
Terms for subject Microsoft containing à | all forms | exact matches only
abonnement avec mise à jour immédiateimmediate updating subscription (A subscription to a transactional publication for which the user is able to make data modifications at the Subscriber. The data modifications are then immediately propagated to the Publisher using the two-phase commit protocol (2PC))
abonnement à la boîte aux lettresmailbox subscription (Metadata specifying that a user is logged on their e-mail account. After the user has successfully logged on, the mailbox subscription is considered active)
abonnement à un rapportreport subscription (A registration to have a particular report delivered to specific users who have an interest in it)
accès direct à la mémoiredirect memory access A technology that allows certain devices, such as hard disks and CD or DVD drives, to transfer information directly through the computer's memory without using the computer's processor. DMA improves the performance of the device and frees the computer's processor so it can perform other tasks (DMA)
accès direct à la mémoire par ventilation-regroupementscatter/gather direct memory access (A form of direct memory access (DMA) in which data is transferred to and from noncontiguous ranges of physical memory)
Accès direct à la mémoire à distanceRemote Direct Memory Access A networking feature that lets one computer directly place information into the memory of another computer (RDMA)
Accès rapide à ExchangeExchange Fast Access (A feature that enables Exchange users to see new email messages and up-to-date calendar items as soon as they open Outlook, without waiting for it to finish synchronizing)
accès réseau à distancedial-up networking (Connecting to other computers or to the Internet by using a modem and a telephone line)
Accès à distanceDial-Up Networking (A Windows CE-based application that enables remote users to connect to a network)
accès à distanceremote access (Part of the integrated Routing and Remote Access service that provides remote networking for telecommuters, mobile workers, and system administrators who monitor and manage servers at multiple branch offices. Users can use Network Connections to dial in to remotely access their networks for services such as file and printer sharing, electronic mail, scheduling, and SQL database access)
Accès à distanceDUN (A Windows CE-based application that enables remote users to connect to a network)
accès à InternetInternet access (The capability of a user to connect to the Internet)
Administration des connexions aux programmes RemoteApp et aux services Bureau à distanceRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
administration à distanceremote management (For an administrator, the process of managing Windows SteadyState Windows Disk Protection from a remote computer through Active Directory Group Policy)
affichage à cristaux liquidesliquid crystal display (" A type of display that uses a liquid compound having a polar molecular structure, sandwiched between two transparent electrodes. When an electric field is applied, the molecules align with the field, forming a crystalline arrangement that polarizes the light passing through it. A polarized filter laminated over the electrodes blocks polarized light. In this way, a grid of electrodes can selectively "turn on" a cell, or a pixel, containing the liquid crystal material, turning it dark.")
Affichage à partir de plusieurs listesJoint List View (A feature that allows a view to be created from multiple lists of stored data)
Agent du client des outils de contrôle à distanceRemote Tools Client Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager Remote Tools feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that enables an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to use remote troubleshooting tools to diagnose client problems or remotely control a client)
Agent hôte de virtualisation des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Virtualization Host Agent (A service that is running on any machine that has the RD Virtualization role service installed)
agrafage à chevalsaddle stitch (A book binding method whereby pages are stapled along the spine and then folded to form a booklet)
aide à la décisiondecision support (Systems designed to support the complex analytic analysis required to discover business trends)
Ajouter une personne à l'appelAdd a Person to the Call (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
Ajouter à la liste des contactsAdd to Contacts List (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
algorithme à clé asymétriqueasymmetric key algorithm (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
algorithme à clé publiquepublic key algorithm (An asymmetric cipher that uses two keys, one for encryption, the public key, and the other for decryption, the private key. As implied by the key names, the public key used to encode plaintext can be made available to anyone. However, the private key must remain secret. Only the private key can decrypt the ciphertext. The public key algorithm used in this process is slow (on the order of 1,000 times slower than symmetric algorithms), and is typically used to encrypt session keys or digitally sign a message)
aligner à droiteright align (To align text along the right margin)
aligner à gaucheleft align (To align text along the left margin)
aligné à droiteright-aligned (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the right margin)
aligné à gaucheleft-aligned (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the left margin)
analyse de mise à jourcatch-up scan (A scan that is initiated because regularly scheduled quick scans or full scans were missed)
antérieur à l'événementpre-event (A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event starts)
apparence à deux dimensionsflat appearance (The recommended visual display of a control when it is nested inside another control or scrollable region)
appartenance à un groupemembership in a group (A user's status as a member of a group)
Appel de PC à PCPC Call (A feature that enables customers to make voice calls from one computer to another)
application à haut niveau de fiabilitéhigh-trust app (An app that uses the server-to-server (S2S) protocol, where the app is responsible for creating the user portion of the access token, and therefore is trusted to assert any user identity)
approbation à sens uniqueone-way trust (A trust relationship between two domains in which only one of the two domains trusts the other domain. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B does not trust domain A. One-way trusts are often used to enable authenticated access to resource domains)
appuyer à l'aide de deux doigtstap two fingers (To tap with two fingers on a touchpad or similar device at the same time and with a relatively short distance between each other)
Archive permanente à durée définieTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
Assistance matérielle à la virtualisationhardware-assisted virtualization (A virtualization method that takes advantage of the processor assisted virtualization support that is available with recent processor technology)
assistance à la clientèlecustomer service (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers)
Assistant Composition à emporterPack and Go Wizard (A wizard that packages a publication and its linked files into a single file that you can take to another computer to be edited, or to a commercial printer or a copy shop to be printed)
Assistant Configuration de la gestion des mises à jourUpdate Management Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through configuring the update management feature and then downloading information about current updates from Microsoft Update so the user can start deploying updates to managed computers)
Associer à un contactAssociate to Contact (In a conference, this command associates a participant or phone number with a contact on the user's contact list)
authentification Active Directory à distanceremote Active Directory authentication (A feature that enables IT professionals to activate Windows-based computers based on user identities in the Active Directory, without requiring additional infrastructure)
barre de mise à jourupdate bar (A control that appears in the Page Inspector integrated browser when changes have been made to a file in a web application. It prompts the user to update the view of the web application in the Page Inspector browser by either pressing CTRL+ALT+ENTER, or by clicking the update bar with the mouse)
base de données à relation contenant-contenucontained database (A SQL Server database that includes all of the user authentication, database settings, and metadata required to define and access the database, and has no configuration dependencies on the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine where the database is installed)
batterie de serveurs Bureau à distanceremote desktop server farm (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of sharing workload)
batterie de serveurs de passerelle Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Gateway server farm (A group of RD Gateway servers that have been configured to function correctly using a load balancing solution that is in place)
batterie de serveurs de passerelle Bureau à distanceRD Gateway server farm (A group of RD Gateway servers that have been configured to function correctly using a load balancing solution that is in place)
billet à ordrepromissory note (A source document that documents an agreement between two parties based on an understanding that one party will commit to paying the other party at a specified time or on demand)
bout-à-bordend-to-edge (Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a QoS signaling path that traverses an underlying network from an end host to the edge node of a domain (or from an edge node to an end host))
Boîte à outilsToolbox (A feature that provides a home for the Office Scrapbook, Compatibility Report, Project Palette and Reference Pane and is shown as a floating palette)
boîte à outilstoolbox (A bundle of software, services, marketing materials, etc., bundled together and meant to be used together)
boîte à outils des fonctoidsfunctoid toolbox (A dockable window in Visual Studio that serves as the palette of functoids available for use during map construction. Functoids are organized into different toolbox tabs based on their intended purpose)
Boîte à outils d'évaluationAssessment Toolkit (A toolkit that helps you determine the quality of a running operating system or a set of components with regard to performance, reliability and functionality. The toolkit includes several assessments and provides the tools needed to run assessments on a local computer or on multiple computers, and review the results of the assessments to diagnose problems and determine how to make improvements)
budget à l'achèvementbudget at completion (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop (A Windows feature that allows users to connect remotely to a computer and access programs, files, and network resources as though they were sitting at the computer)
Bureaux à distanceRemote Desktops (A snap-in that allows users to manage Remote Desktop connections to remote desktop servers and computers that are running Windows Server)
calcul à reboursbackward pass (Calculation of late finish and late start dates for project activities, determined by working backward from the project's finish date)
caractère à demi-chassehalf-width character (In a double-byte character set, a character that is represented by one byte and typically has a full-width variant)
caractère à pleine chassefull-width character (In a double-byte character set, a character that is represented by 2 bytes and typically has a half-width variant)
case à cochercheck box (" A control that indicates whether or not an option is selected. A check mark or "x" appears in the box when the option is selected.")
