshielding container
transp.conteneur de quarante piedsForty-Foot Equivalent Unit
transp.conteneur de quarante pieds40-foot equivalent unit
радиогр.conteneur de radiumradium container
health., anim.husb.conteneur de réemploicontainer which may be re-used
insur.conteneur de service interieurinternal container
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur de stockagestorage container (for radioactive materials)
virol.conteneur de transferttransfer container
virol.conteneur de transfert DPTEtransfer container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transportfreight container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transportcontainer
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transportintermodal container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transportshipping container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transportsea container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transportmaritime container
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur de transportshipping container (shielded or unshielded, for radioactive materials)
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transport de marchandisesfreight container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transport de marchandisesintermodal container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transport de marchandisesshipping container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transport de marchandisessea container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transport de marchandisesmaritime container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur de transport de marchandisescontainer
transp.conteneur de transport en vracbulk container
transp.conteneur de transport insérable dans le caisson à videtransport container which can be placed in the vacuum chamber
transp.conteneur de très grande capacitésuper high cube container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur de vingt piedstwenty ft container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur de vingt piedstwenty ft version
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur de vingt piedstwenty footer
transp.conteneur de vracbulk container
insur.conteneur dechargeunloaded container
insur.conteneur demi-hauteurhalf-height container
comp., MSconteneur d'entitésentity container (A container of specified entity sets and association sets that will be implemented in a specified namespace)
comp., MSconteneur des propriétésproperty bag (A container for storing native SharePoint objects and custom data from first and third parties)
UNconteneur d'expéditionshipping container
avia., Canada, lawconteneur d'intervention d'urgencecrash bag
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur récipient d'isotopesisotope container
virol.conteneur DPTEtransfer container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur d'usage spécialiséspecial purpose freight container
comp., MSconteneur d'édition de balises HTMLmarkup container (The staging area for editing an HTML document or HTML fragments)
transp.conteneur démontablefolding container
transp.conteneur démontablecollapsible container
transp.conteneur démontablecollapsible freight container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur démontablecollapsible freight container
transp.conteneur démontable, conteneur pliantcollapsible freight container
gen.conteneur en bétonconcrete container
industr., construct., mech.eng.conteneur en caoutchoucrubber container
earth.sc.conteneur en ciment fibro-armécontainer made of fibre-reinforced cement
gen.conteneur en fer douxsoft iron container
gen.conteneur en fer douxmild iron container
transp.conteneur en treillisskeleton container
transp.conteneur en treillislattice-sided container
insur.conteneur "etranger""foreign" container
transp.conteneur existantexisting container
transp.conteneur fermébox type container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur fermécovered container
med.conteneur ferméclosed container
transp.conteneur flottantfloating container
transp.conteneur flottantbarge container
transp.conteneur frigorefrigerated container
transp.conteneur frigorifiquereefertainer
transp.conteneur frigorifiquemechanically refrigerated container
transp.conteneur frigorifiquemechanically-refrigerated container
transp., mil., grnd.forc.conteneur frigorifiquerefrigerator container
transp., mil., grnd.forc.conteneur frigorifiquemechanical refrigerator container
transp.conteneur frigorifiquemechanically refrigerated freight container
transp.conteneur frigorifiquerefrigerated container
transp.conteneur gerbablestackable container
insur.conteneur grillagemesh container e.g. for livestock
mater.sc.conteneur grillagémesh container
nat.res.conteneur hermétiquement closhermetically sealed vessel
transp.conteneur hors-coteshigh cube
health.conteneur individuelindividual container
transp.conteneur ISO de 40 pieds40 foot ISO container
transp.conteneur ISO de 40 pieds40' container
transp.conteneur ISO de 20 pieds20-foot container
transp.conteneur ISO de 20 pieds20' container
transp.conteneur ISO de 40 pieds40-foot container
transp.conteneur ISO de 20 pieds20 foot ISO container
transp., nautic.conteneur ISO maritimeSea-ISO-Container
