
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Робочий | all forms | exact matches only
Автовідповідь за відсутності на робочому місціOut of Office Assistant (A tool that allows the user to configure auto-replies)
автоматичний робочий циклautomatic workflow (A type of workflow that runs as soon as the conditions defined in the workflow logic are met. No user action is required to start the workflow)
Автоматично отримувати з Outlook інформацію про відсутність на робочому місціAutomatically retrieve Out Of Office settings from Outlook (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab. When this option is selected, Communicator obtains the user's Out Of Office information from Outlook and displays it as part of the user's status)
активація робочого циклуworkflow activation (The process that occurs when a workflow host calls the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method)
браузер робочої областіworkspace browser (A component of the shell of Dashboard Designer. It holds available KPIs, data sources, indicators, report views, scorecards, and dashboards for use in the workspace)
веб-доступ до віддаленого робочого столаRemote Desktop Web Access (A Remote Desktop Services role service that makes RemoteApp programs and a connection to the remote desktop server's desktop accessible to users from a Web browser)
веб-підключення до віддаленого робочого столаRemote Desktop Web Connection (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
визначення робочого циклуworkflow definition (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
високопріоритетний робочий циклhigh-privilege workflow (Any workflow that either uses a tiered activity or contains a high privilege scope, regardless of the contents of that scope)
віддалена робоча областьremote workspace (A workspace offered by a publisher, consisting of applications, shared desktops, and personal desktops (at least some of which are accessed remotely). Each user gets a personally filtered view of the items in the remote workspace)
віддалений робочий стілRemote Desktop (A Windows feature that allows users to connect remotely to a computer and access programs, files, and network resources as though they were sitting at the computer)
відкладений робочий циклpost-operational workflow (A workflow that is asynchronous or that starts at a later time, but does not have to wait for a previous workflow to finish)
декларативний робочий циклdeclarative workflow (A workflow that is defined by using workflow markup language contained in XAML-formatted files. The XAML files are deployed and stored in the database)
диспетчер робочих областейworkspace manager (A window that lists all your workspaces along with status information)
дочірній робочий циклchild workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
дія робочого циклуworkflow action (An element of workflow logic that specifies the event or task that should be performed by the workflow jobs started by the workflow)
екземпляр робочого циклуworkflow instance (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)
з підтримкою робочих циклівworkflow-enabled (Automated in such a way that business documents and assignments are routed from one user to another for specific action)
завдання робочого циклуworkflow job (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)
захищена робоча групаsecurity-enabled workgroup (An Access workgroup in which users log on with a user name and password and in which access to database objects is restricted according to permissions granted to specific user accounts and groups)
захищений робочий стілsecure desktop (A desktop that is isolated from other processes running on the system. The secure desktop increases the security of the elevation prompt)
зв'язок у робочій мережіBusiness Network relationship (An explicit (for example, "colleague") or implicit (for example, "sent 100 emails in the last 30 days") relationship, with inherent strength, between people in the Business Network)
Керування робочими циклами WindowsWindows Workflow Foundation (An extensible programming model and runtime components for building solutions on the Windows platform)
керівник робочої групиworkgroup manager (The person who creates and maintains the project schedule and uses workgroup messages to assign tasks to the workgroup members; also uses the workgroup features to update tasks in the project as members reply)
класична робоча областьClassic Workspace (An enhanced version of the original peer-to-peer workspace in Groove. It offers users a more familiar alternative to the newer SharePoint Workspace)
колекція міні-програм робочого столаDesktop Gadget Gallery (An organizer used to add, uninstall, and search for desktop gadgets)
крок робочого циклуworkflow step (An individual stage defined in a workflow)
міні-програма робочого столаdesktop gadget (A gadget that users can display on their desktop, rather than on the Windows Sidebar. Examples are clocks, news headlines, slide shows, and weather forecasts)
На робочийWork (An item that appears on the Call Forwarding On menu, which appears on the My Status menu. When the user selects Work, Communicator automatically forwards incoming calls to the number the user has published for his work phone)
неавтоматичний робочий циклon-demand workflow (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
невідкладний робочий циклoperational workflow (A workflow that is synchronous and starts immediately)
особистий робочий стілpersonal desktop (A full desktop environment that is personalized for and "owned" by an individual user, as opposed to a shared desktop which does not carry much user personalization)
пакет сертифікації застосунків робочого стола для WindowsWindows Desktop Apps Certification Kit (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
параметр робочого циклуworkflow option (A parameter for a workflow that includes settings that determine which records it acts on and how it is triggered)
повідомлення "Не на робочому місці"Out of Office message (The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant)
політика робочого циклуworkflow policy (A group of rules for a workflow)
правило робочого циклуworkflow rule (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)
Провідник по робочих областяхworkspace explorer (The main window where users do most Groove activities, such as collaborating in workspaces)
програма для робочого столаdesktop program (An app that runs on the desktop of Windows)
протокол віддаленого робочого столаRemote Desktop Protocol (A proprietary protocol to provide remote display and input capabilities over network connections for Windows®-based applications between two computers)
профіль робочої мережіBusiness Network profile (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