Centre d'aide à la décisionBusiness Intelligence Center (A SharePoint site template that provides an entry point for users to access the business intelligence ecosystem)
centre d'assistance à la clientèlecustomer service center (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers)
Certificat pour infrastructure à clé publiquePublic Key Infrastructure certificate (A system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction)
champ à plusieurs valeursmultivalued field (A lookup field that can store more than one value)
charges à payeraccrued cost (A transaction that is recorded in a profit and loss account by an expense transaction)
chemin d'accès associé à une racinerooted path (A sequence of folders (directories) that begins with a drive letter and colon (for example, C:) or a directory separator character (\) and leads to a specific file or folder)
chemin d'accès à l'objetobject path (A formatted string used to access namespaces, classes, and instances. Each object on the system has a unique path that identifies it locally or over the network. Object paths are conceptually similar to Universal Resource Locators (URL))
cheval de Troie autorisant un accès à distanceremote access Trojan (A type of Trojan that provides remote access to a computer)
chiffrement à clékey encryption (The creation of a randomly-generated symmetric key to encrypt file data)
chiffrement à clé publiquepublic key encryption (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
chiffrement à clé secrètesecret key encryption (An encryption algorithm that requires the same secret key to be used for both encryption and decryption. Because of its speed, symmetric encryption is typically used when a message sender needs to encrypt large amounts of data)
chiffrement à courbe elliptiqueelliptic curve cryptography (An approach to public key cryptography based on properties of elliptic curves. The primary advantage of ECC is efficiency, which becomes important as devices get smaller and security requirements get more demanding. For example, ECC keys between 163 bits and 512 bits are one-sixth to one-thirtieth the size of equivalent security-level RSA keys. As key size increases the relative efficiency of ECC increases)
clic droit effectué à l'aide de deux doigtstwo-finger right-click (A multi-touch gesture that consists of either a left-down movement, or right-down, right-up or left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up (roll))
cluster de serveurs à noeud uniquesingle node server cluster (A cluster configuration that has one node and that can be configured with or without external cluster storage devices. For a single node cluster without an external cluster storage device, the local disk is configured as the cluster storage device. There are advantages and limitations for each cluster configuration (single node server cluster, single quorum device server cluster, and majority node set server cluster))
cluster de serveurs à quorum uniquesingle quorum device server cluster (A cluster configuration that has two or more nodes and that is configured so that every node is attached to one or more cluster storage device. The cluster configuration data is stored on a single cluster storage device. There are advantages and limitations for each cluster configuration (single node server cluster, single quorum device server cluster, and majority node set server cluster))
cluster à copie uniquesingle copy cluster (A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server)
cluster à copie uniqueSCC A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server (SCC)
codage à vitesses de transmission multiplesmultiple bit rate encoding (An encoding method where a single WMV file contains several streams of varying bit rates)
code d'accès à l'internationalinternational access code (The prefix that is used to direct a call internationally. The International Access Code is 011 in the United States and 00 in much of the rest of the world)
code d'accès à une ligne extérieureoutside line access code (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
code à liaison tardivelate-bound code (A code that defers the assignment of a meaning to an identifier (such as a variable) until runtime)
code à usage uniquesingle-use code (A code, which can be used only once, that can be used in place of a password to sign in)
codec de transmission audiofréquence à bande étroitenarrowband codec (An audio codec that provides voice by using a sampling rate of 8 kHz)
codec de transmission audiofréquence à bande étroitenarrowband audio codec (An audio codec that provides voice by using a sampling rate of 8 kHz)
collecte de données relatives à l'utilisation et à l'étatUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
communication à distance, remotingremoting (The process of communication between different operating system processes, regardless of whether they are on the same computer)
compilateur juste-à-tempsjust-in-time compiler (A compiler takes the Java bytecode (which is machine-independent) and compiles it on demand into native code for the target machine, giving faster execution. Since JIT compilers operate on the client machine, they preserve the platform-independence of the compiled Java program)
compilation juste-à-tempsjust-in-time compilation (The compilation that converts Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) into machine code at the point when the code is required at run time)
comptabilité à reboursbackflush costing (An accounting method that flows product and production costs to cost of goods sold accounts during an accounting period and that backflushes those costs to raw material and finished goods accounts for products not sold at the close of the accounting period)
Compte à rebours de sessionSession Countdown (A feature on the General tab of the User Settings tool that allows the administrator to display the session countdown interface to alert users of how much time is left before the end of their sessions)
concentrateur à commutationswitching hub (A central network device (multiport hub) that forwards packets to specific ports rather than, as in conventional hubs, broadcasting every packet to every port. In this way, the connections between ports deliver the full bandwidth available)
Configuration de l'accès Web aux programmes RemoteApp et aux services Bureau à distanceRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Configuration de l'accès Web des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Web Access Configuration (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
Configuration des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Server Configuration (A Remote Desktop Services management snap-in that you can use to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per-connection basis or for the server as a whole)
Configuration d'hôte de session Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Session Host Configuration (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
configuration à la commandeconfigure-to-order (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing a computer according to a customer`s specification by customizing a pre-existing image of a master installation)
configuration à l'aide d'un bouton de commandepush-button configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
configuration à l'aide d'un bouton de commandePBC (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
Conformité de la mise à jourupdate compliance (A type of interactive reporting that informs if a software and hardware inventory is in adherence with update requirements)
Connexion Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Connection (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
Connexion Bureau à distanceRDC (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
Connexion Bureau à distance par le WebRemote Desktop Web Connection (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
Connexion Bureau à distance par le WebRDWC (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
connexion d'accès à distancedial-up connection (A connection to other computers or to the Internet using a device that uses the telephone network)
connexion forme à formeshape-to-shape connection (A method of connecting shapes. The actual point of connection might change when you move the connected shapes. You make shape-to-shape connections by dragging a connector from the center of one shape to the center of another shape)
connexion multimédia à distanceremote media connection (A Windows Media Player (WMP) specific feature that allows you to use the Internet to access music, pictures and videos available on your home network. The feature must be activated on at least two computers in order to work)
connexion point à pointpoint-to-point connection (A method of connecting shapes such that the actual point of connection stays the same no matter how you move the connected shapes)
connexion à chaudhot plugging (A feature that allows equipment to be connected to an active device, such as a computer, while the device is powered on)
connexion à chaud dans une station d'accueilhot docking (The process of attaching a laptop computer to a docking station while the computer is running, and automatically activating the docking station's video display and other functions)
connexion à distanceremote connection (A feature that lets you work on your computer from a different computer)
Connexion à un ordinateur virtuelVirtual Machine Connection (A feature of Hyper-V that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely through an interactive session)
Connexion à un vidéoprojecteurConnect to a Projector (A wizard that is part of the Network Presentation feature of Windows Vista. This wizard finds and connects to available network-attached projectors on the local network)
Connexions aux programmes RemoteApp et aux services Bureau à distanceRemoteApp and Desktop Connection (A customized view of RemoteApp programs and virtual desktops that the administrator makes available to users that are using Windows 7 or RAD Web Access)
Connexions à distanceRemote connections (The list item for reporting that the remote connections feature is problematic. The list is displayed in the problem reporting utility built in to beta versions of Windows Live Sync)
Conseiller de mise à niveau vers Windows VistaWindows Vista Upgrade Advisor (A downloadable Web application that helps Windows users identify which edition of Windows meets their needs, whether their PCs are ready for an upgrade to the next Windows version, and which features of the suggested Windows version will be able to run on their PCs)
Conseiller à un amiTell a friend (The standard display text for mailto: link for sending a link to a page, typically used when asking someone to view but not participate in something)
Console de gestion des services Bureau à distanceRD Management Console (A Server Manager component for Remote Desktop Services used to deploy, configure and manage RDS deployments)
contenu adapté à toute la famillefamily-friendly content (Text or images appropriate for all users including children; often selected via a UI element, such as a dictionary parental control)
contour avec pic à la finlate-peak contour (A contour that slopes up gradually, peaks near the end of the curve, and then drops off)
contour à charge décroissantefront-loaded contour (A contour that begins at its highest point, and then slopes downward)
contournement à usage uniqueone-time bypass (To allow access one-time)
contrat Mise à jour des fichiers mis en cacheCached File Updater contract (A contract that enables an app to provide real-time updates and saving capabilities for specific files on the system)
Contrôler le transfert d'appel à partir d'Office CommunicatorControl call forwarding from Communicator (An item the user can select in the Options dialog box, Phones tab. When the user selects this option, Communicator controls automatic forwarding of incoming calls using the call-forwarding settings the user selects)