transp.conteneur isothermeinsulated container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur isothermeinsulated freight container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur isotherme normalnormally-insulated container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur isotherme renforcéheavily-insulated container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur loué en banalisationlease container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur loué en location banaliséelease container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur maritimeintermodal container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur maritimefreight container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur maritimesea container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur maritimeshipping container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur maritimemaritime container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur maritimecontainer
transp.conteneur maxicadrelarge format container
earth.sc.conteneur moulé à partir de déchets métalliquescontainer made of metal scrap
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur multimodalmaritime container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur multimodalintermodal container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur multimodalfreight container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur multimodalsea container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur multimodalshipping container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur multimodalcontainer
insur.conteneur nationalnational container
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur neufnew container
transp.conteneur non normalisédravo container
transp.conteneur non normaliséodd container
transp.conteneur non normalisédravos
transp.conteneur non normalisédravo
transp.conteneur non repliablenon-collapsible container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur non repliablenon-collapsible freight container
transp.conteneur normaliséstandard container
environ.conteneur octogonal en cartonoctobin
comp., MSconteneur OLEOLE container (An application that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another application. For example, if an OLE object in an Access database contains a Microsoft Excel worksheet, Access is the OLE container)
transp.conteneur open-topopen top container
transp.conteneur open-topcontainer with opening top
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur ordinairestraight box
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur ordinaireordinary container
transp.conteneur ouvertopen container
transp.conteneur ouvertopen-top container
transp.conteneur ouvertcontainer with opening top
transp.conteneur palettepallet container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur palletisépalletized container
hobby, transp.conteneur parachuteparachute container
insur.conteneur partiellement clospartially-enclosed container
transp.conteneur perdusingle-service container
transp.conteneur 40 pieds40' container
transp.conteneur 40 pieds40-foot container
transp.conteneur 40 pieds40 foot ISO container
transp.conteneur platflat container
transp.conteneur plate-formeflat container
transp.conteneur pliantcollapsible container
transp.conteneur pliantfolding container
transp.conteneur pliantcollapsible freight container
transp.conteneur pliantcollapsible freight container
nat.res.conteneur pour déchets radioactifscontainer for radioactive waste
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur pour gaztank container for gases
commun.conteneur pour le dépôt des envoiscontainer in which to post items
transp.conteneur pour le fretcargo container
insur.conteneur pour marchandises diversesgeneral cargo container
transp.conteneur pour marchandises en vracbulk container
commun.conteneur pour objets de valeurstrongbox for valuable items
transp.conteneur pour trafic d'outre-mertranscontainer
transp.conteneur pour trafic d'outre-meroverseas container
transp., avia.conteneur pour transport aerien isoair mode container iso
transp., avia.conteneur pour transport aerien isoair container
transp., mil., grnd.forc.conteneur pour transport en chemin de ferrail container
insur.conteneur pour usage generalgeneral cargo container
transp.conteneur pour vrac secdry bulk container
transp.conteneur pour vrac secbulk powder container
transp.conteneur privéprivately-owned container
pack.conteneur rainuréslotted box
pack.conteneur rainuréslotted container
transp.conteneur repliablecollapsible container
transp.conteneur repliablecollapsible freight container
transp.conteneur repliablefolding container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur repliablecollapsible freight container
fin., polit.conteneur revêtu de marquescontainer bearing marks
gen.conteneur roulantmovable container
transp.conteneur réfrigérantrefrigerated container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur réfrigérantrefrigerator container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur réfrigérantrefrigerated freight container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur réfrigérantice refrigerator container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur réfrigérateur avec équipement amoviblemechanically refrigerated container equipment "
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur réfrigérateur avec équipement collectifmechanically refrigerated container from plant "
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur réfrigéréreefer
transp.conteneur réfrigérérefrigerated container
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur réfrigéréfrozen or refrigerated container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur réfrigéré et chaufférefrigerated and heated container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur réfrigéré mécaniquementmechanically refrigerated container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur réfrigéré à réfrigérant renouvelablerefrigerated container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur régrigéréreefer van
