
Terms for subject Microsoft containing засоби | all forms | exact matches only
адаптивний засіб звітування SQMAdaptive SQM (An extension to SQM that allows Microsoft to cause clients sending reports matching a pattern to perform some predefined action)
бізнес-засобиbusiness tool (An item that is frequently accessed (such as reports and the product and service items list) when using Business Contact Manager for Outlook. Many of these are listed on the Business Tools Menu)
веб-засібweb-based tool (A web-based application utility or feature that aids in accomplishing a task or set of tasks)
засоби відновленняrecovery media (Media provided by the OEM to the customer that enables the customer to repair or reinstall their installation of Windows)
засоби Semblio для створення навчальних матеріалівSemblio Authoring (An authoring tool in Semblio product for creating educational content)
засоби перевірки правопису Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Proofing Tools (Collections of proofing tools for different languages that that are available to users of Office applications)
засоби перевірки правописуproofing tools (A collection of tools such as a spelling checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus)
засоби перевірки сумісності застосунківApplication Compatibility Toolkit (A suite of tools that enables software developers, independent software vendors (ISVs), and enterprise IT professionals to determine whether their applications are compatible with a new version of Windows before rolling it out to the company. ACT also enables such individuals to determine how Windows security updates may impact their applications)
засоби планування та оцінюванняMicrosoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit A powerful inventory, assessment, and reporting tool that can run securely in small or large IT environments without requiring the installation of agent software on any computers or devices. The data and analysis provided by this toolkit can significantly simplify the planning process for migrating to Windows (Microsoft)
засоби планування та оцінюванняMAP A powerful inventory, assessment, and reporting tool that can run securely in small or large IT environments without requiring the installation of agent software on any computers or devices. The data and analysis provided by this toolkit can significantly simplify the planning process for migrating to Windows (Microsoft)
засоби розгортанняMDT The recommended process and toolset to automate desktop and server deployment (Microsoft)
засоби розгортанняMicrosoft Deployment Toolkit The recommended process and toolset to automate desktop and server deployment (Microsoft)
засіб бази даних Диспетчера бізнес-контактів для Microsoft Outlook 2010Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database Tool (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
засіб видобування сутностейentity extractor (A content processing feature that extracts information from unstructured text in an item and stores that information as additional managed properties for the item. The additional managed properties can be used to refine results)
засіб визначення основи словаstemmer (In Full-Text Search, for a given language, a stemmer generates inflectional forms of a particular word based on the rules of that language. Stemmers are language specific)
засіб вимірювання продуктивності для WindowsWindows System Assessment Tool (A tool that provides performance metrics and other information necessary for Windows and applications to make scaling decisions. It measures the performance attributes of: system memory, the storage sub-system, the CPU (or CPUs), and the graphics sub-system)
засіб виправлення неполадок домашньої групиHomeGroup troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems with viewing computers or shared files in a homegroup)
засіб виправлення неполадок обслуговуванняMaintenance troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that performs common maintenance tasks in Windows, such as cleaning up unused files and shortcuts)
засіб виправлення неполадок устаткування та пристроївHardware and Devices troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems about hardware and devices)
засіб вирішення проблем відтворення звукуPlay Sound troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems that prevent your computer or audio devices from playing sound)
засіб вирішення проблем з нестачею ресурсівresource exhaustion resolver (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
засіб вирішення проблем записування звукуRecord Sound troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems that prevent your computer or devices from recording sound)
засіб вирішення проблем сумісності програмProgram Compatibility troubleshooter (An easy-to-use troubleshooter that helps find and fix program compatibility issues)
засіб вирішення проблем із продуктивністюPerformance troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps optimize performance settings in Windows)
засіб виявлення нестачі ресурсівresource exhaustion detector (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
засіб виявлення файлів і оцінювання ризиківDiscovery and Risk Assessment (A Microsoft Office product that identifies business-critical Excel spreadsheets and Access databases by discovering files across network shares and SharePoint libraries, and that provides flexible risk assessment and categorization based on relevance, materiality and business impact)
засіб відновлення URL-адрес у бібліотеці формForm Library URL Repair Tool (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
засіб для авторської роботиAuthoring Connector (A Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) feature that enables users to author, edit, and submit content from a Microsoft Word document to an MCMS Web site)
