
Terms for subject Microsoft containing analyse | all forms | exact matches only
agent Analyse des performances des applicationsApplication Performance Monitoring agent (An agent that resides on a monitored system and gathers exception and performance information from a monitored application and reports it to the APM service)
agent d'analyse de Windows IntuneWindows Intune Monitoring Agent (An agent that monitors the health of client computers that are managed by Windows Intune)
analyse BAMBusiness Activity Monitoring A BizTalk Server feature that gives business users a real-time view of their heterogeneous business processes, enabling them to make important business decisions (Business Activity Monitoring)
analyse BPABPA scan (A scan that is run by the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA) to identify any issues that violate a pre-defined set of best practices)
analyse complètefull crawl (A crawl that scans a content source in its entirety and refreshes the index to reflect new, changed or deleted content, as well as existing, unchanged content)
analyse comportementalebehavioral analysis (Functions that enable users to track the online activity of prospects, customers, and all types of Internet users)
analyse continuecontinuous crawl (A crawl that operates on a continuous basis to scan and index new and modified content from a source)
analyse côté clientclient-side monitoring (The monitoring perspective that receives events and statistics from end user browser sessions)
Analyse de feuilles de calculSpreadsheet Inquire (A Microsoft Office product that provides interactive diagnostics to identify errors, deviations from spreadsheet best practices and insights into data flow in and out of the spreadsheet)
Analyse de fichier d'importationImport File Parse (A system job that parses a file used in data migration or import)
analyse de la sécurité réseaunetwork security scan (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
analyse de la valeur acquiseearned value analysis (A method for determining project performance which involves comparing the value of the work that was planned with the budgeted cost of the work performed to date, with what was actually spent. These comparisons provide invaluable information about actual conditions within the project and trends that may be developing in terms of schedule and cost performance)
Analyse de l'intégritéHealth Assessment (A subtab under System Health in Centro Admin Console that helps the user monitor applications, components, and servers for the purposes of preempting or fixing problems)
analyse de l'utilisationusage analysis (A feature that enables data collection to evaluate how Web sites on your server are being used)
analyse de mise à jourcatch-up scan (A scan that is initiated because regularly scheduled quick scans or full scans were missed)
analyse de réseaunetwork scanning (A process of finding, or identifying characteristics of, computers or other resources that are accessible on a network)
analyse de scénarioswhat-if analysis (The process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes affect the outcome of formulas on a worksheet. For example, varying the interest rate that is used in an amortization table to determine the amount of the payments)
analyse de sitesite analysis (The process of visiting all the pages of a Web site to gather information about the structure of the site. The IIS SEO Site Analysis feature performs a site analysis to discover violations of best practices for search engine optimization)
Analyse de transformationTransform Parse (A system job that parses a transformation used in data migration)
Analyse d'erreurs d'applicationAgentless Exception Monitoring (A feature in Operations Manager that allows the collection of client application crash data to a single location on a management server, resulting in data that can then be analyzed by your company for patterns)
Analyse d'erreurs d'applicationApplication Error Monitoring (A System Center Essentials that provides agentless monitoring of application exceptions on clients. Managed computers can generate and send an error report upon detection of applications errors)
analyse des comportements d'achatmarket basket analysis (A standard data mining algorithm that analyzes a list of transactions to make predictions about which items are most frequently purchased together)
Analyse des exceptions sans agentagentless exception monitoring (The process by which managed computers send error reports to a specified location on the System Center Essentials Management Server when an application error such as a program crash occurs on the managed computer)
analyse des forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menacesstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
analyse des parcours de visiteclickstream analysis (Clickstream data are information that users generate as they move from page to page and click on items within a Web site, usually stored in log files. Web site designers can use clickstream data to improve users' experiences with a site)
analyse des performancesperformance monitoring (The process of watching the message process/receive rate, number of running orchestrations, number of cache hits, memory usage over time, and so on)
analyse des performancesperformance analysis (The assessment of actual performance against an established standard)
analyse des risquesrisk analysis (The evaluation, classification, and prioritization of risks)
analyse des spécificationsrequirements analysis (The determination of the functional and performance characteristics of a solution based on analyses of customer needs, expectations, and constraints)
analyse des écarts de compétenceskill gap analysis (A method of comparing the actual skill level of an employee with a target level defined for a current job, a career path, or any other job in a company. This analysis helps to identify strengths and weaknesses in an employee's competence profile in relation to a job, and can be used to determine the appropriate competence development activities)
analyse du codecode analysis (The process of checking code for conformance to design guidelines. Code analysis goes beyond compilation to look for common coding and design errors determined by a set of guidelines)
analyse du fonctionnementhealth monitoring (The process of monitoring applications, components, and servers on which a BizTalk Server solution is implemented for the purposes of preempting or fixing problems)
analyse du panier d'achatshopping basket analysis (A standard data mining algorithm that analyzes a list of transactions to make predictions about which items are most frequently purchased together)
analyse du panier d'achatmarket basket analysis (A standard data mining algorithm that analyzes a list of transactions to make predictions about which items are most frequently purchased together)
