
Terms containing bouton | all forms | exact matches only
med.abcès de bouton de chemisecollar stud abscess
med.abcès en bouton de chemiseshirt-stud abscess
med.abcès en bouton de chemisecollar-button abscess
gen.acheter des boutons au détailbuy buttons singly
gen.appuie franchement sur le boutonpress firmly on the button
gen.appuyer sur le bouton "arrêt"press the "halt" button
gen.appuyer sur le bouton "arrêt"press the "stop" button
med.attachement à boutonspherical attachment
comp.barre de boutonsbutton menu
comp.barre de boutonsbutton bar (menu)
med.bartonellose bouton d'Amboinehemorrhagic pian
med.bartonellose bouton d'AmboineOroya fever
med.bartonellose bouton d'AmboinePeruvian wart
med.bartonellose bouton d'AmboineBartonella anemia
med.bartonellose bouton d'Amboineverruca peruana
med.bartonellose bouton d'Amboinebartonellosis
med.bartonellose bouton d'AmboineCarrion's disease
ITbouton "Agrandissement""Maximize" button
comp.bouton animéanimated button
radiol.bouton aortiqueaortic knob (Nina_B)
comp.bouton basculetoggle switch
comp.bouton basculeswitching key
comp.bouton basculetumbler
comp., MSbouton basculetoggle button (" A button control within a graphical user interface that when clicked remains "down" (appearing to be pressed) until it is clicked again. It can display either text or a picture, and can be standalone or part of an option group.")
comp., MSbouton basculesticky button (" A button control within a graphical user interface that when clicked remains "down" (appearing to be pressed) until it is clicked again. It can display either text or a picture, and can be standalone or part of an option group.")
comp.bouton basculetoggle key
comp.bouton basculetoggle button
agric.bouton blancfanleaf of grapevine
comp., MSbouton BloquerBlock button (Button located in the Inbox and other folders. Allows users to prevent unwanted e-mail messages from arriving)
comp., MSbouton BonbonsGumdrop Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a gumdrop decoration for their cake)
industr., construct.bouton cachéconcealed button
comp., MSbouton champignonhat switch (Movement pad on a joystick that gives 3D games players the ability to pan the view with a touch of the thumb)
industr., construct.bouton-correcteur du jourday corrector knob
industr., construct.bouton-correcteur du moismonth corrector knob
industr., construct.bouton-correcteur du quantièmedate corrector knob
IT, el.bouton-crachoircough switch
textilebouton-célibatairebachelor button
comp., MSbouton CœurHeart Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a heart decoration for their cake)
earth.sc., el.bouton d'accordtuning knob
el.bouton d'accélérationacceleration switch
el.bouton d'acquittementacknowledge button
comp., MSbouton d'actionaction button (A ready-made button that the user can insert into his/her presentation and define hyperlinks for)
comp., MSbouton d'activitéactivity button (A button at the bottom of the navigation pane used for grouping list places in which are common to a task or a work process relevant to the users role. When the activity button is activated, the navigation pane displays the links to the list places which have been assigned to that activity button and the content area displays one of the list places assigned to the activity button)
mater.sc.bouton d'admission complémentaireby-pass control
IT, transp.bouton d'affichageset knob
avia., Canadabouton d’affichage de capcourse setting
comp.bouton d'aidehelp button
agric.bouton d'ailewing button
agric.bouton d'ailesnap button tag
med.bouton d'AlepAleppo boil
med.bouton d'Aleporiental boil
med.bouton d'AlepAleppo button
med.bouton d'AlepBagdad boil
comp., MSbouton d'alimentationPower button (A hardware button or slider on all form factors that controls the power of the PC)
med.bouton d'AmboineAmboyna button
med.bouton d'anastomoseanastomotic button implant
comp.bouton d'annulationcancel button
industr., construct., chem.bouton d'anodeanode cap
industr., construct., chem.bouton d'anodeanode button
telecom.bouton d'appel de ligneline call button
industr., construct.bouton d'arrêt de réveilalarm stop knob
med.appl.bouton d'arrêt de secoursscram button (switch)
med.appl.bouton d'arrêt d'urgencescram button (switch)
earth.sc., el.bouton d'arrêt et de démarrage automatiqueautomatic stop and start button
earth.sc., el.bouton d'arrêt et de mise en marche automatiqueautomatic stop and start button
ITbouton d'avancement de bandetape-feed switch
