
Terms for subject Patents containing Prescriptions | all forms | exact matches only
conforme aux prescriptions relatives aux modalitéscomplying with the formal requirements
discontinuation de la prescriptiondiscontinuance of prescription
discontinuation de la prescriptioninterruption of prescription
discontinuation de la prescriptioninterruption of limitation
discontinuation de la prescriptiondiscontinuance of limitation
expiration du délai de prescriptionexpiration of the term of limitation
interruption de la prescriptiondiscontinuance of prescription
interruption de la prescriptioninterruption of limitation
interruption de la prescriptioninterruption of prescription
interruption de la prescriptiondiscontinuance of limitation
la composition du tribunal n’était pas conforme aux prescriptions légalesthe court was not properly constituted
prescription indispensablecogent provision
prescription juridiqueprovision by law
prescription juridiqueprovision of law
prescription légaleprovision by law
prescription légaleprovision of law
prescriptions plus largeswider provisions
prescriptions relatives aux demandesapplication regulations
prescriptions relatives à la police de l’audienceprovisions relating to the maintenance of order in court
satisfaire aux prescriptions légalessatisfy the prescribed requirements