conversion à partir de fluxstream-based conversion (​A mode of Word Automation Services in which the input and output of the conversion are streams, rather than files on the site)
crochet angulaire à gaucheleft angle bracket (The < character)
câble à paires torsadéestwisted-pair cable (Two paired wires, with each wire twisted two or more times per inch to help cancel out noise)
côte à côteSide by Side (Pertaining to a type of layout that displays the contents of windows one next to another on the screen)
de droite à gaucheright-to-left (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, languages, etc. for which text is displayed in a right-to-left direction)
de gauche à droiteleft-to-right (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, and languages for which text is displayed in a left-to-right direction. English and most other European languages are left-to-right languages)
De N à M correspondanceN to M Matches (A menu item that allows the user to search for a pattern A to be represented in pattern B between N and M times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc)
deblocage de carte à pucesmart card unblocking (The action of binding a smart card with administrative credentials to reset the the personal identification number (PIN) attempt counter)
demande de mise à jourupdate request (A request to change the attributes of an object)
Demander une assistance à distance...Ask for Remote Assistance... (An item on the Actions menu that invites someone to help the user. Using an Internet connection, the user can give permission to anyone running Windows XP to chat, view the user's screen, and work on the user's computer)
demandes d'accès à un site WebWebsite requests (The tab on the Family Safety website that displays requests a child has made via e-mail to view a blocked website)
dette à court termeshort-term debt (A current obligation that is payable within one year)
dette à court termecurrent liability (An obligation that is due within a short period of time, usually one year or less, and which will be paid out of current assets)
diagramme de cause à effetcharacteristic diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
diagramme de cause à effetcause and effect diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
diagramme à surfacesbox plot chart (A statistical type of chart that uses boxes to indicate statistical distribution and easily identify outlier points. There are five values: upper quartile, lower quartile, High Box, Low Box, and Median)
Diffie-Hellman à courbe elliptiqueelliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (Pertaining to a key agreement protocol which enables two users to create a shared secret agreement over a nonsecure, public medium, using elliptic curve cryptography without having previously exchanged any private information using. It is based on the Diffie–Hellman protocol)
diffuser à ratio constantspread by ratio (To spread a non-leaf-level value to all leaf-level members while maintaining the ratio between the non-leaf-level and leaf-level members)
dimension plusieurs à plusieursmany-to-many dimension (A relationship between a dimension and a measure group in which a single fact may be associated with many dimension members and a single dimension member may be associated with a many facts. To define this relationship between the dimension and the fact table, the dimension is joined to an intermediate fact table and the intermediate fact table is joined, in turn, to an intermediate dimension table that is joined to the fact table)
dispositif de stockage à accès directdirect access storage device (A data storage device by which information can be accessed directly, instead of by passing sequentially through all storage areas. For example, a disk drive is a DASD, but a tape unit is not, because, with a tape unit, the data is stored as a linear sequence)
dispositif à couplage de chargecharge-coupled device (A device in which individual semiconductor components are connected so that the electrical charge at the output of one device provides the input to the next)
disque compact à mémoire en lecture seulecompact disc read-only memory (A form of storage characterized by high capacity (roughly 650 MB) and the use of laser optics instead of magnetic means for reading data)
disquette à double densitédouble-density disk (A disk created to hold data at twice the density (bits per inch) of a previous generation of disks. Early IBM PC floppy disks held 180 KB of data. Double-density disks increased that capacity to 360 KB. Double-density disks use modified frequency modulation encoding for storing data)
disquette à double densitédouble density disk (A disk created to hold data at twice the density (bits per inch) of a previous generation of disks. Early IBM PC floppy disks held 180 KB of data. Double-density disks increased that capacity to 360 KB. Double-density disks use modified frequency modulation encoding for storing data)
domaine de mise à jourupdate domain (A grouping of role instances in a cloud service that allows in-place updates to occur without impacting service availability. When you update a cloud service, Windows Azure updates it one update domain at a time, stopping the instances running within one of the update domains, updating the instances, starting them back up, and then moving on to the next update domain. In this way, at least one update domain stays running while another one gets updated)
domaine de mise à niveauupgrade domain (A group in which Virtual Machine Manager automatically places instances of a tier of a service so that when the service is updated, those instances will be updated at the same time)
dont le temps d'utilisation est calculé à la minuteminute-based (Pertaining to a computer running FlexGo technology that meters computer usage time in increments of minutes)
débogage juste-à-tempsjust-in-time debugging (A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program)
débogage juste-à-tempsJIT debugging (A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program)
débogage à distanceremote debugging (The use of Visual Studio on one computer (the host computer) to debug an application that is running on another computer (the target or remote computer))
Défilement, côte à côte vers le hautScroll, Up Side-by-Side (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)
démarrage à chaudwarm start (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)
démarrage à chaudwarm boot (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)
démarrage à froidcold start (A startup process that begins with turning on the computer's power. Typically, a cold boot involves some basic hardware checking by the system, after which the operating system is loaded from disk into memory)
démarrage à froidcold boot (A startup process that begins with turning on the computer's power. Typically, a cold boot involves some basic hardware checking by the system, after which the operating system is loaded from disk into memory)
démarrage à partir du DVDDVD boot (The process of starting a computer from the retail product DVD and then installing Windows on the hard disk by using Windows Setup)
démarrage à partir d'un CDCD boot (The process of starting a computer from the retail product CD-ROM and then installing Windows on the hard disk using the Setup program on the CD)
effectuer un pas à pas détailléstep into (To execute the current statement and enter Break mode, stepping into the next procedure whenever a call for another procedure is reached)
Envoyé à partir de mon Windows PhoneSent from my Windows Phone (A tagline or signature added to all email that's sent from a Windows Phone)
espace de travail Mises à jourUpdates workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune that allows you to manage software updates)
estimation de projet à prix fixefixed-price project estimate (The estimated total cost to complete a fixed-price project)
estimation à l'achèvementestimate at completion (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
Estimé à Achèvementestimate at completion (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
exception à la synchronisationsynchronization exception (A setting in the Navision Synchronization add-in that defines which categories of Outlook items should not be synchronized)
exploration à l'aide de la barre de navigationbreadcrumb navigation (A form of navigation that shows the path to the current Web page)
extension serveur Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Server Extension (A Windows Server feature that adds Remote Desktop Services-specific tabs to the Properties sheet of a user account)
exécuter pas à passtep (To execute a program one step at a time, usually within the context of a debugger)
exécution côte à côteside-by-side execution (The ability to install and use multiple versions of an assembly in isolation at the same time. Side-by-side execution can apply to applications and components as well as to the .NET Framework. Allowing assemblies to coexist and to execute simultaneously on the same computer is essential to support robust versioning in the common language runtime)
Exécution de mise à jourUpdating Run (The end-to-end process feature by which Cluster-Aware Updating takes each node of a failover cluster offline, applies a set of software updates, performs a restart if necessary, brings the node back online, and moves on to the next node, until all nodes have been updated)
exécution de mise à jourupdating run (A process that is executed by the Updating Run feature)
fichier de demande de mise à jour de catalogueCatalog Maintenance Request file (A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog)
fichier à exclurefile to exclude (A file that is not included in the file group)
fichier à inclurefile to include (A file that is included in the file group)
file d'attente administrée à distanceheadless queue (A queue type used for reports that are reported silently. It is utilized when a user is not to be notified when the event occurs or prior to reporting the event)
format à virgule flottante double précisiondouble-precision floating-point format (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point)
forme à deux dimensions2-D shape (A shape that has four selection handles that you can use to resize the shape proportionally)
forme à une dimension1-D shape (Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a beginning point and ending point and can be glued between two shapes to connect them)
fournisseur d'accès à InternetInternet access provider (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
Franco à bordFree On Board (A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit)
Gestion des droits relatifs à l'informationInformation Rights Management (A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send)
Gestion des droits relatifs à l'information, services RMSInformation Rights Management (A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send)
gestion des mises à jourupdate management (A feature that enables administrators to view, download, and deploy software updates required by operating systems and other software on managed computers)
Gestionnaire de licences des services Bureau à distanceRD Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
Gestionnaire de licences des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
Gestionnaire de licences des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
Gestionnaire de licences des services Bureau à distanceRD Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
Gestionnaire de passerelle Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
Gestionnaire de passerelle Bureau à distanceRD Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
gestionnaire des mises à jour logiciellesSoftware Update Manager (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can define and deploy software updates)