med.bouton de Bahiaespundia (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de BahiaAmerican leishmaniosis (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiaforest leishmaniosis (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahialeishmaniosis brasiliensis (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiabush yaws (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiapian-bois (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiachiclero ulcer (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiacutaneous leishmaniosis (American, uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahialeishmania tropica (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiahelcosoma tropicum (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de BahiaBauria ulcer (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de BahiaBahia ulcer (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahialeishmaniosis peruviana (uta, buba brasiliensis)
med.bouton de Bahiaforest yaws (uta, buba brasiliensis)
comp.bouton de barre d'outilstoolbar item
comp., MSbouton de barre d'outilstoolbar button (A command button used in a toolbar (or status bar))
comp.bouton de barre d'outilstoolbar button
med.bouton de BiskraBiskra button
med.bouton de BolamaBolama boil
med.bouton de Caireoriental boil
med.bouton de CarassiniCarassini spool
comp., MSbouton de champfield button (A button that identifies a field in a PivotTable or PivotChart report. You can drag the field buttons to change the layout of the report, or click the arrows next to the buttons to change the level of detail displayed in the report)
telecom.bouton de changement de classeCOS switchover button
med.bouton de ChlumskyChlumsky button
chem., el.bouton de cokecoke button
mun.plan.bouton de colcollar stud
telecom.bouton de commandekey
earth.sc., el.bouton de commandecontrol switch
comp., MSbouton de commandecommand button (A standard Windows control that initiates a command)
comp., MSbouton de commandepush button (A standard Windows control that initiates a command)
telecom.bouton de commandebutton
comp.bouton de commandecommand button
telecom.bouton de connexionconnect button
industr., construct.bouton de contacteurcontactor knob
hobby, cultur.bouton de contrôle de l'état des pilesbattery check button
hobby, cultur.bouton de contrôle de profondeur de champdepth-of-field preview button
comp., MSbouton de contrôle du volumevolume control button (A hardware button that increases and decreases the sound volume)
telecom.bouton de conversationspeak key
telecom.bouton de conversationtalk button
IT, transp.bouton de correction de capyaw trim button
telecom.bouton de coupure calibréflash key
gen.bouton de cylindreplaten twirl knob
telecom.bouton de disponibilitéready key
telecom.bouton de disponibilitéready-to-operate button
med.bouton de DjeddaJeddah boil
gen.bouton de débrayage du cylindrecarriage release
IT, transp.bouton de débrayage rapideautopilot disengage push-button
hobby, cultur.bouton de déclenchementshutter release button
hobby, cultur.bouton de déclenchementrelease button
gen.bouton de dégagement du cylindrecylinder release knob
comp.bouton de démagnétisationdegauss button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton de démarragestart button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton de démarragestarter button
comp.bouton de démarragetrigger button
comp.bouton de désignationpick button
textilebouton de fibresnub
telecom.bouton de finclearing key
telecom.bouton de finend button
telecom.bouton de finclearing button
cultur., transp.bouton de fix. de l'ensemble object.-obtur.lens-shutter assembly catch
gen.bouton de fièvreherpes simplex
gen.bouton de fièvrefever blister
gen.bouton de fièvrecold sore
med."bouton de fièvre"herpes (herpes facialis)
med."bouton de fièvre"fever blisters (herpes facialis)
med."bouton de fièvre"hydroa febrile (herpes facialis)
med."bouton de fièvre"herpes febrilis (herpes facialis)
med."bouton de fièvre"herpes catarrhalis (herpes facialis)
med."bouton de fièvre"herpes simplex (herpes facialis)
med."bouton de fièvre"herpes simplex of lips
med."bouton de fièvre"fever blister
gen.bouton de fièvrecold sore/ genital herpes virus
telecom.bouton de flashingflash key
agric., mater.sc.bouton de fleurflower bud
ITbouton de flèche de défilementscroll arrow button
tech.bouton de fonctionfunction button
tech.bouton de fonctionfunction key
med.bouton de GafsaGafsa boil
industr., construct.bouton de garantieguarantee seal
comp.bouton de grillegrid button
railw., sec.sys.bouton de groupegroup button
med.bouton de GuinéeBulam boil
mun.plan.bouton de hottefan button