засіб Microsoft Windows для вирішення проблем з нестачею ресурсівMicrosoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
засіб Microsoft Windows для виявлення нестачі ресурсівMicrosoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
засіб Windows для міграції данихWindows Easy Transfer (A Windows tool that assists consumers in moving their data (documents and settings) to the new environment)
засіб Groove для роботи з документамиGroove Documents Tool (A tool in Groove for storing and sharing files; primary use is intended to be as connection to SharePoint (via Site Client))
засіб Groove для роботи з календарямиGroove Calendar Tool (A tool that lets the user mark important dates and build collaborative schedules with other members of a workspace)
засіб Groove для роботи із зустрічамиGroove Meetings Tool (A tool in Microsoft Office Groove that helps users to organize, conduct, and record meetings)
засіб документування бази данихDatabase Documenter (A tool that builds a report that contains detailed information about the objects in a database)
засіб діагностики MSDTMSDT (A system used by PSS for gathering customer configuration information for diagnostics through an improved process and tool)
засіб діагностики для служби підтримки MicrosoftMicrosoft Support Diagnostic Tool (A system used by PSS for gathering customer configuration information for diagnostics through an improved process and tool)
засіб діагностики електронних таблицьSpreadsheet Inquire (A Microsoft Office product that provides interactive diagnostics to identify errors, deviations from spreadsheet best practices and insights into data flow in and out of the spreadsheet)
Засіб діагностики пам'яті WindowsWindows Memory Diagnostics Tool (A feature of Windows Vista that can automatically detect and resolve problems caused by defective physical memory. If the diagnostics module identifies a memory problem, Windows Vista can avoid using the affected portion of physical memory, enabling the operating system to start successfully and avoid application crashes)
засіб записування дій користувача для відтворення неполадокProblem Steps Recorder (A utility that allows recording step-by-step user actions in Windows and storing them in an XML file to help developers reproduce and investigate applications problems easily. It also enables end users to share application problems (e.g. with Technical Support) with comprehensive descriptions)
засіб захоплення фрагментівSnipping Tool (A Windows tool used to capture a screen shot, or snip, of any object on the screen, and then annotate, save, or share the image)
засіб зворотного зв'язкуFeedback Tool (A Windows tool that users may use to report their issues to Microsoft)
засіб комплексного захистуsafety scanner (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
засіб контролювання навантаженняCongestion Controller (A Media Center plug-in that is used for advanced network flow management, and in particular to avoid or limit network congestion)
засіб моніторингу справностіHealth Monitor (An application included with Windows Small Business Server which provides a view of data collected from the Event Viewer and System monitor)
засіб міграції даних Microsoft Dynamics CRMMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Data Migration Tool (An interactive help utility that guides customers as they transfer data from another customer relationship management system to Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
засіб настроювання OfficeOffice Customization Tool (A one-stop shop for customizing Office deployment and setup behaviors)
засіб обслуговування бази данихdatabase maintenance tool (One of a number of utilities that allow users to back up, restore, and check for errors in the Business Contact Manager for Outlook database)
засіб оптимізації тексту ClearTypeClearType Text Tuner (A program that helps make the text on your screen easier to read for long periods of time)
засіб ОСТOCT (A one-stop shop for customizing Office deployment and setup behaviors)
Windows Genuine Advantage, засіб перевірки автентичності Windows Genuine AdvantageWindows Genuine Advantage (A program for licensed Windows software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions)
засіб перевірки готовності ПК до роботи зі службою Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop readiness tool (A program for Office 365 that assesses a computer's readiness for Office 365, prepares it for Office 365, and reports the state of the computer to a small business administrator and/or to Microsoft)
засіб перевірки сумісностіCompatibility Checker (A feature that identifies elements in your file that aren't supported or will behave differently in a different format or previous version of the product)
засіб переглядуviewer (An application that displays or otherwise outputs a file in the same way as the application that created the file. An example of a viewer is a program to display the images stored in GIF or JPEG files)
засіб перегляду вкладеньAttachment Previewer (An application that is used to open an attachment for Attachment Previewing)
засіб перегляду PowerPoint для мобільних пристроївPowerPoint Mobile Viewer (A viewer that allows users to display PowerPoint presentations on a phone's browser. A file is rendered as an HTML page with sufficient fidelity to display readable slide and outline views on a small screen)
засіб перегляду Word для мобільних пристроївWord Mobile Viewer (A viewer that allows users to display Word documents on a phone's browser. A file is rendered as an HTML page with sufficient fidelity to convey text and images on a small screen)
засіб перегляду Excel для мобільних пристроївExcel Mobile Viewer (A viewer that allows users to display Excel workbooks on a phone's browser. A file is rendered as an HTML page with sufficient fidelity to convey important data or charts and illustrations)
