
Terms for subject Microsoft containing capacités | all forms
capacité de baseBase Capacity (The amount of available time a resource has to work based on their resource base calendar. This is equivalent to the capacity of the position to which the resource is assigned. For example, a resource in a 70% part-time position has a Base Capacity of .7FTE. Not very useful for scheduling but of more value in determining the maximum capacity or cost of an organization)
capacité finiefinite capacity (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
capacité finielimited capacity (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
capacité finiefinite loading (A scheduling method that assumes that limited capacity for labor and machines is available)
capacité maximummaximum units (The maximum percentage or number of units that a resource is available to be scheduled for any tasks. The maximum units value indicates the highest capacity at which the resource is available for work; the default value is 100 percent)
capacité réelleActual Capacity (The amount of time a resource has available to work at any given point in time. Actual Capacity is equal to Capacity minus resource calendar exceptions (e.g. offsite training, morale events, jury duty) and previously scheduled committed work (Project task assignments with type = committed). This is the most valuable measure for scheduling a resource)
capacité vitale forcéeforced vital capacity (The volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after full inspiration, measured in liters)
charge de la capacitécapacity load (The maximum amount of scheduled work that a work center can perform at a required capacity level)
dépassement de capacitéoverflow (The condition that occurs when data resulting from input or processing requires more bits than have been provided in hardware or software to store the data. Examples of overflow include a floating-point operation whose result is too large for the number of bits allowed for the exponent, a string that exceeds the bounds of the array allocated for it, and an integer operation whose result contains too many bits for the register into which it is to be stored)
optimisation des capacitésoptimizing on capacity (A limited capacity situation where production is scheduled around existing reservations for work centers. Production begins when capacity becomes available)
planification de capacitécapacity planning (The process of identifying and preparing for the application, hardware, and network requirements to support expected site traffic and achieve site performance goals)
planification de la capacitécapacity planning (A procedure for determining the resource capacity requirements that meet the demand of future output during specific time periods)
planification à capacité finiefinite scheduling (A scheduling method that assumes that limited capacity for labor and machines is available)
profil de capacitécapability profile (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that defines which resources (for example, number of processors or maximum memory) are available to a virtual machine that is created in a private cloud)
être l'objet d'un dépassement de capacitéoverflow (To be filled beyond capacity)