med.bouton de JérichoJericho boil
med.bouton de KandaharKandahar boil
med.appl.bouton de la barre de sécuritéscram button (switch)
comp.bouton de la sourismouse button
comp., MSbouton de la zone d'édition de la barre d'outilstoolbar edit box button (The commands for the ribbon appear as a drop down menu that appears when the user clicks the default button)
comp.bouton de lacetloop button
comp., MSbouton de lancement du rubanribbon launch button (The button at the bottom right corner of a ribbon group. Typically, a click of the button opens a dialog box or other element that is related to the group)
earth.sc.bouton de lentille de contactcontact lens button
telecom.bouton de libérationclearing key
telecom.bouton de libérationend button
telecom.bouton de libérationclearing button
railw., sec.sys.bouton de libération d'aiguillagepoint release button
comp., MSbouton de liste déroulantedrop-down button (A command button that is clicked to display a drop-down menu instead of performing a command)
mun.plan.bouton de manchettecuff-link
gen.bouton de manchettecuff link
mun.plan.bouton de manchette à chaînettechain cuff-link
mun.plan.bouton de manchette à pressionpress-button cuff-link
tech., industr., construct.bouton de manoeuvre du cylindre d'impressionplaten knob
comp.bouton de maximalisationmaximize button
comp., MSbouton de menumenu button (A command button that is clicked to display a drop-down menu instead of performing a command)
comp.bouton de minimisationminimize button
hobby, cultur.bouton de mise en circuit de la pilemeter circuit switch
met.bouton de mise en foutestarter button
industr., construct.bouton de mise en marchestarting knob
comp., MSbouton de mise en marche/veilleOn/Standby power button (The power button that turns a device, computer, or Surface unit, on and off)
industr., construct.bouton de mise à l'heureknob for setting
industr., construct.bouton de mise à l'heure de réveilalarm hand-setting knob
comp., MSbouton de navigationnavigation button (A button that is used to move through records or through the pages of a document)
fisherybouton de nocenuptial tubercle
med.appl.bouton de pelotepad button
construct.bouton de portefixed door knob
construct.bouton de portenonrotating door handle
gen.bouton de porteknob for doors
gen.bouton de portedoor-knob
industr., construct.bouton de poussoirpush-piece knob
agric.bouton de pressionwing button
agric.bouton de pressionsnap button tag
cultur., transp.bouton de reglage de sensibilite du filmspeed control knob
gen.bouton de rembobinagefilm rewind knob
comp.bouton de retourreturn key
comp.bouton de retourreturn button
gen.bouton de roserosebud
comp.bouton de réductionminimize button
gen.bouton de réembobinagefilm rewind knob
chem.bouton de réglagecontrol knob
telecom.bouton de réglageadjusting button
tech.bouton de réglagemicrometer scale knob
gen.bouton de réglage de la force de frappeimprint control
gen.bouton de réglage de la force de frappeimpression control
el.bouton de réglage de la syntonisationtuning knob
el.bouton de réglage de la syntonisationtuning control
automat.bouton de réglage de la vitessevelocity control knob
el.bouton de réglage de tonalitétone control
industr., construct.bouton de réglage du vibreurbuzzer regulating knob
telecom.bouton de réglage du volumevolume control
tech.bouton de réglage précisfine adjusting knob
telecom.bouton de réponseanswering key
telecom.bouton de réponseanswering button
telecom.bouton de répétitionredialing button
telecom.bouton de répétitionredial key
telecom.bouton de répétitionredialing key
telecom.bouton de répétitionredial button
gen.bouton de sonnettebellpush
comp., MSbouton de sourismouse button (A movable piece on a device that is pressed to activate some function)
comp., MSbouton de styletpen button (A button on some tablet pens. You can use it to perform certain actions, including a mouse right-click equivalent)
earth.sc., el.bouton de sécuritésafety lock button
IT, transp.bouton de sélection de capset heading knob
comp., MSbouton de sélection du mouleCake pan button (The button to choose which shape cake you're going to make)
comp., MSbouton de Tablet PCtablet button (A hardware button on a Tablet PC)
telecom.bouton de terreearth button
agric.bouton de thétea bud
industr., construct.bouton de tige de commande de l'interrupteurswitch operating lever stem knob
telecom.bouton de transfertcarry-through button
med.appl.bouton de trou de forage crâniencranial burr hole button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton de valvevalve head
