
Terms for subject Microsoft containing обсяг | all forms | exact matches only
аналіз освоєного обсягуearned value analysis (A method for determining project performance which involves comparing the value of the work that was planned with the budgeted cost of the work performed to date, with what was actually spent. These comparisons provide invaluable information about actual conditions within the project and trends that may be developing in terms of schedule and cost performance)
граничний обсяг сховищаstorage limit (The maximum storage space users are allowed to use in a cloud service, as determined by a storage plan)
залишковий обсяг роботиremaining work (The amount of work, in terms of a time unit such as hours or days, that is left to be completed on a task. This is calculated as follows: Remaining Work = Work - Actual Work)
освоєний обсягearned value (A measure of the cost of work performed up to the status date or current date. Earned value uses your original cost estimates saved with a baseline and your actual work to date to show whether the actual costs incurred are on budget)
планування з фіксованим обсягом роботиeffort-driven scheduling (The default method of scheduling in Project; the duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a task remains unchanged)