
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing з | all forms | exact matches only
а що з ...?what price something? ("But what price his missing joint?" "Oh, yes, there is that. Still, he can easily hide his hand in a glove and say he has had a sprain or something of that sort. net.au 4uzhoj)
з області фантастикиmore of an art than a science (amorgen)
з перших вустfrom the horse's mouth (з надійного джерела olyakovenko)
з усієї останньої силиfor all someone is worth (thefreedictionary.com Borita)
за жодних умовunder no circumstances
стріляти з гармати по горобцяхoverkill (затрачати непомірні, великі зусилля, волю там, де вони зайві, недоцільні andriy f)
яке пуття з ...?what price something? (What price justice if he were allowed to go free? • What price wealth, when you sell out everything you believe in along the way? 4uzhoj)