comp., MSbouton de verrouillage de la rotationrotation lock button (The button or slider on tablets and convertible tablets that rotates the display)
cultur., transp.bouton de verrouillage de l'ensemble obj.-obtur.lens-shutter assembly catch lock button
railw., sec.sys.bouton de vigilanceacknowledge button
IT, transp.bouton de virageautopilot turn knob
comp.bouton d'effaçageclearing button
med.bouton des pays chaudsLeishmania furunculosis
med.bouton des pays chaudsEgyptian furunculosis
met.bouton d'essaiassay button
med.bouton diaphragmatiquediaphragmatic point
med.bouton diaphragmatiqueDe Mussy's sign
med.bouton diaphragmatiqueMussy point
gen.bouton d'interligne variablevariable line spacer
el.bouton d'itinéraire à réitérationone-way route button
comp.bouton d'optionradio button
environ., nat.res.bouton d'ormeadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
nat.sc., agric.bouton d'orfield buttercup (Ranunculus acer, Ranunculus acris)
agric.bouton d'oreilleear tag
agric.bouton d'oreilleear stud
med.bouton d'OrientBiskra button
med.bouton d'Orientpaschachurda (forme asiatique)
health.bouton d'Orientcutaneous leishmaniasis (Leishmaniasis cutis)
med.bouton d'OrientTashkent ulcer (forme asiatique)
med.bouton d'OrientDelagoa boil (leishmaniasis cutanea)
med.bouton d'OrientDelhi boil
med.bouton d'OrientDelhi sore
med.bouton d'Orientoriental sore
med.bouton d'OrientDeli fever
med.bouton d'orientcutaneous leishmaniasis (leishmaniasis cutanea)
med.bouton d'orientoriental boil
med.bouton d'orientBagdad boil
comp.bouton d'outil de tâchestaskbar button
hobby, cultur.bouton d'ouverture du dosback cover opener
comp., MSbouton droit de la sourisright mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use to display shortcut menus or other program-specific features)
comp.bouton droit de sourisright mouse button
gen.bouton du cylindreplaten twirl knob
hobby, cultur.bouton du déclenchementshutter release button
med.bouton du Nilherpes du Nil (leishmaniasis cutanea)
med.bouton du NilOriental sore
med.bouton du Nilcat-boil
med.bouton du NilAleppo boil
comp., MSbouton du styletbarrel button (A button on some tablet pens. You can use it to perform certain actions, including a mouse right-click equivalent)
med.bouton du YémenYemen boil
hobby, cultur.bouton déclencheurshutter release button
ITbouton d'éjection de disquettediskette eject button
comp., MSbouton DémarrerStart button (The hardware button on the phone, pressed to pressed to go to the Start screen)
comp., MSbouton DémarrerSTART button (A hardware button on Portable Media Center)
met.bouton-démarreurstarter button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton démarreurstarter button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton démarreurstart button
comp.bouton enfoncépressed button
comp., MSbouton FermerClose button (In Windows-based programs, the box that has an × at the upper-right corner of the screen that, when clicked, closes the window)
comp., MSbouton FlambageBurnt Glaze Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a burnt glaze finish for their cake)
comp.bouton flashpopup button
nat.sc.bouton floralflower bud (Gemma florifera)
nat.sc.bouton floralfloral bud (Gemma florifera)
agric.bouton floralflower-bud
comp.bouton fléchéarrow button
comp., MSbouton fléché de défilementscroll arrow button (A component of a scroll bar that allows the information to be scrolled by defined increments when the user clicks it. The direction of the arrow indicates the direction in which the information scrolls)
comp., MSbouton Fonction du Tablet PCFunction tablet button (A tablet button that you can use in combination with other tablet buttons to do a task. This is similar to using a key combination on a standard keyboard)
comp., MSbouton gauche de la sourisleft mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
comp.bouton gauche de sourisprimary mouse button
comp.bouton gauche de sourisleft mouse button
comp., MSbouton Imagepicture button (A control in a form that consists of an actionable image. At run time the user can click the image to run rules or actions similar to a button)
IT, transp.bouton-indexcontrol knob
comp., MSbouton interactifInteractive Button (An animated button on a web page that is activated when a mouse pointer is moved over the button or when the button is clicked)
comp.bouton lumineuxvirtual pushbutton
comp.bouton lumineuxlight button
comp., MSbouton Légendecaption button (A button that is displayed on the caption bar of a dockable pane or mini-frame window)
telecom.bouton maintenulocking button
