
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Automaattinen | all forms | exact matches only
automaattinen arkistointiAutoArchive (A feature which automatically and periodically removes items to another folder, or deletes them, based on the amount of time they have been in the folder)
automaattinen asennussilent installation (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
automaattinen asennushands-free setup (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
automaattinen asennusunattended installation (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
automaattinen asennusunattended setup (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
automaattinen asennussilent setup (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
automaattinen asennushands-free installation (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
automaattinen etsintäauto discovery (The daily process by which DPM automatically detects new or removed servers on the network and discovers changes to protected servers, such as the addition, removal, or renaming of databases, shares, and volumes)
automaattinen hakuAutodiscover (A feature available in Outlook 2007 and some mobile devices that automatically configures the clients for access to Exchange Server 2007. The client sends the user name and password information to the Exchange 2007 server. The Autodiscover Web service that is running on the Exchange Client Access server returns an XML file that contains configuration information, which is interpreted by the client. If the user is moved to a different server later, the client will automatically query the Autodiscover Web service again to update the client configuration)
automaattinen hakupalveluAutodiscover service (A service that returns server configuration information for a mobile device or other client using only the user's SMTP e-mail address and password)
Automaattinen havaitseminenAuto-detect server (The label for a check-box that when selected establishes automatic detection of the server upon signing in)
automaattinen hyväksymissääntöautomatic approval rule (A type of rule that allows updates to be automatically approved based on product and update classifications)
Automaattinen IP-osoitteen määritysAutomatic Private IP Addressing (A TCP/IP feature in WindowsXP and Windows Server2003 that automatically configures a unique IP address from the range through with a subnet mask of when the TCP/IP protocol is configured for dynamic addressing and a DHCP server is not available. The APIPA range of IP addresses is reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use on a single subnet, and IP addresses within this range are not used on the Internet)
automaattinen kirjaustoimintoautologger (A data-capturing tool used in remote usability studies to automatically record application information (active windows, titles and locations) and user actions such as mouse clicks and keystrokes)
automaattinen kirjautuminenautologon (The process of automatically logging on to the computer when the computer restarts)
automaattinen kollaasiAuto Collage (A feature that assembles a composite photo collage from multiple source photos)
automaattinen korjausauto correction (A feature that automatically corrects errors and makes other substitutions as soon as a user types text)
Automaattinen korjausAutoCorrect (A feature that automatically corrects errors and makes other substitutions as soon as a user types text)
automaattinen korjausauto-correct (A feature that automatically corrects errors and makes other substitutions as soon as a user types text)
Automaattinen laajentaminenAuto-Extend (A feature that facilitates the use of Presenter View by automatically applying the Extend setting for Windows projection and identifying the correct display for Slide Show versus Presenter view)
Automaattinen lankaverkon määrittäminenWired AutoConfig Service (A system service that provisions local area network (LAN) Ethernet adapters with the security and connectivity settings that are required for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired access)
automaattinen liittäminenauto-joining (The movement of text to fill a gap that remains after a user deletes other text)
automaattinen muotoiluautoformat (A built-in format that can be applied to a range of data, or to controls and sections in a form or report to change their appearance)
Automaattinen määritysAutomatic configuration (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab. When the phone is integrated with Communicator, this option uses the automatic configuration settings for the phone)
automaattinen oppiminenautomatic learning (A handwriting personalization feature that collects data about the words you use and how you write them. If you turn on automatic learning, it enables the handwriting recognizer to learn your handwriting style and vocabulary)
automaattinen palautusAuto-recover (A feature that allows the user to rescue work if the computer crashes for any reason)
automaattinen pikkukuvaauto thumbnail (A tool that creates a thumbnail (a miniature version) of a picture or photograph and a hyperlink to the original picture)
automaattinen puheentunnistusAutomatic Speech Recognition (Technology that allows machines to recognize and respond to human voice commands)
automaattinen puhelunvälittäjäAuto Attendant (A feature that supplies a caller with information and performs an action without the intervention of a human operator. It automatically routes calls based on selections made by the caller)
automaattinen siirtyminenauto-exit (A text box in which the focus automatically moves to the next control as soon as a user types the last character)