graphique de réseau pair à pairpeer-to-peer graph (The worldwide collection of networks and gateways that use the TCP/IP suite of protocols to communicate with one another)
graphique en secteurs, camembert, graphique à secteurspie chart (A round chart that shows the size of items in a single data series, proportional to the sum of the items)
graphique à barres de secteursbar of pie chart (A pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a stacked bar)
graphique à barres empiléesstacked bar chart (A bar chart subtype that shows the relationship of individual items to the whole)
graphique à barres groupéesclustered bar chart (A bar chart subtype that compares values across categories)
graphique à barres, histogrammebar chart (A graph that uses horizontal bars to illustrate comparisons among individual data items)
graphique à colonnes flottantesfloating column chart (A stacked column chart that creates the effect of floating columns by making the first data series invisible. The result is a chart that depicts mininum and maximum values)
graphique à cylindrescylinder chart (A variation on a column chart that uses cylinder shapes instead of rectangular columns)
graphique à cylindres horizontauxhorizontal cylinder chart (A variation on a bar chart that uses cylinder shapes instead of horizontal rectangles)
graphique à cônescone chart (A variation on a column chart that uses cone shapes instead of rectangular columns)
graphique à cônes horizontauxhorizontal cone chart (A variation on a bar chart that uses cone shapes instead of horizontal rectangles)
graphique à pyramides horizontaleshorizontal pyramid chart (A variation on a bar chart that uses pyramid shapes instead of horizontal rectangles)
graphique à secteurs éclatésexploded pie chart (" A pie chart that displays the contribution of each value to a total while emphasizing individual values, by showing each slice of the pie as "pulled out," or separate, from the whole.")
Graver un disque à partagerBurn a Sharing Disc (A control that initiates burning a disc with selected pictures for sharing)
groupe de distribution universel à extension messageriemail-enabled universal distribution group (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled universal distribution group, all members of that list receive a copy of the message. Mail-enabled universal distribution groups cannot be used to assign permissions)
groupe de mises à jourupdate group (A collection of managed properties that are updated together in the search index)
groupe de serveurs Bureau à distanceremote desktop server group (A group of two or more remote desktop servers that you can manage via Remote Desktop Server Manager)
groupe de sécurité universel à extension messageriemail-enabled universal security group (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. Unlike a mail-enabled universal distribution group, a mail-enabled USG can also be used to assign permissions. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled USG, all members of that group receive a copy of the message)
groupe de travail à sécurité activéesecurity-enabled workgroup (An Access workgroup in which users log on with a user name and password and in which access to database objects is restricted according to permissions granted to specific user accounts and groups)
groupe d'ordinateurs administrés via un serveur de passerelle Bureau à distanceRD Gateway-managed computer group (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
groupe à haute disponibilitéavailability set (A group of virtual machines that are set up so that its members are guaranteed to be highly available. An availability set combines the operations of fault domains and update domains to help guard against hardware failures and host operating system updates, both of which cause virtual machine outages)
hiérarchie d'infrastructure à clé publiquepublic key infrastructure hierarchy (A hierarchy in which the roles of the certification authority are separated into one root CA and one or more subordinate CAs)
hébergement côte à côteside-by-side hosting (The loading and activation of multiple versions of the common language runtime within the same process)
Hôte de session Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
Hôte de session Bureau à distanceRD Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
Hôte de virtualisation des services Bureau à distanceRD Virtualization Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that hosts the virtual machines that are made available to users by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
immobilisation à faible coûtlow-cost asset (In Australia, a depreciating asset that costs less than $1,000 (after GST credits or adjustments) as of the end of the income year when an organization starts to use it or when it is installed and ready for use for a taxable purpose)
Importer à partir d'un périphériqueImport from a device (An option that allows user to import images from a device as opposed to some form of media. Device denotes an electronic device capable of showing or transmitting digital images)
impôt à payertax liability (A government authority's legal claim to the assets of a legal entity)
indicateur de mise à jour de stratégiepolicy update flag (A flag that is used to indicate that a workflow should be re-run as an effect of a change to the sets or Management Policy Rules referring to it)
indice de performance à achèvementcomplete performance index (The ratio of the work remaining to be done to funds remaining to be spent, as of the status date [BAC - BCWP]/[BAC - ACWP]. A TCPI value greater than one indicates a need for increased performance; less than one indicates performance can decrease)
infrastructure à clé publiquepublic key infrastructure (The laws, policies, standards, and software that regulate or manipulate certificates and public and private keys. In practice, it is a system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction. Standards for PKI are still evolving, even though they are being widely implemented as a necessary element of electronic commerce)
interface de connexion à la demandedemand-dial interface (A logical interface that represents a demand-dial connection (a PPP link) that is configured on the calling router. The demand-dial interface contains configuration information such as the port to use, the addressing used to create the connection (such as a phone number), authentication and encryption methods, and authentication credentials)
interface à tonalitétouchtone interface (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using DTMF or touchtone inputs)
invitation à une conversationconversation invitation (A request for a conversation)
inviter quelqu'un à prendre part à une conversationjoin (To connect one or more people together in a conversation)
Inviter à une nouvelle conversation...Invite to New Conversation... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
jeton d'accès à faible niveau d'intégritélow integrity access token (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications)
juste-à-tempsjust-in-time (Pertaining to something that happens when it becomes necessary)
kanban à usage uniquesingle use kanban (A type of kanban that is used with a fixed quantity kanban rule to meet exceptionally high demand. A single use kanban does not trigger a new kanban when it is discarded)
langage spécifique à un domainedomain-specific language (A custom language that targets a problem domain and defines the problem at a high level of abstraction)
lecteur de carte à pucesmart card reader (A device that is installed in computers to enable the use of smart cards for enhanced security features)
lecteur de disque optique à consommation nullezero power optical disk drive (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
Lecture de droite à gaucheRight-to-Left Reading Order (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
licence associée à un poste de travaildevice license (A software license assigned to a client computer; it allows any authorized person access to the software by using that computer)
licence d'accès client aux services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Services client access license (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
licence d'accès client aux services Bureau à distanceRDS CAL (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
licence d'accès client aux services Bureau à distance par appareilRemote Desktop Services Per Device client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
licence d'accès client aux services Bureau à distance par appareilRDS Per Device CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
licence d'accès client aux services Bureau à distance par utilisateurRemote Desktop Services Per User client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
licence d'accès client aux services Bureau à distance par utilisateurRDS Per User CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
Lier à l'enregistrementLink to Record (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
ligne de reconnaissance des caractères à encre magnétiquemagnetic ink character recognition line (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
ligne de réponse à la demande de devisRFQ reply line (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item)
lire à vitesse variablescrub (To move the timeline playhead manually in order to preview an animation storyboard)
liste d'accès à la publicationpublication access list (The primary mechanism for securing the Publisher. It contains a list of logins, accounts, and groups that are granted access to the publication)
liste d'accès à la publicationPAL (The primary mechanism for securing the Publisher. It contains a list of logins, accounts, and groups that are granted access to the publication)
liste mise à jourupdate list (A list that includes the name of the person who originally sent a task request plus the names of everyone who received the task request, reassigned the task to someone else, or chose to keep an updated copy of the task in their task list)
liste à enjambementskiplisting (The process of bypassing the connecting IP address in the mail header for the purposes of assessing the likelihood that the message is spam and instead inspecting the previous IP address listed in the header)
liste à pucebulleted list (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a bullet)
Liste à puces horizontaleHorizontal Bullet List (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped lists of information. Works well with large amounts of text. All text has the same level of emphasis, and direction is not implied)
Liste à puces verticaleVertical Bullet List (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Works well for lists with long headings or top-level information)
logiciel anti-programme malveillant à lancement anticipéELAM driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
logiciel compilé à partir de différentes versions de fichiers sourcesas-built software (A deliverable, consisting of software components, that is the result of compiling (building) the raw code files from a discrete set of source versions)
logiciel de contrôle à distanceremote control software (Software designed to provide access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected)
lot à transférertransfer batch (The quantity of one or more items that is transferred or that can be transferred)
mettre fin à un appelend a call (To end a phone call)
mettre à jourwrite back (To update a cube cell value, member, or member property value)
mettre à jourupdate (To change an existing row of data in the data store or to transmit pending changes to the data store)
mettre à l'échellescale (To enlarge or reduce the display of an item, such as a drawing or a proportional character font, by adjusting its size proportionally)
mettre à zérozero out (To set a variable value or a series of bits to zero)