comp., MSBouton Masquer automatiquementauto-hide button (A button that appears on the edge of a frame when a window is in auto-hide mode. The hidden window pane appears when the mouse cursor hovers over the button)
comp., MSbouton matérielhardware button (A button on a piece of hardware)
comp., MSbouton Menu Couleurcolor menu button (A button that drops down to expose a color palette when a user clicks it)
comp., MSbouton Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Button (A button that replaces the File menu beginning with some 2007 Microsoft Office system programs)
comp., MSbouton Moule carréRectangle Pan Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a rectangular pan to bake their cake in)
comp., MSbouton Moule cœurHeart Pan Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a heart-shaped pan to bake their cake in)
med.appl.bouton métalliquemetal button
comp., MSbouton Nappage chocolatChocolate Icing Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a chocolate icing for their cake)
comp., MSbouton Nappage citronLemon Icing Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a lemon icing for their cake)
comp., MSbouton Nappage fraiseStrawberry Icing Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a strawberry icing for their cake)
comp., MSbouton OfficeOffice Button (A button that replaces the File menu beginning with some 2007 Microsoft Office system programs)
comp., MSbouton par défautdefault button (In some dialog boxes, the command button that is selected or highlighted when the dialog box is initially displayed. The default button has a bold border, indicating that it will be chosen automatically if you press ENTER. You can override a default button by clicking Cancel or another command button)
comp., MSbouton par défaut du volet du rubanribbon pane default button (The button that appears when a ribbon is reduced to its minimum size. A click of the button displays the ribbon commands on a menu)
comp., MSbouton Parcourirbrowse button (A button that displays a dialog box to help users select a valid value)
comp., MSbouton Parfum chocolatChocolate Batter Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select chocolate batter for their cake)
comp., MSbouton Parfum citronLemon Batter Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select lemon batter for their cake)
comp., MSbouton Parfum fraiseStrawberry Batter Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select strawberry batter for their cake)
comp., MSbouton Parfum framboiseRaspberry Filling Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a raspberry filling for their cake)
comp., MSbouton Parfum mentheMint Filling Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a mint filling for their cake)
comp., MSbouton partagésplit button (A drop-down button that performs a default action and can also expand to a list of other possible actions)
cultur., transp.bouton pour chang. de l'ensemble object.-obtur.lens-shutter assembly change knob
construct.bouton pour sonnette de portebell-button
construct.bouton pour sonnette de portedoor-bell button
cultur., transp.bouton pour tirageprint button
hobbybouton poussoirbutton-release
telecom.bouton poussoirkey
telecom.bouton poussoirbutton
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton-poussoirvalve actuator
earth.sc., mech.eng.bouton-poussoirpressure key
mater.sc.bouton poussoiractuator head
mater.sc.bouton poussoiractuator button
comp.bouton-poussoir de démarragestart button (mise en marche)
comp.bouton-poussoir de démarrageactivate button (mise en marche)
telecom.bouton-poussoir encastrébuilt-in pushbutton
telecom.bouton-poussoir lumineuxilluminated push-button
telecom.bouton-poussoir lumineuxlight-up push-button
el.bouton-poussoir lumineuxilluminated button
earth.sc., el.bouton poussoir lumineuxilluminated key
mater.sc., industr., construct.bouton-poussoir tourbillonnairebreak-up spray actuator head
pack.bouton-poussoir tourbillonnairebreak-up spray actuator (head)
earth.sc., el.bouton poussoir à verrouillage magnétiquemagnetic hold-down push button
industr.bouton-pressionpress stud
mun.plan.bouton pressionpress-stud
mun.plan.bouton pressionsnap-fastener
mun.plan.bouton pressionpress-fastener
mun.plan.bouton-pression pour gantspress-stud for gloves
comp., MSbouton principal de la sourisprimary mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
telecom.bouton prioritépriority button
construct.bouton préencollé dans le boisglued-in bolt
comp.bouton radioradio button
comp., MSbouton RechercherSearch button (The button next to a search box that someone clicks to search for something)