automaattinen synkronointiautomatic synchronization (The automatic exchange and update of information between a device and a desktop computer or server according to a preset schedule or criteria, so that the information is the same in both places)
automaattinen takaisinlähetysautopostback (A process in which the control submits the page when the user interacts with the control. (By default, only button controls cause a postback) For example, if a DropDownList control is set to perform autopostback, the page is submitted as soon as a user selects an item from the list)
automaattinen tehtäväautomated task (A workflow task that is completed by an automatic operation)
Automaattinen tekstiAutoText (A gallery for text and graphics, such as a standard contract clause, that can be used multiple times in one or more documents. Each selection of text or graphics is recorded as an AutoText entry and assigned a unique name. It is visible in Quick Parts and the Building Blocks Organizer)
automaattinen tiedoston korvaaminenautomatic file restore (A feature that replaces malware-infected system files with uninfected files from the cloud)
automaattinen toimintoautomated activity (An activity that is automatically completed by Service Manager)
Automaattinen toistoAutoPlay (A feature that allows you to set up your computer so that when you insert a CD or DVD, it will play automatically and you won't have to select your preferences every time)
automaattinen toistoauto-repeat (An event or interaction that is automatically repeated. Auto-repeat events usually occur when a user holds down a keyboard key or presses and holds a special control (for example, scroll bar buttons))
automaattinen työnkulkuautomatic workflow (A type of workflow that runs as soon as the conditions defined in the workflow logic are met. No user action is required to start the workflow)
Automaattinen täydennysAutoComplete (The feature in Internet Explorer that remembers the information you have typed into the Address bar, web forms, or password fields, and which automatically fills in that information if you start to type the same thing again later)
automaattinen täyttöAuto Fill (A feature that allows the user to fill cells with data that follows a pattern or that is based on data in other cells)
automaattinen vastaaminenAutomatic Answering (A feature of some Windows Mobile devices that uses the hands-free system to automatically answer incoming calls (without a person touching the device) after a user-specified period of time, such as 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and so on)
automaattinen vastausAuto Answer (A feature of some Windows Mobile devices that uses the hands-free system to automatically answer incoming calls (without a person touching the device) after a user-specified period of time, such as 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and so on)
automaattinen vastausautomatic reply (The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant)
Automaattinen vastausAutoReply (A feature in Outlook Mobile that allows the user to set up an automatic response to incoming e-mail messages)
Automaattinen vastaustoimintoAutomatic Replies (A tool that allows the user to configure auto-replies)
Automaattinen yhdistäminenAutomatic mapping (Field in the Import Data Wizard that indicates that the wizard can determine which of the fields being imported match up with Microsoft Dynamics CRM fields)
Automaattinen yhdistäminenAutoConnect (A feature that automatically connects, aligns, and evenly distributes flowchart shapes in a drawing)
automaattinen yhteyden muodostaminenAutoConnect (A technology that allows Outlook and mobile devices to automatically discover and connect to the correct Exchange server without requiring the user to know the Exchange server name or other details, even if the mailbox has been moved or a server has failed)
Automaattinen ylläpitoAutomatic Maintenance (A feature of Windows that includes a set of maintenance tasks that run automatically when the user's PC is idle)
automaattinen ylläpitoautohost (To deploy the components of an app on appropriate hosts and establish app isolation automatically)
järjestelmän automaattinen palauttaminenAutomated System Recovery (A feature that helps you recover a system that will not start)
kaavan automaattinen täydennysFormula AutoComplete (An AutoComplete feature for Excel formulas)
Matemaattisten merkkien automaattinen korjausMath Autocorrect (A feature that allows various mathematical symbols to be entered using the keyboard)
Microsoftin automaattinen päivitysMicrosoft AutoUpdate (An automatic update feature for Microsoft software)
Monilähetysasiakkaiden automaattinen poistaminenMulticast Client Auto Removal (Ability to automatically remove a client from a multicast group (usually a client with lower bandwidth - to be served via unicast deployment), have it join a different multicast group or to terminate deployment)
nimen automaattinen korjausName AutoCorrect (A feature that automatically corrects common side effects that occur when you rename forms, reports, tables, queries, fields, or controls on forms and reports. However, Name AutoCorrect cannot repair all references to renamed objects)
Sähköpostin automaattinen linkitysE-mail Auto-linking (A feature that enables the user to automatically store links to e-mails sent to or received from a selected e-mail address)
tekstin automaattinen asetteluAutomatic Layout (A feature that recognises some repetitive, highly-used steps and automatically helps in the layout of the text)
tekstin automaattinen juoksuttaminenautoflow (The automatic flowing of text from one frame to another)
tyylin automaattinen käyttöönottoauto style application mode (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be used on a page level as well as on an inline style level. The style application mode can also be set to manual)