
Terms for subject Business containing Bilan | all forms | exact matches only
bilan de clôture de l'exercice précédentclosing balance sheet for the preceding financial year
bilan finalfinal balance sheet of the liquidation
bilan fiscaltax return
bilan simplifiéskeleton balance sheet
bilan simplifiéabbreviated balance sheet
certifier le bilanto certify the balance sheet
faire figurer hors bilandisclosure ... as off-balance-sheet items
publicité des bilans de toutes les petites et moyennes entreprises ayant la forme de SARL et également de SARL et de sociétés en commanditepublication of the balance sheets of all small and medium-sized enterprises in the form of private limited companies GmbH and of limited commercial partnerships KG with a private limited company as the general partner
total du bilantotal balance
total du bilanbalance-sheet total
éléments figurant au bilanassets included in the balance sheet items