підключення до віддаленого робочого столаRemote Desktop Connection (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
реєстрація з робочого столаdesktop registration (The opportunity given to the end user to register with Microsoft and the OEM, if the user failed to register during Windows Welcome)
реєстрація робочого циклуworkflow registration (A registration process that occurs when you add a workflow definition to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database)
робоча база данихbusiness database (The repository for all Business Contact Manager for Outlook data)
робоча групаteam (A group of users who share and collaborate on business records in the system. A team can consist of members who report to a single business unit (such as all sales or all customer service) or members who report to different business units (salespeople, customer service representatives, and accounting representatives))
робоча групаworkgroup (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
робоча мережаBusiness Network (A feature that is a series of interwoven social components that are surfaced contextually to users)
робоча областьwork pane (In Exchange 2007, the bottom middle pane of the Exchange Management Console. The work pane provides detailed information about the specified Exchange server)
робоча областьworkpane (The area of the workspace that contains the options you select for a given task. Workpanes appear at certain times, such as when a document is opened, or when you click certain items on menus and toolbars)
робоча областьworkspace (A user interface area in which users perform most tasks)
робоча область документівDocument Workspace (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document)
робоча область нарадMeeting Workspace (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
робоча приміткаbusiness note (An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for)
робоча структура проектуwork breakdown structure (A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work)
робочий елементwork item (A user-defined object with unique fields, forms, and rules. Work items can be queried across the database)
робочий потікworker thread (A thread commonly used to handle background tasks that the user should not have to wait for to continue using your application. Tasks such as recalculation and background printing are typically executed on worker threads)
робочий сайт групиGroup Work Site (A team site template that provides group collaboration capabilities based on standard business practices. Integrated functions include a group calendar, Whereabouts, Announcements, Phone Call Memo, and Schedule and Reservations)
робочий стілdesktop (The work area on a computer screen that simulates the top of an actual desk. The desktop contains the Recycle Bin and other icons (shortcuts to programs, files, folders, and various types of documents such as letters, reports, or pictures) that you can arrange on the electronic desktop just as you would arrange real objects on top of a desk)
робочий телефонwork phone (An Outlook contact's professional telephone number. Not a company's main phone number)
робочий телефонbusiness phone (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
робочий факсwork fax (An Outlook contact's professional fax number)
робочий циклworkflow (A sequence of activities, actions, or tasks through which documents or items are passed as part of an automated business process)
робочий часWorking Time (The time that a resource is in the office, and that is not dedicated to project tasks or effort. Represents a resource's true availability)
робочий часworking hours (A user's work day hours as specified in Microsoft Office Outlook by the day of the week and the start and end times)
Робочі папкиWork Folders (The enterprise-oriented feature which enables organizations to provide their users with access to data and documents stored on their corporate computers from anywhere)
розширений робочий стілextended desktop (A computer desktop area that extends across all displays that are connected to a computer)
сайт робочої областіworkspace site (A subsite based on the Document Workspace or Meeting Workspace site templates)
сайт робочої області для документівDocument Workspace site (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document)
сайт робочої області для нарадMeeting Workspace site (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
система керування робочими цикламиworkflow foundation (An extensible programming model and components that can be used to design and implement custom applications for common business processes, such as document approval. Components include version control, tracking, and reporting)
служби віддалених робочих столівRemote Desktop Services (A server role that provides multi-user access to applications and desktops for non-admin purposes; provides technologies that enable users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a remote desktop server, or to access the Windows desktop itself, from almost any computing device)
справа робочого циклуworkflow activity (An elemental unit of a workflow that represents actions and provides functionality for control flow, conditions, event handling, state management, and communication with applications and services)
спільний доступ до робочого столаdesktop sharing (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants)
стадія робочого циклуworkflow stage (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
стан робочого циклуworkflow status (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)
тема робочого столаdesktop theme (A collection of visual elements and sounds for your computer desktop or device User Interface. A theme determines the look of the various visual elements of your User Interface, such as windows, icons, fonts, and colors, and it can include sounds)
умова робочого циклуworkflow condition (A logical "if-then" statement in a workflow that defines a specific situation and any actions that should be taken when that situation occurs)
файл відомостей робочої групиworkgroup information file (A file that Access reads at startup that contains information about the users in a workgroup. This information includes users' account names, their passwords, and the groups of which they are members)
фон робочого столаdesktop background (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
шаблон робочого циклуworkflow template (A template that serves exclusively as the basis for creating other workflows. Workflow templates cannot start workflow jobs)
ідентифікатор робочої групиworkgroup ID (A case-sensitive alphanumeric string that is 4 to 20 characters long and that you enter when creating a new workgroup information file by using the Workgroup Administrator. This uniquely identifies the Admin group for this workgroup file)