засіб перегляду довідкиHelp viewer (The tool or window that contains the Help content)
засіб перегляду журналу WindowsWindows Journal Viewer (An accessory that you can use to view files that were created with Windows Journal, if you do not have a computer running Journal)
засіб перегляду знімківSnapshot Viewer (A program you use to view, print, and electronically mail a snapshot, such as a report snapshot)
засіб перегляду фотографій WindowsWindows Photo Viewer (A stripped down version of Vista's Windows Photo Gallery, which supports only two modes: Photo Viewer and Slideshow)
засіб перегляду фотографійPhoto Viewer (A mode of Windows Photo Viewer which consists of a top level window displaying one photograph at a time, with navigation controls)
засіб перегляду шрифтівfont previewer (A tool or feature that allows users to see different fonts, typography formats, and lettershapes that display on the computer and/or on Web sites)
засіб персоналізації розпізнавання текстуHandwriting recognition personalization tool (A feature of Windows Vista for Tablet PC that allows users to tailor handwriting recognition results to their own personal handwriting style)
засіб попереднього перегляду файлів PowerPointPowerPoint Previewer (A context menu that enables the user to preview the contents of a file with the Office Preview Handler (OPH) in Outlook (either documents attached to email or SharePoint documents in Outlook))
засіб порівнянняcomparer (A function used for controlling the comparison in search)
засіб порівняння баз данихDatabase Compare (A Microsoft Office product that detects and categorizes changes between two databases to facilitate review and approval processes)
засіб порівняння електронних таблицьSpreadsheet Compare (A Microsoft Office product that detects and categorizes changes between two spreadsheets to facilitate review and approval processes)
засіб пошуку зловмисних програмmalware scanner (Software used to scan for and eradicate malicious software)
засіб резервного копіювання образу системиWindows System Image Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
засіб розбиття тексту на словаword breaker (A search technology used to separate text into individual words)
засіб розгортання OfficeOffice Deployment Tool (A tool in Office 365 that enables IT professionals to manage how Office is installed for their users. Users receive the correct language and configurations individually tailored to them automatically, without the need to install anything themselves)
засіб самостійного відновлення з диспетчера DPMDPM Self-Service Recovery Tool (A tool that is used by end users to recover backups from DPM, without any action required from the DPM administrator.)
засіб синхронізації Windows Azure Active DirectoryWindows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
засіб створення вмістуauthoring tool (A tool that allows an author to create, edit, manage and/or publish a content deliverable in a consistently organized fashion)
засіб створення документів XPSMicrosoft XPS Document Writer A print-to-file driver that enables any Windows application to create XML Paper Specification (XPS) Document files (Microsoft)
засіб унаочненняvisual aid (A guide, such as a solid or a dotted line, that helps you see empty or invisible elements and elements with hidden borders)
засіб усунення неполадокtroubleshooter (An automated tool that helps find and fix specific problems on your computer)
засіб читання BitLocker To GoBitLocker To Go Reader (A user interface tool that is used to unlock external drives locked by BitLocker To Go and view/copy files in the drive)
кешуючий засіб розв'язання іменcaching resolver (A program that extracts information from DNS servers in response to client requests)
набір засобів автоматизованої інсталяції WindowsWindows Automated Installation Kit (A Microsoft suite of tools designed to help original equipment manufacturers, system builders, and corporate IT professionals customize, automate, and deploy Windows Vista operating system onto new hardware)
онлайновий засіб перегляду OneNoteOneNote Online Viewer (A OneNote Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a OneNote document that is stored online)
онлайновий засіб перегляду PowerPointPowerPoint Online Viewer (A PowerPoint Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a PowerPoint document that is stored online)
онлайновий засіб перегляду WordWord Online Viewer (A Word Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a Word document that is stored online)
онлайновий засіб перегляду ExcelExcel Online Viewer (An Excel Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity an Excel document that is stored online)
онлайнові засоби переглядуOnline Viewers (A technology that enables users to view Office documents in full fidelity with Office Web Apps, no matter where those documents are stored online)
онлайнові засоби перегляду на платформі Office Web AppsOnline Viewers, powered by Office Web Apps (A technology that enables users to view Office documents in full fidelity with Office Web Apps, no matter where those documents are stored online)
перевірка платіжного засобуpayment instrument challenge (A fraud prevention mechanism that attempts to verify that an individual using a payment instrument is authorized to use or is the owner of that instrument)
платіжний засібpayment instrument (The actual physical or virtual object that facilitates a purchase or transaction, such as a physical credit card, financial services account, or payment escrow service account)
редактор засобів вводуinput method editor (A tool that lets you enter complex characters and symbols, such as those used in East Asian written languages, using a standard keyboard)
спеціальні засобиassistive technology (Technology that provides enhancements to other technology so that people with disabilities can use it)