migration à basculementcutover migration (" An e-mail migration process that provisions new cloud-based mailboxes and then migrates mailbox data to the cloud from a non-premises Exchange server. "Cutover" refers to the fact that all on-premises mailboxes are migrated in preparation for moving the entire e-mail organization to the cloud, instead of leaving a subset of mailboxes on-premises. ")
mis à jourupdated (The heading for information about the time at which something was added, changed, or re-posted)
mis à jourupdated (The heading for information about the time at which something was added, changed, or re-posted)
mise à jourupdate package (A broadly released fix for a specific problem addressing a noncritical, non-security-related bug)
mise à jourupdate (A broadly released fix for a specific problem addressing a noncritical, non-security-related bug)
Mise à jour adaptée aux clustersCluster-Aware Updating (A feature that automates the process of applying software updates to the nodes in a failover cluster. With Cluster-Aware Updating, a server administrator can preview and apply updates to a cluster, create a profile that standardizes the way updates are applied, and view reports of past updating runs. Cluster-Aware Updating includes a graphical interface, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and for extensibility, a custom plug-in API)
Mise à jour adaptée aux clustersCAU (A feature that automates the process of applying software updates to the nodes in a failover cluster. With Cluster-Aware Updating, a server administrator can preview and apply updates to a cluster, create a profile that standardizes the way updates are applied, and view reports of past updating runs. Cluster-Aware Updating includes a graphical interface, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and for extensibility, a custom plug-in API)
mise à jour auto-adaptativeadaptive update (An update process that uses an analysis of historical information accumulated over all previous updates to determine which documents are likely to have changed. Only this content is accessed during the crawl)
mise à jour automatique MicrosoftMicrosoft AutoUpdate An automatic update feature for Microsoft software (AutoUpdate)
mise à jour corrective optimiséeoptimized patching (A process that reduces the time that is required to apply updates to installed applications whereby only the parts of an application that are modified by an update actually change)
mise à jour corrective optimiséeflyweight patching (A process that reduces the time that is required to apply updates to installed applications whereby only the parts of an application that are modified by an update actually change)
mise à jour corrective à chaudhotpatching (The process of installing updates onto computers without having to restart the server)
mise à jour critiquecritical update (A broadly released fix for a specific problem addressing a critical, non-security related bug)
mise à jour de définitiondefinition update (A broadly-released and frequent software update containing additions to a product's definition database. Definition databases are often used to detect objects with specific attributes, such as malicious code, phishing Web sites, or junk e-mail)
mise à jour de haute prioritéhigh priority update (A classification used on the Windows Update web site and by the Windows Update Service to recommend Microsoft software updates and drivers that help protect against the latest publicly known security threats and reliability issues. All software updates and drivers that can be installed by turning on Automatic Updates on your computer are classified as high priority. These can also be installed by visiting the Windows Update web site)
Mise à jour de la plateforme WindowsWindows Platform Update (End-user operating system updates that support the use of selected current release technologies on previous versions of the Windows operating system)
Mise à jour de l'Agent DPSagent update (The update of the Data Protection Server File Agent with a more recent version of the File Agent)
mise à jour de l'antivirusantivirus update (Periodic update from software manufacturers to their antivirus software)
mise à jour de logicielsoftware update (Any update, update rollup, service pack, feature pack, critical update, security update, or hotfix used to improve or fix a software product released by Microsoft Corporation)
mise à jour de packagepackage update (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which updated package source files are recompressed and then redistributed to distribution points)
mise à jour de stratégie dynamiquedynamic policy update (The run-time retrieval of policies using the Rules Engine Update service)
mise à jour de sécuritésecurity update package (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
mise à jour de sécuritésecurity update (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
Mise à jour des applicationsApp Update (A Windows Store service that enables end users to update apps one at a time or all at the same time for all apps purchased through the Windows Store)
Mise à jour des codes de correspondanceMatch Code Update (A system job that scans the system for records for which match codes are not updated and persist their corresponding matchcodes in the database (this wakes up every 5 mins))
mise à jour des signaturessignature update (A collection of signatures that adds to the detection capability of the scanner)
mise à jour des statistiquesupdate statistics (A process that recalculates information about the distribution of key values in specified indexes)
mise à jour dynamiquedynamic update (An update to the Domain Name System (DNS) standard that permits DNS clients to dynamically register and update their resource records in zones)
mise à jour en cascadecascading update (For relationships that enforce referential integrity between tables, the updating of all related records in the related table or tables when a record in the primary table is changed)
mise à jour incrémentielleincremental update (The set of operations that either adds new members to an existing cube or dimension, or adds new data to a partition)
mise à jour personnaliséenamed update (A custom service operation that performs an action which is different than a simple query, update, insert, or delete operation)
mise à jour personnaliséecustom update (An update, patch, or upgrade to software other than those available through Microsoft Update)
mise à jour positionnéepositioned update (An update, insert, or delete operation performed on a row at the current position of the cursor)
mise à jour tierce partiethird-party update (An update published by a company other than Microsoft)
mise à l'échellescaling (In computer graphics, the process of enlarging or reducing a graphical image--scaling a font to a desired size or scaling a model created with a CAD program, for example)
Mise à l'échelle PPPDPI scaling (The process of adjusting display resolution based on monitor resolution)
mise à niveau activeactive upgrade (An upgrade that is performed on a sequenced application package without shutting down the server that streams it)
Mise à niveau avec maintenanceupgrade with maintenance (The type of volume license agreement that grants the new version rights to the licensed product family throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement)
Mise à niveau de fonctionnalitésFeature Upgrade (A feature that allows IT pros and developers to upgrade features such as UI, lists, content types, actions, and workflows)
mise à niveau de logicielsoftware upgrade (A software package that replaces an existing version of a product with a newer and/or more powerful or sophisticated version of the same product. The upgrade process typically leaves existing customer data and preferences intact while replacing the existing software with the newer version)
mise à niveau systèmesystem upgrade (An upgrade of a system from an existing or older version to a newer or more recent version)
mise à niveau visuellevisual upgrade (A feature that enables low-impact upgrades by allowing users or administrators to have more control over when the UI transitions from one version to the next)
Mises à jour automatiquesAutomatic Updates (A feature that works with the Windows Update website to deliver updates (patches and fixes) for Windows as they become available according to settings that users can choose)
mode de licence des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop licensing mode (A mode that determines the type of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that a remote desktop server will request from a license server on behalf of a client that is connecting to the remote desktop server)
mode de mise à niveau du système d'exploitationOS upgrade mode (The options for applying guest OS upgrades to the VMs. Available options are automatic, in which the OS is upgraded whenever a new guest OS is released in Windows Azure, and manual, in which the user chooses when to upgrade the VMs and what guest OS version to upgrade to)
Modèle d'accès à dispositif spécialiséSpecialized Device Access Model (The model that describes the two ways that a Windows Store app can access a specialized device: Open Access Model and Restricted Device Access Model)
modèle d'accès à un périphérique ouvertOpen Device Access Model (The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website)
modèle d'accès à un périphérique restreintRestricted Device Access Model (The device access model for vertical solutions. Restricted Device Access does not allow other applications to access a specialized device)
modèle interactif à deux niveauxtwo-level interactive template (A workflow template which allows the administrator to define two question with up to four answers. The answers determine which queue the call is routed to)
modèle interactif à un niveauone-level interactive template (A workflow template which allows the administrator to define one question with two answers. The answer determines which queue the call is routed to)
mot de passe à usage uniqueOTP (Passwords produced by special password generating software or by a hardware token and that can be used only once)
mot de passe à usage uniqueone-time password (Passwords produced by special password generating software or by a hardware token and that can be used only once)
mot de passe à usage unique d'authentification pour serveur RADIUSRADIUS OTP (An authentication method that supports the authentication to RADIUS server using passwords that change, based on time or on an authentication request counter)
mot de passe à usage unique d'authentification pour serveur RADIUSRADIUS One-Time Password (An authentication method that supports the authentication to RADIUS server using passwords that change, based on time or on an authentication request counter)
méthode d'allocation à pondération fixefixed weight allocation method (A method for calculating allocations by using weighted values)
méthode d'allocation à taux fixefixed percentage allocation method (A method for calculating allocations based on a specified percentage)
méthode d'allocation à taux fixefixed distribution allocation method (A method for calculating allocations based on a specified percentage)
méthode de mise à jour personnaliséenamed update method (A custom service operation that performs an action which is different than a simple query, update, insert, or delete operation)
nombre de séquences de mise à jourupdate sequence number (In Active Directory replication, a 64-bit counter that is maintained by each Active Directory domain controller. At the start of each update transaction (originating or replicated) on a domain controller, the domain controller increments its current USN and associates this new value with the update request)
nombre à virgule flottantefloating-point number (A number represented by a mantissa and an exponent according to a given base. The mantissa is usually a value between 0 and 1. To find the value of a floating-point number, the base is raised to the power of the exponent, and the mantissa is multiplied by the result. Ordinary scientific notation uses floating-point numbers with 10 as the base. In a computer, the base for floating-point numbers is usually 2)