comp.bouton relevantpopup button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton rotatifrotary knob
ITbouton sensitifhover button
mun.plan.bouton servant à la parureornamental button
comp., MSbouton SourireSmiley Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a smiley face decoration for their cake)
health.bouton synaptiquesynaptic knob
health.bouton synaptiquesynaptic button
earth.sc., el.bouton sélecteurselector knob
comp.bouton sélecteurpick button
el.bouton sélecteur des fréquencesfrequency selector
med.bouton terminalend bud (d'une fibre nerveuse)
med.bouton terminalend bulb (d'une fibre nerveuse)
med.bouton terminalterminal button (d'une fibre nerveuse)
med.bouton terminalsynaptic knob (d'une fibre nerveuse)
med.bouton terminalend-foot (d'une fibre nerveuse)
med.bouton terminalbouton terminal
med.bouton terminal présynaptiquepresynaptic button
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton testpush-to-test button
gen.bouton test batteriebattery check button
construct.bouton tournant pour timbre de portedoor-bell turn-key
construct.bouton tournant pour timbre de portedoor-bell key
comp., MSbouton TrèfleShamrock Button (A button on the Comfy Cakes game interface that allows the player to select a shamrock decoration for their cake)
comp., MSbouton WindowsWindows button (A tablet hardware button with the Windows logo on it that's similar to the Windows key on a keyboard. Pressing the Power and Windows buttons simultaneously is the equivalent of pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del)
comp., MSbouton Windows LiveWindows Live button (A graphical navigational element that links to the user's Windows Live home page)
med.bouton à anastomoseanastomotic button implant
med.bouton à anastomose de JaboulayJaboulay button
el.bouton à basculerocker button
nat.sc., agric.bouton à boiswood bud
med.appl.bouton à déclenchement de prothèseprosthesis release button
nat.sc., agric.bouton à fleursfloral bud
agric.bouton à fleursflower bud
mater.sc., mech.eng.bouton à flêcheindicator knob
agric.bouton à fruitfruit bud
IT, transp.bouton à indexpointer knob
mun.plan.bouton à queueshank button
mun.plan.bouton à trouspierced button
patents.boutons compris dans la classe 26buttons included in class 26
med.boutons de fièvreherpes labialis
med.boutons de paraffineparaffinscabies
med.boutons de TardieuTardieu's spots
bot.boutons florauxflower buds
med.boutons gustatifstaste buds
med.boutons gustatifstaste bulbs
med.boutons gustatifscaliculi gustatorii
med.boutons gustatifsSchwalbe's corpuscles
comp.boutons platsflat buttons (onto toolbar)
med.boutons terminaux des nerfsnonencapsulated nerve glomeruli
mater.sc.boîte presse-boutonfingertip dispenser
mater.sc.boîte presse-boutonpressure pack aerosol can
mater.sc.boîte presse-boutonpressurized dispenser
earth.sc., el.cache-boutonswitch guard
gen.cache-boutonknob cover
comp.clic sur le bouton droitright-click (of the mouse)
comp., MScliquer avec le bouton droit surright-click (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
construct.commande par bouton-poussoir de l'ascenseurelevator push-button control
meas.inst.commande à boutons poussoirspress-button control
automat., meas.inst.commande à boutons poussoirspush-button control
comp., MSconfiguration à l'aide d'un bouton de commandepush-button configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
comp., MSconfiguration à l'aide d'un bouton de commandePBC (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
comp., MScontrôle boutonbutton control (A graphical control that enables a user to provide input to an application)
gen.crochet à boutonsbuttonhook
comp., MSCréer un boutonMake Button (A tool that is used to make a re-usable button from selected elements)
gen.des boutons fantaisiefancy buttons
tech., el.disjoncteur à bouton-poussoirpush-pull circuit-breaker
pack.distributeur presse-boutonpressure pack
pack.distributeur presse-boutonpressurized dispenser
pack.distributeur presse-boutonsprayer
pack.distributeur presse-boutonatomizer
pack.distributeur presse-boutonfingertip dispenser
pack.distributeur presse-boutonaerosol package
gen.donner des boutons àmake somebody come out in spots (quelqu'un)
construct.décharge à bouton-poussoirpress-knob flush valve
construct.décharge à bouton-poussoirpush-button flush valve
comp.dégager le bouton de la sourismouse button release
comp.entrée par boutonpush-button entry
comp., MSface du boutonbutton face (The surface of a button where text or an image (typically indicating the button's function) may be displayed)
