
Terms for subject Law containing ad | all forms | exact matches only
accord ad referendumagreement subject to confirmation
accord ad referendumprovisional agreement
accord ad referendumad referendum agreement
ad referendumad referendum
arbitrage ad hocad hoc arbitration
Chaire Jean Monnet Ad personamad personam Jean Monnet Chair
chambre ad hocad hoc chamber
Comité ad hoc d'experts pour les documents d'identité et la circulation des personnesAd hoc Committee of Experts on Identity Documents and Movement of Persons
Comité ad hoc d'experts pour les documents d'identité et la circulation des personnesAd hoc Committee of Experts for Identity Documents and Movements of Persons
Comité ad hoc d'experts pour les suites à donner à la Déclaration sur les droits de l'hommeAd hoc Committee of experts for the Follow-up to the Declaration on Human Rights
Comité ad hoc d'experts sur la circulation des personnesAd hoc Committee of Experts on Movement of Persons
Comité ad hoc d'experts sur les aspects juridiques de l'asile territorial, des réfugiés et des apatridesAd Hoc Committee of Experts on Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum, Refugees and Stateless Persons
Comité ad hoc pour l'Europe des citoyensAd hoc Committee on a People's Europe
courriers diplomatiques ad hocdiplomatic couriers ad hoc
dies ad quemdies ad quem
dies ad quemday on which the period expires
droit progressif ad valoremad valorem graduated tax
désigner un mandataire ad litem dans le ressort de la juridiction saisieto appoint a representative ad litem in the jurisdiction of the court applied to
fret ad valoremad valorem freight
Groupe ad hoc des experts gouvernementaux ExequaturAd hoc Working Party of Governmental Experts Exequatur
Groupe ad hoc "Egalité des chances"Ad hoc Working Party on Equal Opportunities
Groupe ad hoc "Exequatur"Ad hoc Exequatur Working Party
Groupe ad hoc "Immigration"Ad hoc Group on Immigration
Groupe ad hoc "Qualité rédactionnelle"ad hoc Working Party on the Quality of Drafting
Groupe ad hoc Exequatur élargi aux Etats membres de l'AELEad hoc Working Party Exequatur extended to include the Member States of EFTA
juge ad hoccourt appointed for a specific case
juge ad hocad hoc judge
juge ad hocjudge ad hoc
juge ad litemad litem judge
loi ad personamad personam legislation
loi ad personamad personam law
mandat ad litemauthority to act
mandataire ad hocmediator
mandataire ad litemrepresentative ad litem
procuration ad litemdocument appointing a representative ad litem
procuration ad litemproxy for appearing in court
provision ad litemadvance for costs
provision ad litemsecurity for costs
règle "ad filum aquae"ad filum aquae rule
règle "ad medium filum aquae"ad medium filum aquae rule
règle "ad medium filum viae"ad medium filum viae rule
règle "usque ad medium filum aquae"usque ad medium filum aquae rule
révocation ad nutumsummary dismissal
révocation ad nutumad nutum dismissal