environ.conteneur réutilisablereusable container Any container which has been conceived and designed to accomplish within its life cycle a minimum number of trips or rotations in order to be refilled or reused for the same purpose for which it was conceived
environ.conteneur réutilisablereusable container
transp.conteneur sans toitopen top container
transp.conteneur sans toitopen-top container
transp.conteneur sans toitopen container
transp.conteneur sans toitcontainer with opening top
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur sans toit et à paroi latérale ouverteopen top - open wall container
insur.conteneur se chargeant par l'extremiteend-loading container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur secdry van
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur spécialspecial container
transp.conteneur spécial hors-cotessuper high cube
nat.sc., agric.conteneur standardiséuniform container
nat.sc., agric.conteneur standardiséstandard container
transp.conteneur sur parcstockyard handling of container
transp.conteneur sur rouesmobile container
railw.système "conteneur sur vagon plat"container-on-flatcar
transp.conteneur terrestreinland container
transp.conteneur terrestreland container
transp.conteneur type plate-formeplatform-based container
transp.conteneur type plate-formeplatform
transp.conteneur type plate-formeflat container
transp.conteneur type plate-formeplatform based container open sided
transp.conteneur type plate-forme à parois latérales ouvertesplatform-based container
transp.conteneur type plate-forme à parois latérales ouvertesplatform based container open sided
nat.sc., agric.conteneur uniformeuniform container
nat.sc., agric.conteneur uniformestandard container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur universelsea container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur universelshipping container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur universelmaritime container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur universelcontainer
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur universelintermodal container
transp., mater.sc., industr.conteneur universelfreight container
insur.conteneur universeluniversal container
transp.conteneur ventilémechanically-ventilated container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur ventilémechanically ventilated freight container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur ventilé mécaniquementmechanically ventilated container
transp.conteneur à caisse largewide body container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur à caractéristiques thermiquesthermal container
insur.conteneur à chargement par le hauttop loading container
transp.conteneur à citernes multiplesmultitank container
transp.conteneur à claire-voieskeleton container
transp.conteneur à claire-voielattice container
transp.conteneur à claire-voielattice-sided container
environ., agric.conteneur à crochetsdrum lifter
virol.conteneur à double portetransfer container
mun.plan., environ.conteneur à déchetswaste disposal tanker
health.conteneur à fond perforé ou souplecontainer with perforated or flexible bottom
transp., energ.ind., industr.conteneur à gaz à éléments multiplesmultiple-element gas container
transp.conteneur à hayons rabattablesflat container
environ.conteneur à l'épreuve des intempériesweather-proof container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur à paroi latérale ouverteopen wall container
insur.conteneur à paroi lisse par opposition au type "a montants apparents"flush wall type container, as opposed to "exposed post" type
insur.conteneur à paroi ouverteopen wall container
transp.conteneur à paroi ouverteopen-wall container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur à paroi ouverteopen wall freight container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur à paroi ouvrantefreight container with opening wall
insur.conteneur à parois laterales ouvertesopen-side container
transp.conteneur à parois ouvrantescontainer with opening walls
insur.conteneur à plate-formeflat
insur.conteneur à plate-formeplatform container
insur.conteneur à plate-formecontainer flat
transp.conteneur à porte latéraleopen wall container
transp.conteneur à porteur aménagéspecial conveyance container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur à porteur aménagécontainer with special fittings for handling
transp.conteneur à porteur aménagép.a. container
transp.conteneur à porteur aménagépa container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur à porteur aménagé"pa" container
transp.conteneur à pulvérulentsdry bulk container
transp.conteneur à pulvérulentsbulk powder container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur à pulvérulentsdry bulk freight container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneur à pulvérulentscontainer for the conveyance of traffic in powder form
transp.conteneur à roues fixescontainer with fixed wheels
commun., mech.eng.conteneur à roulettes pour colisparcels trolley
transp.conteneur à toit en durhardtop container
transp.conteneur à toit ouvertopen-top container
transp.conteneur "à toit ouvert"open top container
commer., transp., nautic.conteneur à toit ouvertopen top container
transp.conteneur à toit ouvertopen container
tech., mater.sc.conteneur à toit ouvertopen-top freight container
transp.conteneur à toit ouvrantcontainer with opening top
transp.conteneur à toit ouvrantopen top container
transp.conteneur à toit ouvrantopen-top container
transp.conteneur à toit ouvrantcontainer with opening roof
tech., mater.sc.conteneur à toit ouvrantfreight container with opening roof
transp.conteneur à usages spéciauxspecial container
transp.conteneur à vidange par air pulsébulk container with pressure discharge
transp.conteneur à vidange par gravitébulk container with gravity discharge