gen.faire la vaisselle me donne des boutonsfiguré <-> I'm allergic to washing-up
textilefil avec boutons noueuxknop yarn
textilefil avec boutons noueuxseeds novelty yarn
textilefil à boutonsbug yarn
industr., construct.fixe-boutonknob fastener
mun.plan.forme pour boutonbutton mould
comp.grand boutonlarge button
comp.icône de boutonbutton icon
telecom., amer.identification du bouton de terreground button identification
telecom.identification du bouton de terreearth button identification
gen.il manque un boutonthere's a button missing
construct.interrupteur à boutonpress button switch
el.interrupteur à boutonpush button switch
energ.ind., industr.interrupteur à boutonpush-button switch
el.interrupteur à bouton-poussoirpush button switch
electr.eng.interrupteur à bouton poussoirpush-button switch
chem.interrupteur à bouton-pressoirpush-button switch
gen.la guerre presse-boutonpush-button warfare
gen.la renoncule terrestre, communément appelée bouton d'orranunculus, usually called the buttercup
gen.la renoncule terrestre, communément appelée bouton d'orranunculus, commonly known as buttercup
gen.le bébé fait une petite poussée de boutons rougesthe baby has a red rash
comp.lissage par bouton de sourismouse dragging
comp.lâcher le bouton de la sourismouse button release
textilemachine à coudre les boutonsbutton sewing machine
gen.mettre un bouton à sa vestesew a button on one's jacket
earth.sc., el.micro-bouton poussoirpush microswitch
mun.plan.moule pour boutonbutton mould
mun.plan.perle boutonbutton pearl
med.phénomène du "bouton de sonnette"bell-button phenomenon
el.pile-boutonbutton battery
environ., energ.ind.pile boutonbutton cell battery
environ.pile boutonbutton-cell battery
environ., energ.ind.pile boutonbuttoncell
environ.pile boutonbutton-cell battery A tiny, circular battery made for a watch or for other microelectric applications
nat.sc., agric.pique-bouton bigarregreen budworm (Argyroploce variegana, Hedya dimidioalba, Hedya nubiferana)
nat.sc., agric.pique-bouton bigarrefruit surface eating moth bod moth (Argyroploce variegana, Hedya dimidioalba, Hedya nubiferana)
nat.sc., agric.pique-bouton bigarrecone pitch moth (Argyroploce variegana, Hedya dimidioalba, Hedya nubiferana)
entomol.pique-bouton bigarrégreen piercer (Hedya variegana)
entomol.pique-bouton du pinpine bud moth (Exoteleia dodecella)
nat.sc., agric.pique-bouton du pinpine bud moth (Exoteleia dodecella, Gelechia dodecella, Heringia dodecella)
entomol.pique-bouton du pommiereye-spotted bud moth (Spilonota ocellana)
entomol.pique-bouton du pommiercream-cloak apple shoot leaf roller (Spilonota ocellana)
nat.sc., agric.pique-bouton du roisiertobacco striped caterpillar (Pyrrhia umbra)
nat.sc., agric.pique-bouton du roisierrose budworm (Pyrrhia umbra)
entomol.pique-bouton du rosierrose budmoth (Pyrrhia umbra)
construct.poignée-boutonnonrotating door handle
construct.poignée-boutonfixed door knob
construct.poignée-bouton de porte tournanterotating door handle
gen.pousser sur un boutonpush a button
comp.propriété de boutonbutton property
comp.relâchement par bouton de la sourismouse dropping
construct.robinet de chasse d'eau à bouton-poussoirtrigger flush valve
med.réduction du pharaphimosis par la manoeuvre du "bouton de sonnette"bell-button manipulation
comp.répandre le bouton de la sourismouse button release
gen.s'attacher avec des boutonsbutton up
gen.société "presse-bouton""push-button" society
med.suture appuyée sur bouton de BunnellBunnell suture
construct.tableau de commande à bouton-poussoirpush-button control board
mun.plan.tire-boutonbutton hook
gen.tourne le bouton jusqu'au 7turn the knob to 7
el.transformateur de mode en bouton de portedoor-knob transformer
el.transformateur en bouton de portedoor-knob transformer
antenn.transition bouton de portedoorknob transformer
gen.transition bouton de portedoor-knob transformer
el.transition en bouton de portedoor-knob transformer
med.appl.vis-boutonbutton screw
earth.sc., el.voyant lumineux de bouton-poussoirpush-button integral light
mun.plan.ébauche de boutonbutton blank
industr., construct.écrou du bouton de mise à l'heurehand-setting knob nut
comp.éditeur par boutonsbutton editor
med.appl.électrode à bouton bipolairebipolar button electrode
accum.élément boutoncoin cell
accum.élément boutonbutton cell
environ., energ.ind.élément de type "bouton"buttoncell
environ., energ.ind.élément de type "bouton"button cell battery
gen.éruption de boutonsoutbreak of spots
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