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Terms for subject Microsoft containing повідомлення про | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
повідомлення про зупинStop message (A character-based, full-screen error message displayed on a blue background. A Stop message indicates that the Windows kernel detected a condition from which it cannot recover. Each message is uniquely identified by a Stop error code (a hexadecimal number) and a string indicating the errors symbolic name. Stop messages are usually followed by up to four additional hexadecimal numbers, enclosed in parentheses, which identify developer-defined error parameters. A driver or device may be identified as the cause of the error. A series of troubleshooting tips are also displayed, along with an indication that, if the system was configured to do so, a memory dump file was saved for later use by a kernel debugger)
повідомлення про перевищення квотиquota message (An e-mail message that is automatically sent by Microsoft Exchange to the owners of a mailbox or a public folder when a size limit, which is called a storage quota, for the mailbox or public folder has been exceeded or is at risk of being exceeded)
повідомлення про стан доставкиDSN message (The text that explains the delivery status of an e-mail message, and may recommend user action)
сповіщення про миттєве повідомленняincoming instant message alert (A notification that the user receives when someone sends an instant message to that user)