
Terms for subject Environment containing Construction | all forms | exact matches only
Association pour une construction soucieuse de l'environnementAssociation for Environment Conscious Building
bruit de constructionconstruction noise Noise resulting from construction activities such as site preparation, site clearance, demolition of existing buildings, piling, concreting, erection of structures, etc.
bruit de constructionconstruction noise
conception-constructiondesign construct
construction avec des matériaux recyclésconstruction with recycled material
construction avec des matériaux recyclésconstruction with recycled material Construction with waste product used as raw material
construction d'axes de circulationtraffic route construction No definition needed
construction de murs de pierres sèchesdrystone walling
construction de réseaux d'assainissementsewage engineering
construction des égoutssewer construction
construction d'habitationshome building
construction d'installationsconstruction of installations No definition needed
Construction durable pour l'infrastructure militaireSustainable Building for Military Infrastructure
construction d'égoutssewage engineering
construction existanteexisting building
construction hydrauliquehydraulic construction Any structure built to route the flow of water, or to support the weight and pressure of a body of water
construction hydrauliquehydraulic construction
construction illégaleunauthorised building
construction navaleshipbuilding The art or business of designing and constructing ships
construction non résidentiellenon-residential building
construction par panneauxpanel building
construction progressive d'une ligne de défensebumpup method
construction routièreroad construction No definition needed
construction soucieuse de l'environnementenvironment equitable construction
construction "verte"green building
construction à gradinsstaggered building
construction écologiquegreen building
déchet de constructionbuilding waste Masonry and rubble wastes arising from the demolition or reconstruction of buildings or other civil engineering structures
déchet de constructionbuilding waste
déchets de construction et de démolitiony compris la construction routièreconstruction and demolition waste including road construction
déchets de construction et de démolition y compris la construction routièreconstruction and demolition waste including road construction
déchets de construction et de démolitiony compris la construction routièreconstruction and demolition wastes including excavated soil from contaminated sites
déchets de construction et de démolition en mélangemixed construction and demolition waste
déchets provenant de la fabrication des produits en céramique, briques, carrelage et matériaux de constructionwastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and constructions products
déchets provenant de la fabrication des produits en céramique,briques,carrelage et matériaux de constructionwastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and construction products
entreprise municipale de construction de logementsmunicipal housing corporation
exhausser une constructionincreasing the height of a building
implantation d'une constructionsitting of a building
industrie des matériaux de constructionbuilding materials industry
matériau de constructionbuilding material Any material used in construction, such as steel, concrete, brick, masonry, glass, wood, etc.
matériau de constructionconstruction materials
matériau de construction locallocal building material
matériaux de construction en contact avec l'eau potableConstruction Products in contact with Drinking Water
matériaux de construction à base d'amianteasbestos based construction materials
matériaux de construction à base de gypsegypsum based construction materials
normes de conception ou de construction des installations fixesinstallation design standards
normes et règlements de constructionbuilding codes
planification de la constructionbuilding planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for future construction or reconstruction of edifices and facilities
planification de la constructionbuilding planning
politique de la constructionconstruction policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which plans or organizes for the maintenance, development and erection of houses, offices, bridges or other building structures
Recueil de règles relatives à la construction et à l'équipement des navires transportant des gaz liquéfiés en vracGas Carrier Code
Recueil de règles relatives à la construction et à l'équipement des navires transportant des gaz liquéfiés en vracCode for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
société coopérative de constructionbuilding cooperative
supervision de travaux de constructionsupervision of building works The oversight or direction in the construction and maintenance of houses, facilities, offices and other structures
supervision de travaux de constructionsupervision of building works
travaux de constructionconstruction work The construction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension, demolition or repair of buildings, highways, or other changes or improvement to real property, including facilities providing utility services. The term also includes the supervision, inspection, and other on-site functions incidental to the actual construction
travaux de constructionconstruction work
travaux de construction pour la pose d'une canalisationsewer construction works
zone sensible de constructionenvironmentally sensitive building
éco-constructiongreen building