notification d'affectation à la file d'attente des éléments de travailwork item queue assignment expression (A statement that conditionally assigns work items to specific work item queues)
notification à l'utilisateuruser notification (A notification that an application sends to inform users about important information while the application is running)
numérotation à liaisons multiplesmultilink dialing (The combination of two or more physical communications links' bandwidth into a single logical link to increase your remote access bandwidth and throughput by using remote access Multilink. Based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard RFC 1990, Multilink combines analog modem paths, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) B-channels, and mixed analog and digital communications links on both your client and server computers. This increases your Internet and intranet access speed and decreases the amount of time you are connected to a remote computer)
objet à extension messageriemail-enabled object (A type of object that has an e-mail address on a domain in the organization, but the object does not have a mailbox in the domain at which to receive messages. The object appears in the global address list, which allows other people in the organization to easily locate or send a message to that person, but the administrator does not need to manage an unnecessary mailbox. Contacts, users, and even folders can be mail-enabled)
ODD à consommation nullezero power ODD (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
Office Côte à côteOffice Side-by-Side (A Click-to-Run feature that enables two versions of Office to exist on the same computer to provide a seamless transition for users in supported scenarios)
Office à la demandeOffice on Demand (A feature that enables subscription customers to launch Office rich client applications online from a computer on which those applications are not already installed)
offre d'abonnement à un fournisseur de services InternetISP signup offer (A set of HTML pages in Windows Welcome that enables end users to sign up for Internet access from a particular Internet service provider)
offre d'abonnement à un fournisseur de services Internetdesktop ISP sign-up offer (A set of HTML pages that offer the end user the opportunity to sign up for Internet access. To view the offer, the end user clicks a link from the OEM link on the Start menu)
option Autoriser les utilisateurs à se connecter à la mise en quarantaine du courrier indésirableAllow Users to Log in to Spam Quarantine option (The option on the Spam Quarantine page that controls access to the Spam Quarantine Web site for a specific user)
opérateur d'outils à distanceRemote Tools Operator (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can run and audit remote administration tools)
ordinateur dont l'utilisation est soumise à abonnementsubscription computer (The computer offered to a customer by a solution provider where the customer chooses from a range of packaged services, including a computer, genuine Windows software, and broadband Internet services, which are included in one bill. Computer time is purchased for a specified, regular time period (for example, on a monthly or quarterly basis))
ordinateur remis à neufrefurbished PC (A used computer that has been repaired and/or tested in order to ensure conformance with certain functional requirements and to allow it to be resold or repurposed)
outil de diagnostic des licences des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
outil de diagnostic des licences des services Bureau à distanceRD Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
Outil de mise à jour des URL de bibliothèque de formulairesForm Library URL Repair Tool (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
outil Dessiner à main levéeDraw Freehand tool (An annotation tool used to draw lines, arrows and shapes on a slide)
Outils de contrôle à distanceRemote Tools (An SMS/Configuration Manager feature that an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator uses to directly control, monitor, or analyze client computers)
pages en vis-à-vismirror margins (Margins of the left page are a mirror image of those of the right page. That is, the inside margins are the same width, and the outside margins are the same width)
paiement à l'utilisationpay-as-you-go computing (A model in which a solution provider offers a computer to the customer for a low initial payment, and the customer adds time to the computer by purchasing blocks of computer usage time. Once an agreed-upon amount of usage time is purchased, the customer has unlimited access to the computer and no longer needs to pay for computer usage time)
participant à la réunionmeeting participant (A presenter or attendee in a meeting)
Participer à l'amélioration de ce produitHelp improve this product (A button related to the Customer Experience Improvement Program)
pas à passingle stepping (A debugging technique that enables you to run a macro one action at a time or run Visual Basic code one line at a time)
Passerelle des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
Passerelle des services Bureau à distanceRD Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
personne à chargedependent (A role assumed by one person, place, or thing that participates in a relationship)
personne à contactercontact person (A person who acts as a connection to another organization or group, or who provides special information)
pilote de démarrage à lancement anticipéearly-launch boot driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
pilote du logiciel anti-programme malveillant à lancement anticipéEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
pilote Easy Print pour les services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Easy Print (A printer driver in Remote Desktop Services that simplifies the administration overhead to enable printing to supported clients. It enables users to reliably print from a RemoteApp program or from a remote desktop server desktop session to the correct printer on their client computer. It also enables users to have a much more consistent printing experience between local and remote sessions)
plan de facturation à l'usagemetered data plan (A mobile broadband or other network or data plan that bills according to data use, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
Plancher égal à seuil de rupture de stockFloor Is Stock-Out Threshold (A site-level setting that overrides the Stock-Out Threshold value of each product)
Planification de mises à jour logicielles importantesSchedule Important Software Updates (A tool on the main Windows SteadyState interface used to set schedules for software and operating system updates)
planification à capacité finiefinite scheduling (A scheduling method that assumes that limited capacity for labor and machines is available)
plateau de mise à l'échellescaling plateau (A preset scaling factor)
point de mise à jour logiciellesoftware update point (A Configuration Manager site role that is configured on a computer running WSUS)
point de mise à jour logicielle actifactive software update point (The software update point for a site that interacts with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to configure software updates settings and manage software updates synchronization. The active software update point can accept connections from the intranet and the Internet)
point de publication à la demandeon-demand publishing point (A type of publishing point that streams content to clients by request. Content streamed from an on-demand publishing point is always delivered as a unicast stream)
pompe à donnéesdata pump (A component used in SQL Server 2000 Transformation Services (DTS) to import, export, and transform data between heterogeneous data stores)
prime en espèces à long termelong-term cash incentive (Variable compensation that is typically awarded on an annual (or sometimes biannual) basis but which is often paid out over time, with payments beginning at a future point. This compensation can be determined as a percent of an employee's annual fixed compensation or it can be related to the number or value of shares in a stock option award)
produit assujetti à des restrictionsrestricted product (A product whose distribution is limited or constrained by a government authority)
produit à recevoiraccrued revenue (Revenue earned in one accounting period but received in a subsequent accounting period)
profil Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop profile (A user profile that is specifically created for remote desktop server sessions)
profil de carte à pucesmart card profile (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) profile created when a request is performed using a profile template that only includes smart card-based certificate templates)
profil de mise à jourupdate profile (Information, including changes to the system state, that describes a software update)
programme de mise à jour de compteaccount updater (A feature of Windows 8 mobile broadband networking that is used to bind an account that a user has with a mobile broadband service provider both to a unique identifier that we use in Windows to identify that user, and to the user's SIM card)
projet n'appartenant pas à l'entreprisenon-enterprise project (A project that has not been published to Project Server, either because it is being saved by someone who is not a project manager on the project, or because there is not a valid connection to the server)
projet à prix fixefixed-price project (A type of project in which the customer pays a predetermined amount for the entire project)
propriété à choix multiplemultiple-choice property (A property that contains a set of predefined values. For example you could create a multiple-choice property named Shirt_Size and define the following possible values: S M and L)
Préparation d'un bilan d'ouverture à la date de transition aux normes IFRSPreparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRS (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting perspective, the significant activities required of companies to prepare their opening balance sheet at the date of transition to IFRS within the context of a conversion from previous Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS))
période de grâce du Gestionnaire de licences des services Bureau à distanceRD Licensing grace period (The grace period during which you must purchase and install the appropriate number of RDS CALs for each device or user that needs to connect to a remote desktop server)
question avec espace à compléterfill in the blank question (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must enter a response in the blank space or spaces provided)
question à choix multiplemultiple choice question (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must select a response from a set of pre-defined options)
rapport à la demandeon-demand report (A report that is not scheduled, but created on an as-needed basis. For on-demand reports, as with scheduled reports, current data is gathered before the report is generated)
reconnaissance des caractères à encre magnétiquemagnetic ink character recognition (A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters)
redémarrage à chaudsoft restart (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)
redémarrage à chaudsoft reboot (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)
registre à décalageshift register (" A circuit in which all bits are shifted one position at each clock cycle. It can be either linear (a bit is inserted at one end and "lost" at the other during each cycle) or it can be cyclic or looped (the "lost" bit is inserted back at the beginning).")
