
Terms for subject Politics containing congé | all forms | exact matches only
amenagement du temps de travail et congesarrangement of working time and leave
congé de maternitématernity leave Leave to which a woman is entitled for a continuous period allocated before and/or after giving birth in accordance with national legislation and practice. If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE
congé de paternitépaternity leave Time off work granted to the father at the time of the birth of his child. If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE
congé familialfamily leave If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE
congé familialfamily leave
congé non payéunpaid leave
congé parentalparental leave If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE
congé parentalparental leave (If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE)
congé sabbatiquesabbatical leave If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE
congé sabbatiquesabbatical leave
congé-éducationeducational leave If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE
congé-éducationeducational leave
congés annuelsannual leave (paid leave, congés payés)
congés groupésblock release
congés payéspaid leave
jour de congé d'étudeday release
jour de congé d'étudeday release Authorized absence of a trainee from work, with or without pay, to attend courses of related instruction for a number of hours (usually one to two days) each week (Système où la personne qui suit une formation est autorisée à s'absenter, en conservant ou non sa rémunération, pour suivre des cours d'enseignement complémentaire étalés sur un à deux jours par semaine)