analyse graphique des appelscallgraph analysis (The graph of method calls and the points in the program that call them. A node would be a method and the link would be the relationship of the other methods that it calls)
analyse incrémentielleincremental crawl (A crawl that operates on a defined schedule to scan and index new and modified content from a source)
analyse longuelong parsing (In the SQL system there are two typical types of threads: - short thread: it is a process that use the resources for a short time and - long thread: it is a process that use the resources for a long time. long parsing: is the analysis of the threads that lived for a long time Note: the definition of short/long is based on the system calculation/statistic for each process)
analyse multidimensionnellemultidimensional analysis (A methodology often used to design OLAP systems that involves describing numeric facts (such as revenue) by business descriptors (such as customers, time, products, and so on))
analyse PERTProgram, Evaluation and Review Technique analysis A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-case (Program, Evaluation and Review Technique)
analyse PERTPERT analysis (A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-case)
Analyse rapideQuick Analysis (A feature that enables single-click access to top data analysis features such as formulas, conditional formatting, sparklines, charts and PivotTable reports)
analyse statiquestatic analysis (The analysis of the source or object code of a program without executing the code. Typically the analysis is designed to detect errors)
analyse SWOTSWOT analysis (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
analyse syntaxiquedocument parsing (The process of detecting the file type of an item during content processing, and converting the item to text)
composant Analyse et administration du service WWWWWW Service Administration and Monitoring component (A component of the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) in IIS that is responsible for configuration, by means of the metabase, and for worker process management)
compte d'analysecrawling account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
diagramme analyse par arbre de défaillancefault tree analysis diagram (A type of diagram commonly used to illustrate events that might lead to a failure so the failure can be prevented)
Détection et analyse de risqueDiscovery and Risk Assessment (A Microsoft Office product that identifies business-critical Excel spreadsheets and Access databases by discovering files across network shares and SharePoint libraries, and that provides flexible risk assessment and categorization based on relevance, materiality and business impact)
effectuer l'analysemeter (To measure and record usage)
graphique d'analyse de tendancestrend analysis chart (A chart that shows the projected trend for a KPI based on analysis of previous data)
moteur d'analysescan engine (Software used to inspect messages to detect viruses or to identify spam)
Outil d'analyse de configuration systèmeSystem Configuration Checker (A system preparation tool that helps to avoid setup failures by validating the target machine before a software application is installed)
outil d'analyse de régressionRegression analysis tool (" A tool that performs linear regression analysis by using the "least squares" method to fit a line through a set of observations. A user can analyze how a single dependent variable is affected by the values of one or more independent variables.")
outils d'analyse des performancesperformance tools (Tools that you can use to evaluate the performance of a solution. Performance tools can have different purposes; some are designed to evaluate end-to-end performance while others focus on evaluating performance of a particular aspect of a solution)
pack d'analysemonitoring pack (A kind of management pack that contains the definition of the model against which an application will be monitored and the logic to monitor the health and availability of that application)
rapport d'analyse croiséecrosstab report (Printed information about tasks and resources over a specified time period. There are five predefined crosstab reports in Project: Cash Flow, Crosstab, Resource Usage, Task Usage, and Who Does What When)
relancer l'analyserescan (To search for new tape libraries and stand-alone tape drives attached to the DPM server, and for storage nodes managed by the DPM server)
requête analyse croiséecrosstab query (A query that calculates a sum, average, count, or other type of total on records, and then groups the result by two types of information: one down the left side of the datasheet and the other across the top)
règle d'analysecrawl rule (A set of preferences that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs that you can use to include or exclude items you want to crawl and specify the content access account to use when crawling that URL or range)
résultats de l'analysefeedback document (A document which is sent from Navision to Outlook as a response for a synchronization query. The feedback document contains all errors or conflicts detected by the C/AL code at the Navision Service Tier during the synchronization)
service d'analyseAnalytics Service (The service that performs analytics processing for search in SharePoint)
Service Web d'analyseMonitoring Web Service (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources)
services d'analyse commercialebusiness analytics service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes SQL StreamInsight, SQL Reporting, and Hadoop)
système analysémonitored system (The system where a monitored ASP.NET application or web service runs and where the APM service is started)
tableau d'analysefinancial statement (A statement of a company's financial state as of the end of a defined period. A financial statement may include an operating statement (an income statement showing the results in terms of profit and loss of normal business activities), a balance sheet (assets and liabilities), and other financial information)
tableau d'analyse, état financierfinancial statement (A report that documents the financial information and financial position of an organization)
test d'analyse mémoirecheckerboard test A memory test employed to detect catastrophic failures and wiring problems within the memory chip and on the data bus by writing an alternating pattern of 0's and 1's to the memory chip (échiquier)
utilitaire d'analyseverifier provider (A utility that analyzes data from the verifier.dll to determine things like timing and called APIs)
état des analyses fournisseurvendor analysis report (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)