registre à décalage périphériqueboundary scan (A technology that allows engineers to perform extensive debugging and diagnostics on a system through a small number of dedicated test pins. Signals are scanned into and out of the I/O cells of a device serially to control its inputs and test the outputs under various conditions)
relation d'approbation à sens uniqueone-way trust relationship (A trust relationship between two domains in which only one of the two domains trusts the other domain. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B does not trust domain A. One-way trusts are often used to enable authenticated access to resource domains)
relation plusieurs à plusieursmany-to-many relationship (An association between two tables in which one record in either table can relate to many records in the other table)
relation plusieurs-à-unmany-to-one relationship (A relationship between two tables in which one row in one table can relate to many rows in another table)
relation un-à-plusieursone-to-many relationship (An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of many records in the related table)
relation un-à-unone-to-one relationship (An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of one, and only one, record in the related table)
remettre à neufrefurbish (To repair and/or restore programs and settings on a used computer in order to meet certain functional requirements and to allow it to be resold or repurposed)
remettre à zérozero (To fill or replace with zeros (for example, to zero a specified portion of memory, a field, or some other limited structure))
remise à zéro mensuellemonthly reset date (A setting where the user provides the date when their monthly data usage resets to 0)
RemoteFX pour hôte de session Bureau à distanceRemoteFX for RD Session Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Session Host server)
RemoteFX pour hôte de virtualisation des services Bureau à distanceRemoteFX for RD Virtualization Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Virtualization Host server)
remplacement à chaudhot-swapping (The replacement of an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory)
remplacement à chaudhot swapping (A feature that allows equipment to be connected to an active device, such as a computer, while the device is powered on)
Remplissage à l'aide de zéroszero padding (Appending zeros to the beginning of a number, or a series of numbers)
requête Mise à jourupdate query (An action query that changes a set of records according to criteria you specify. An update query does not return any records)
requête propre à SQLSQL-specific query (A query that consists of an SQL statement. Subqueries and pass-through, union, and data-definition queries are SQL-specific queries)
restaurer, revenir à la dernière versionrevert (To return to the last saved version of a document. Choosing this command tells the application to abandon all changes made in a document since the last time it was saved)
retenue à la sourcewithholding tax (A tax levied by a government authority that is deducted from compensation)
retour automatique à la lignetext wrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
retour automatique à la lignewordwrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
retour automatique à la ligneword wrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
retour automatique à la ligneline wrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
revenu de l'application à la dateapp proceeds to date (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
routage à moindre coûtleast-cost routing (A process that performs reverse number lookup on one-number calls and then routes the call over an IP connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway that is nearest to the location of the destination phone number)
règle de mise à jourmessage rule (A set of criteria for updating a project file with the information in Project Server workgroup messages. For example, project managers can specify that updates from all workgroup members be automatically accepted)
récupération jusqu`à une date et heurepoint-in-time recovery (The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time, instead of recovering the whole backup)
Référence à la drogueDrug Reference (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
Référence à l'alcoolAlcohol Reference (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
réinitialisation à distanceremote device wipe (A technology that enables the Exchange server to set a mobile device to erase all data the next time the device connects to the Exchange server)
Répartition de charge réseau équilibrée pour les services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Services Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
réplication d'égal à égalpeer-to-peer replication (A type of transactional replication. In contrast to read-only transactional replication and transactional replication with updating subscriptions, the relationships between nodes in a Peer to Peer replication topology are peer relationships rather than hierarchical ones, with each node containing identical schema and data)
Répondre à tousReply to All (An option that initiates an e-mail response addressed to all of the recipients on the To or Cc lines of the original message)
Répondre à tousReply All (An option that initiates an e-mail response addressed to all of the recipients on the To or Cc lines of the original message)
réponse à une demande de réunionmeeting response (An e-mail reply to a meeting request that indicates whether the sender will attend the meeting)
Réseau numérique à intégration de servicesIntegrated Services Digital Network (A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet access)
Réseau numérique à intégration de servicesIntegrated Services Digital Network (A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet access)
Réseau pair à pairPeer-to-Peer (An item in Control Panel that opens a dialog box that allows the user to set preferences for a peer-to-peer network)
réseau privé virtuel de site à sitesite-to-site VPN (A network comprised of Virtual Private Networks)
réseau à valeur ajoutéevalue-added network (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
scanneur à mainhandheld scanner (A type of scanner used as follows: the user passes the scan head, contained within a handheld unit, over the medium being scanned, such as a piece of paper)
scanneur à mainhand-held scanner (A type of scanner used as follows: the user passes the scan head, contained within a handheld unit, over the medium being scanned, such as a piece of paper)
sensibilité à la pressionpressure sensitivity (An optional hardware feature on a Tablet PC that you can use to create a thicker ink stroke by increasing pressure on the tablet pen)
sensible à la pressionpressure sensitive (Of or pertaining to a device in which pressing on a thin surface produces an electrical connection and causes an event to be registered by the computer. Pressure-sensitive devices include touch-sensitive drawing pens, membrane keyboards, and some touch screens)
serveur administré à distanceremotely administered server (A server that you can administer by using a different computer. You typically access this type of server by using a network connection. A remotely administered server can have a local keyboard, mouse, or video card and monitor)
serveur administré à distanceheadless server (A server that you can administer by using a different computer. You typically access this type of server by using a network connection. A remotely administered server can have a local keyboard, mouse, or video card and monitor)
serveur d'abonnement à un fournisseur de services InternetISP sign-up server (An HTTP server that automates the task of adding new customers to an ISP's customer database. The Internet sign-up server collects information from each customer, adds the information to the ISP's customer database, and then passes a configuration packet back to the customer's desktop computer. The configuration packet contains information that is used to configure the customer's Internet browser for subsequent connection to the ISP's services)
serveur de licences des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop license server (A computer on which the RD Licensing role service is installed. A license server issues RDS CALs to users or devices that connect to a remote desktop server)
serveur de mise à jourRemediation Server (A server used to update the computer state by providing software updates, new anti-virus (AV) signatures, additional intrusion detection signatures, and so on)
serveur de mise à jourremediation server (A server that is used to update the computer state by providing software updates, new antivirus signatures, additional intrusion detection signatures, and so on)
serveur de passerelle Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
serveur de passerelle Bureau à distanceRD Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
serveur d'installation à distanceRemote Installation Server (An optional component that remotely installs Windows XP Professional. RIS installs the operating system on remote boot-enabled client computers by connecting the computer to the network, starting the client computer, logging on with a valid user account, and copying an operating system image to the client computer)
serveur Hôte de session Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
serveur Hôte de session Bureau à distanceRD Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
serveur Hôte de session Bureau à distance exécuté en mode redirectionRD Session Host server running in redirection mode (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
serveur hôte de virtualisation des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Virtualization Host (A Windows server that is running Microsoft Hyper-V Server)
service Broker pour les connexions Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
service Broker pour les connexions Bureau à distanceRD Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
service de mise à jour de destinataireRecipient Update Service (A service that updates the recipient objects within a domain with specific types of information)
service de mise à jour du moteur de règlesRules Engine Update service (A service that performs dynamic policy updates)
