
Terms for subject Microsoft containing реєстр | all forms | exact matches only
завантаження реєструregistry boot (The default boot option used by most Windows DNS servers. When registry boot is used, DNS is started and initialized using DNS parameters and their values as they are stored in the Windows registry. You can use a Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) boot file as an alternative to this method of boot configuration for DNS)
національний реєстр юридичних осібNational Register of Legal Entities (A 14-digit identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for tax purposes)
редактор реєструRegistry Editor (An application under Windows that allows the user to edit the entries in the registry)
реєстр фізичних осібNatural Persons Register (An 11-digit identification number issued to Brazilians and resident aliens by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for identification and tax purposes)
розділ реєструregistry key (An identifier for a record or group of records in the registry)
служба реєстру застосунківApplication Registry Service (A shared service in SharePoint Server that duplicates the Office SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog service. The Application Registry Service supports running solutions that are based on the SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog service)
файл реєструhive (A file in which the system stores a portion of the registry (named for their resemblance to the cellular structure of a beehive). A hive is backed by a single file and a .log file, which are in either the systemroot\System32\Config folder or the systemroot\Profiles\username folder)