
Terms for subject Microsoft containing équipe de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Center de travail en équipeTeam Work Center (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
groupe hôte de collection de projets d'équipeteam project collection host group (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
groupe hôte de projet d'équipeteam project host group (A project collection host group that has been further bound to a TFS team project for the purpose of deploying virtual environments)
partage de bibliothèque de collection de projets d'équipeteam project collection library share (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
partage de bibliothèque de projet d'équipeteam project library share (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
équipe de pairsteam of peers (An organizational work model that emphasizes the use of small, cohesive teams of role specialists who communicate on an equal basis in the accomplishment of their individual and group tasks. This work model contrasts to that of the traditional top-down, linear-structure work model, and has been functionally proven in a variety of different organizations, cultures, and project sizes)
équipe de suivipursuit team (People who are members of the group that is assigned to follow up on a particular lead)
équipe de triagetriage team (The team that performs the process of reviewing newly reported or reopened bugs and assign a priority and iteration for working on them)