
Terms for subject Microsoft containing частини | all forms | exact matches only
веб-частина Visio Web AccessVisio Web Access Web Part (A Web Part that enables users to view (in full fidelity) and share Visio files in SharePoint Server without having the Visio client installed)
веб-частинаWeb Part (A reusable component that wraps Web-based content (such as XML, HTML, and scripting) with a standard property schema and displays that in a cohesive unit on a page)
веб-частина Outlook Web AccessOutlook Web Access Web Part (A piece of the user interface (UI) in Outlook Web Access that can be hosted in iframes as part of other Web applications such as SharePoint Portal Server portals. Outlook Web Access exposes a set of Outlook Web Access Web Part URLs that allow other applications to request certain portions of the Outlook Web Access UI. For example, another application can load the Outlook Web Access Web Part URL for the Inbox, Calendar, or Contact folder into an iframe hosted in that application)
веб-частина "Діаграма"Chart Web Part (A Web Part that implements Web chart controls to visually display information in a variety of chart types in SharePoint)
веб-частина елемента зовнішніх данихExternal Data Item Web Part (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
веб-частина застосункуapp part (A component of an app for SharePoint that can be embedded on a site page to expose the functionality of the app)
веб-частина "Звіт"Report Web Part (A feature that allows users to view and interact with reports that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer)
веб-частина побудовника елемента зовнішніх данихExternal Data Item Builder Web Part (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
веб-частина "Система показників"Scorecard Web Part (A feature that allows users to view and interact with scorecards that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer)
веб-частина списку пов'язаних зовнішніх данихExternal Data Related List Web Part (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
веб-частина "Стіс"Stack Selector Web Part (A feature that enables users to show more than one view in a single location on a dashboard, and provides a control to switch between them)
веб-частина сітки зовнішніх данихExternal Data Grid Web Part (A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC Metadata Store)
веб-частина "Форма InfoPath"InfoPath Form Web Part (A Web Part that displays a browser-enabled InfoPath form)
веб-частина "Фільтр"Filter Web Part (A feature that enables users to modify dashboard views by changing the subset of data that is displayed in reports or scorecards)
веб-частини зовнішніх данихExternal Data Web Parts (Out-of-the-box Web Parts that are shipped as part of Business Connectivity Services)
зв'язок веб-частинWeb Part connection (An element in a Web Parts page that defines a provider-consumer data relationship between two Web Parts. When a Web Parts page is rendered, data provided by one Web Part can affect how and what is rendered by the other Web Part)
зона веб-частинWeb Part zone (A container with a set of properties that can be configured to control the organization and format of Web Parts on a Web Part Page)
персоналізована веб-частинаpersonalized Web Part (A shared Web Part that has been modified by a user in personal view. The changes made to a Web Part personalized in this way are visible only to the user who made those changes)
правило для частини сайтуsite path rule (A rule for a specific part of a site that includes or excludes content from the content index)
приватна веб-частинаprivate Web Part (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in personal view)
словник відповідностей частин слівword part extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched anywhere in the content in a case-insensitive way. For example, the entry "anchor" will match "anchor," "Anchor," and "anchorage.")
словник точних відповідностей частин слівexact word part extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched anywhere in the content in a case-sensitive way. For example, the system matches "anchor" and "anchorage," but not "Anchor.")
спільна веб-частинаshared Web Part (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in shared view)
статична веб-частинаstatic Web Part (A Web Part that is added to a Web page (.aspx file) and that is not in a Web Part zone)
сторінка веб-частинWeb Parts page (An ASP.NET Web page that includes Web Parts controls that let users personalize the page, such as selecting the information to display)
файл опису веб-частиниWeb Part description file (An .xml file that defines the default property settings for a Web Part, including references to other files that are required to run and display the part)
частина шаблонуTemplate Part (A customized set of controls that can be saved for reuse in multiple form templates. Template parts are saved as custom controls in the Controls task pane)