
Terms for subject Microsoft containing драйвери | all forms
бібліотека драйверів Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows Driver Library (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
вкладання драйверівdriver injection (The process of installing mass storage drivers into an offline Windows installation, such as from Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) into a restored system)
відображення драйвераdriver reflection (The process by which a driver file is copied to a location on the destination computer and the corresponding service is created)
доступні для інсталяції драйвери ISAMinstallable ISAM (A driver you can specify that allows access to external database formats such as dBASE, Excel, and Paradox. The Microsoft Access database engine installs (loads) these ISAM drivers when referenced by your application)
драйвер від постачальника обладнанняout-of-box driver (A driver that is not included with Windows)
драйвер завчасного захисту від зловмисних програмearly-launch boot driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
драйвер завчасного захисту від зловмисних програмEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
драйвер мережевої платиnetwork card driver (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
драйвер, необхідний для завантаженняboot critical driver (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
драйвер пристроюdevice driver (Software that enables hardware or peripherals (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer or mobile device)
драйвер сторонніх постачальниківthird-party driver (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
драйвер у режимі ядраkernel-mode driver (A driver for a logical, virtual, or physical device)
драйвер, що постачається з Windowsin-box driver (A driver contained in the default Windows installation)
каркас для WDM-драйвераWindows driver foundation (A framework that provides prewritten support for the requirements of Windows driver model (WDM), giving Microsoft Windows device-driver developers the ability to better focus on their device models. The driver framework reduces the amount of new code required to provide a full-featured WDM device driver)
міні-драйверminidriver (A relatively small, simple driver or file that contains additional instructions needed by a specific hardware device to interface with the universal driver for a class of devices)
міні-драйвер HIDHID minidriver (A minidriver that abstracts the operation of a hardware bus or port that a HID device is attached to. After the HID minidriver registers with the HID class driver, the HID class driver communicates with the minidriver by calling the minidriver's standard driver routines)
пакет драйвераdriver package (A collection of files that comprise a driver)
підписаний драйверsigned driver (A driver that meets the criteria of the Windows Logo Program. For performance and stability, Microsoft strongly recommends that you use only signed drivers for new or updated drivers)
рівневий драйверlayered driver (One of a collection of drivers that responds to the same IRPs. Layered driver describes the highest-level and lowest-level drivers in a chain of layered drivers that process the same IRPs, along with all intermediate drivers in the chain)
список захисту від драйверівdriver protection list (A list of drivers known to cause instabilities when installed under Microsoft Windows XP and later versions. The list is checked at the following times: during installation of Windows; each time the system is rebooted; each time a device or application is installed)
статичний віртуальний драйвер пристроюstatic virtual device driver (A virtual device driver (VxD) that is statically loaded during system startup. A static VxD can be loaded in a number of different ways, including device enumeration by the Plug and Play (PnP)static device enumerator)
стек драйверівdriver stack (A device object that forwards input/output request objects (IRPs) to other device objects. Stacking always occurs from the bottom up and is taken down from the top)
фільтр-драйверfilter driver (A driver that modifies or monitors I/O requests as they pass through the device stack)
інтегральний драйверmonolithic driver (A driver that is structured to handle all storage command processing from the driver class to the host bus attachment, residing in the code path either alongside Microsoft-supplied monolithic drivers, or alongside a Microsoft-supplied port driver and vendor-supplied miniport drivers)