
Terms for subject Microsoft containing архітектура | all forms | exact matches only
архітектура клієнт-серверclient/server architecture (A model of computing whereby client applications running on a desktop or personal computer access information on remote servers or host computers. The client portion of the application is typically optimized for user interaction, whereas the server portion provides centralized, multiuser functionality)
архітектура розподіленої реляційної бази данихDistributed Relational Database Architecture (A connection protocol for distributed relational database processing used by IBM relational database products that comprises protocols for communication between an application and a remote database, and communication between databases. DRDA also provides the connections for remote and distributed processing. The Distributed Data Management Architecture provides the base architecture for DRDA)
багатоклієнтська архітектураmultitenancy (An architectural principle where a single instance of software is used to run a service for multiple clients (tenants))
відкрита архітектура службових функцій WndowsWindows Open Services Architecture (A common set of interfaces that connect front-end applications with back-end services)
з підтримкою багатоклієнтської архітектуриmultitenant (Pertaining to multiple client organizations (tenants) that are served by a single software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendor's servers)
розвинена архітектура однорангових мережAdvanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (An upgrade to IBM Systems Network Architecture that supports distributed session control services and dynamic routing, avoiding dependencies on centralized mainframe network services)