transp.conteneur à vidange pneumatiquebulk container with pressure discharge
nucl.phys., transp.conteneur échantillonsample container
UNconteneur étancheairtight container
gen.conteneurs auto-enfouissantsself-burying capsules
gen.conteneurs flottants métalliquesfloating containers of metal
gen.conteneurs flottants non métalliquesfloating containers not of metal
gen.conteneurs métalliquescontainers of metal storage, transport
gen.conteneurs non métalliquescontainers not of metal [storage, transport]
environ.conteneurs réutilisablesreusable container
mater.sc., mech.eng.conteneurs vides en retourreturned empty containers
comp., MScontrôle conteneurcontainer control (A type of ASP.NET mobile control that contains other controls and provides visual groupings of controls and content)
comp., MScontrôle conteneur OLEOLE container control (A Visual Basic control that is used to link and embed objects from other applications in a Visual Basic application)
min.prod.contrôle des conteneurscontainer control
gen.Convention douanière relative aux conteneurs 1972Customs Convention on Containers
fin.convention douanière relative aux conteneurscustoms convention on containers
tax., transp.convention douanière relative aux conteneursCustoms Convention on containers
gen.Convention douanière relative aux conteneurs 1956Customs Convention on Containers Geneva, 2 December 1972
transp., polit., UNConvention internationale sur la sécurité des conteneursInternational Convention for Safe Containers
fin., transp.Convention pools de conteneursConvention on customs treatment of pool containers used in international transport
fin., transp.Convention pools de conteneursContainer Pool Convention
fin., polit., transp.Convention sur les pools de conteneursContainer Pool Convention
tax., transp.convention sur les pools de conteneursConvention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers used in International Transport
fin., polit., transp.Convention sur les pools de conteneursConvention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers Used in International Transport
tax., transp.convention sur les pools de conteneursContainer Pool Convention
tech., mater.sc.creux d'un conteneur-citerneullage of a tank container
agric.culture en conteneurscontainer growing
crim.law.des scellés infalsifiables et susceptibles d'un contrôle distinct, pour les conteneurstamper-resistant, individually verifiable seals on containers
tech., mater.sc.dimensions d'encombrement d'un conteneuroverall external dimensions of a freight container
insur.dimensions du conteneurdimensions of a container
tech., mater.sc.dimensions intérieures libres d'un conteneurinternal unobstructed dimensions of a freight container
cust.déchargement et rechargement d'un conteneurturnout
gen.entreposage sec modulaire en conteneurmodular dry storage in containers
mater.sc., mech.eng.exploitant de conteneurscontainer operator
comp., MSfichier conteneurcontainer file (Files that can hold other kinds of files (such as *.ZIP, *.RAR, and *.JAR). Also, Microsoft Office files that use structured storage and the OLE embedded data format (for example, *.DOC, *.XLS, *.PPT, *.SHS) are considered container files)
mater.sc., mech.eng.flotte de conteneurscontainer fleet
comp., MSformat de conteneurcontainer format (A metafile format that identifies and interleaves different data types, such as audio and video streams, subtitles, chapter-information, and metadata (tags) - along with the synchronization information needed to play the various streams together)
fin.fraude douanière en relation avec les conteneurscustoms fraud relating to conteneurs
crim.law.fraude par conteneurscontainer fraud
transp., nautic.fret au conteneurfreight all kind rate
stat., transp.fret en conteneurcontainer cargo
R&D.grands conteneurs Action COST 315Large containers COST project 315
fin., polit.Groupe "Conteneurs"Container Group
gen.Groupe de rapporteurs sur les problèmes douaniers concernant les conteneursGroup of Rapporteurs on Customs Questions concerning Containers
fin., polit.groupe des rapporteurs sur les problèmes douaniers intéressant les conteneursGroup of Rapporteurs on Customs Questions concerning Containers
fin., polit.Groupe d'experts "Contrôle des conteneurs"Container Control Experts Group
gen.guides de conteneurs amoviblesportable guides for containers
environ.lave-conteneurcontainer washing machine
insur.levage du conteneurlifting of container
lawlocation de conteneurscontainer leasing
gen.location de conteneurs d'entreposagerental of storage containers
insur.marquage des conteneurscontainer marking
tech., mater.sc.masse brute maximale d'un conteneurrating of a freight container
tech., mater.sc.masse brute maximale d'un conteneurmaximum gross weight of a freight container
tech., mater.sc.masse brute réelle d'un conteneuractual gross weight of a freight container
chem.mise des déchets sous conteneursencapsulation in containers
gen.mise en conteneurcontainerization
mater.sc., mech.eng.navire entièrement porte-conteneursall container-ship
mater.sc., mech.eng.navire exclusivement porte-conteneursfull container ship
mater.sc., mech.eng.navire exclusivement porte-conteneursall container-ship
mater.sc., mech.eng.navire porte-conteneurcontainer ship
comp., MSNom du conteneurContainer Name (In mail forwarding, the name of the object that bundles e-mail accounts for forwarding)
fin.numéro d'identification du conteneuridentification number of the container
comp., MSobjet conteneurcontainer object (An object that can logically contain other objects. For example, a folder is a container object)
law, transp., nautic.organisme chargé de l'homologation des conteneurscertifying authority
tech., mater.sc.ossature d'un conteneur-citerneframework of a tank container