service Web Connexions aux programmes RemoteApp et aux services Bureau à distanceRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web service (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
Services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Services (A server role that provides multi-user access to applications and desktops for non-admin purposes; provides technologies that enable users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a remote desktop server, or to access the Windows desktop itself, from almost any computing device)
Services Bureau à distanceRDS (A server role that provides multi-user access to applications and desktops for non-admin purposes; provides technologies that enable users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a remote desktop server, or to access the Windows desktop itself, from almost any computing device)
services d'installation à distanceRemote Installation Services (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
Session à connexions multiplesMultiple Connected Session (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
Session à connexions multiplesMCS (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
session à distanceremote session (A connection to another computer on a network)
site Web de gestion de licences pour les connexions Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Services Licensing Web site (A secure Microsoft Web site that is designed to help you manage your Windows 2000 or later license server and for you to obtain Remote Desktop Services client access license tokens. All information collected at this site is used to help you manage your Remote Desktop Services resources)
société à responsabilité limitéelimited liability company (A business entity allowed for by state statutes in the United States that protects each owner (member) from personal liabilities but is not taxed since it passes all profits and losses to each member who is taxed accordingly)
Solutions à essayerThings to try (A topic title used to introduce more information on what a user may want to try to make better use of a particular tool, feature, etc)
spécifique à une languelanguage-specific (Specific to a single language)
stock disponible à dateprojected available inventory (The inventory quantities that are expected to be available at a future point in time calculated by adding scheduled supply to on-hand inventory and subtracting scheduled demand)
stratégie d'autorisation d'accès aux ressources via les services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop resource authorization policy (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
stratégie d'autorisation d'accès aux ressources via les services Bureau à distanceRD RAP (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
stratégie d'autorisation des connexions aux services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop connection authorization policy (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
stratégie d'autorisation des connexions aux services Bureau à distanceRD CAP (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
stratégie de rapprochement à deux facteurstwo-way matching policy (A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices)
stratégie de rapprochement à trois facteursthree-way matching policy (A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices and that requires one or more vendor invoice quantities to match with one or more product receipt quantities)
support à force d'insertion nullezero insertion force socket (A type of socket design that does not require the CPU chip to be forcefully pushed into the socket)
suppression à distance des données d'entrepriseremote business data removal (A feature that lets enterprises securely remove only enterprise data from personal devices, without affecting any personal data)
Synchronisation PC à PCPC-to-PC Sync (The process of reconciling the differences between a file stored on one PC and a copy of the same file stored on another PC)
tas à tolérance de panneFTH (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
tas à tolérance de pannefault tolerant heap (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
technologie pair à pairpeer-to-peer technology (A technology that enables computers to communicate directly with each other over the Internet or a private network without the need for a server)
test à données aléatoiresfuzz testing A testing process that supplies structured but invalid input to software application programming interfaces (APIs) and network interfaces to maximize the likelihood of detecting errors that might lead to software vulnerabilities (fuzzing)
test à données aléatoiresfuzzing A testing process that supplies structured but invalid input to software application programming interfaces (APIs) and network interfaces to maximize the likelihood of detecting errors that might lead to software vulnerabilities (fuzzing)
titres à imprimerprint titles (Row or column labels that are printed at the top of or on the left side of every page on a printed worksheet)
tolérance à la perte de donnéesdata loss tolerance (The maximum amount of data loss, measured in time, that is acceptable to business requirements)
tomographie à cohérence optiqueoptical coherence tomography (An imaging method used to obtain high resolution cross-sectional images of the retina)
toucher effectué à l'aide de deux doigtstwo-finger tap (A multi-touch gesture that consists of two fingers tapping at the same time and with a relative short distance between each other)
tramage ordonné à points centréscluster ordered dither (In photography, a method of digital halftoning used to create the illusion of smooth gradation between colours)
transaction de mise à jour comptableledger update transaction (A system transaction that tracks and reports what has been posted to the ledger)
trappe d'accès à la lampelamp access door (The metal door in the I/O connections area that you must remove to access the lamp assembly)
travail à la piècepiecework (Work that is paid per unit made or completed)
type de message à parties multiplesmulti-part message type (A definition of the structure of a message, including the data types of its elements. A multi-part message type can contain a single part or many parts)
tâche à durée fixefixed-duration task (A task in which the duration is a fixed value and any changes to the work or the assigned units [that is, resources] don't affect the task's duration. This is calculated as follows: Duration x Units = Work)
utilisateur à extension messageriemail-enabled user (An Active Directory security principal object that has at least one associated SMTP address)
utilitaire d'identification des serveurs Bureau à distanceQuery Remote Desktop Server Utility (A utility that identifies remote desktop servers on the network)
vaccin anticoquelucheux à anatoxines diphtérique et tétaniquediphtheria, tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (also known as whooping cough))
vaccin à anatoxines diphtérique et tétaniquediphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against diphtheria and tetanus)
vaccin à anatoxines diphtérique et tétanique acellulaire anticoquelucheuxdiphtheria, tetanus toxoids and accellular pertussis vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (also known as whooping cough). The term acellular means that the pertussis component is cell-free, which improves safety by reducing the incidence of side effects)
Variation à Achèvementvariance at completion (The earned value field that shows the difference between the budget at completion [BAC] and the estimate at completion [EAC]. In Project, the EAC is the Total Cost field, and the BAC is the Baseline Cost field)
verrou de mise à jourupdate lock (A lock placed on resources (such as row, page, table) that can be updated)
vidéo à la demandevideo on demand (A technology that includes systems, services, and standards for the interactive delivery of streaming video to multimedia clients such as digital set-top boxes)
Vidéo à la uneVideo Spotlight (A mode that enables presenters to select one person's video feed so that every participant in the meeting sees that participant only)
Virtualisation IP des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop IP Virtualization (A feature of Remote Desktop Services that enables administrators to assign virtual IP addresses to specific programs running on the remote desktop server or to client sessions running on the remote desktop server)
workflow à la demandeon-demand workflow (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
zone de liste à sélection multiplemultiple-selection list box (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
zone de liste à sélection uniquesingle-selection list box (A list box that supports only selection of a single item in the list)
zone de liste à sélection étendueextended-selection list box (A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See also extended selection and list box)
à bandesbanded (Characterized by row or column-specific formatting. Often describes rows or columns of data that use alternating colors or shading to enhance readability)
à proposabout (A Settings screen containing information relating to the phone, such as phone manufacturer, available storage, OS version, etc)
à propos deabout (A Settings screen containing information relating to the phone, such as phone manufacturer, available storage, OS version, etc)
échanger à chaudhot-swap (To replace an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory)
élément de travail de workflow affecté à une file d'attentequeue workflow work item (A workflow work item that is assigned to a work item queue)
élément impossible à rechercherunsearchable item (An item that can't be indexed for a mailbox search using Multi-Mailbox Search. This includes unrecognized message types and messages that contain attachments that are encrypted or have an unrecognized format)
Épingler à l'écran d'accueilPin to Start (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)
état d'éveil à la présence d'un environnement virtualiséenlightenment (An enhancement made to the operating system to help reduce the cost of certain operating system functions like memory management)
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