environ.parc à conteneurswaste reception centre
insur.paroi laterale du conteneurside wall of a container
environ.placement de conteneurs dans une mineemplacement of containers in a mine
crim.law.Plan d'action pluriannuel de contrôle des conteneurs maritimesMultiannual action plan for sea containers control
insur.plancher du conteneurfloor of a container
insur.plate-forme conteneurflat
insur.plate-forme conteneurplatform container
insur.plate-forme conteneurcontainer flat
tech., mater.sc.plateforme-conteneurplatform-container
insur.pool international de conteneursinternational container pool
transp.port de conteneurscontainer port
transp.port à conteneurscontainer port
transp.porte-conteneurcontainer vessel
transp.porte-conteneurcontainer carrier
transp.porte-conteneurcontainer ship
transp.porte-conteneur cellulairecellular ship
gen.porte-conteneur cellulairefully cellular container ship
gen.porte-conteneur cellulaireFC container ship
nautic., transp.porte conteneur roulierroll-on/roll-off containership
mater.sc., mech.eng.porte-conteneur à levagecontainer carrier of lift on - lift off system
mater.sc., mech.eng.porte-conteneur à roulagecontainer carrier of roll on - roll off system
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurscontainer carrier
transp., nautic.navire porte-conteneurscontainer ship
transp., nautic.navire porte-conteneurscontainer-carrier
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs entièrement cellulairecontainer fully cellular ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurscontainership
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurscontainer vessel
lawporte-conteneurscontainer ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs automatiséautomated unit-load ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs automatiséautomated unit load ship
gen.porte-conteneurs/barges mixtescombined container/barge carriers
transp.porte-conteneurs cellulairecellular container ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs cellulaire intégralfully cellular container ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs de collectecontainer feeder ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs de haute merdeep sea container-ship
transp.porte-conteneurs intégralfull container ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs purfull container-carrier
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs purfull container ship
lawporte-conteneurs rouliercontainer roll-on roll-off ship
lawporte-conteneurs rouliercontainer roll-on roll-off vessel
lawporte-conteneurs roulierro-ro/container ship
lawporte-conteneurs roulierro-ro/container vessel
lawporte-conteneurs rouliercon-ro vessel
lawporte-conteneurs rouliercon-ro ship
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs vraquierconbulker
min.prod.porte-conteneurs/vraquierscombined container/bulk vessels
transp., nautic.porte-conteneurs à ponts-garagesvehicle-deck container ship
insur.porte d'extremite du conteneurend door of a container
fin., transp., nautic.prime au transport fluvial de conteneurspremium for the transport of containers by inland waterway
law, health., food.ind.produit de protection utilisé à l'intérieur de conteneursin-can preservative
fin.recommandation concernant la lutte contre la fraude douanière en relation avec les conteneursrecommendation concerning action against customs fraud relating to containers
fin.redevance au titre de la garantie afférente aux conteneurscontainer deposit fee
fin.redevance due au titre des conteneurs détenuscharge levied in respect of container detentions
fin.relève des grands conteneurslist of large containers
agric.retournement des conteneursturning of mesh bags
load.equip.roll-conteneurroll-container (n.m.)
law, transp.Règlement international concernant le Transport des ConteneursR.I.Co.International Regulations concerning the Carriage of Containers R.I.Co
gen.régime simplifié du transit communautaire par fer ou grands conteneurssimplified Community rail/large containers transit procedure
gen.service de conteneurscontainer service
fin.sous le régime de transit communautaire simplifié par grands conteneursunder the simplified community large containers transit procedure
min.prod.Sous-comité des conteneurs et des cargaisonsSub-Committee on Containers and Cargoes
transp., nautic.Sous-comité du transport des marchandises dangereuses, des cargaisons solides et des conteneursSub-Committee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers
transp., nautic.Sous-comité du transport des marchandises dangereuses, des cargaisons solides et des conteneursDSC Sub-Committee
nucl.phys.stockage à sec en conteneursdry container storage
tax., transp.surtaxe pour conteneurs surdimensionnésoversize additional charge
gen.surveillance des mouvements de conteneurscontrol of container traffic
environ.système de conteneurcontainer system
gen.système matrice d'immobilisation-conteneur de déchetswaste immobilization-waste container system
fin., transp.taxe de mise en conteneur de groupageless than container load service charge
insur.toit du conteneurroof of a container
commer., transp., nautic.type du conteneurcontainer type
insur.voie de stockage des conteneurs sur une file dans un terminalcontainer storage lane in terminal
commer., transp., nautic.volume d'encombrement du conteneurcontainer displacement
tech., mater.sc.volume d'encombrement d'un conteneurdisplacement of a freight container
tech., mater.sc.volume intérieur libre d'un conteneurunobstructed capacity of a freight container
comp., MSélément conteneurcontainer element (An object that can contain one or more child objects)
tech., mater.sc.équipement amovible d'un conteneurremovable equipment of a container
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