
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Журнал | all forms | exact matches only
адміністраторський журнал перевіркиadministrator audit log (An auditing record that records any action, based on a Windows PowerShell cmdlet, performed by an administrator. This can help the administrator troubleshoot configuration issues or identify the cause of security- or compliance-related problems)
журнал безпекиsecurity log (An event log containing information on security events that are specified in the audit policy)
журнал браузераbrowsing history (A user's private information such as temporary files, history, passwords, web form entries, and cookies that captures Internet surfing and other online activities)
журнал версійversion history (A feature that tracks and stores a record of a shared document when it is first created, and each time it is edited)
журнал виконанняrun history (A set of statistics that shows the results of a single run of a management agent)
журнал дзвінківphone log (The details of a phone call which may be linked with the history of an account, business contact, or opportunity)
журнал застосункуapplication log (A record of events that are generated by the applications running on a system)
журнал затверджених змінapproval history (The log of approved changes made to an object)
журнал збирачаgatherer log (A log that is updated each time Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server updates a content index. Log entries contain data about URLs accessed while creating an index)
журнал змінchange journal (A feature that tracks changes to NTFS volumes, including additions, deletions, and modifications. The change journal exists on the volume as a sparse file)
журнал зовнішніх даних на рівні клієнтаtenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
журнал кворумуquorum log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
журнал оповіщеньalert history (A list of the alerts that a Windows Live Messenger customer has received)
журнал перевірки поштової скринькиmailbox audit log (A log that is generated for each mailbox that has mailbox audit logging enabled. Log entries are stored in the Audits subfolder of the audited mailbox Recoverable Items folder)
журнал перенесенняtransfer log (A log, located on the DPM server, that stores pending changes to a replica)
журнал повідомленьmessage history (A list of messages that you have sent or received)
журнал подійevent log (A record of activities on a computer system. Events can include attempts to establish communication, successful establishment of sessions, failures of system components, attempts to use files that are damaged or missing, configuration problems, and responses from remote systems)
Журнал розмовConversation History (The folder in Outlook where instant messages and phone conversations are stored)
журнал телеметрії OfficeOffice Telemetry Log (A feature that displays an Office event log in Excel format and helps the user to find and resolve known compatibility issues for Office files and solutions)
журнал трасуванняtrace log (The file that contains the information gathered during trace logging)
журнал успішностіGradebook (A worksheet that contains the collection of grades for all students enrolled in a particular class)
журнали викликівcall logs (A list of incoming calls and outgoing calls, showing information such as the name of the caller or call recipient, the date and the time of the call)
запис журналуlog entry (A record in a log file)
засіб перегляду журналу WindowsWindows Journal Viewer (An accessory that you can use to view files that were created with Windows Journal, if you do not have a computer running Journal)
звіт журналуjournal report (The message that is generated when a message matches a journal rule. The body of the journal report contains information from the original message such as the sender e-mail address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient e-mail addresses. The journal report also includes the original unaltered message as an attachment)
квота журналуjournal quota (For Message Queuing, a property that specifies the cumulative limit for journal messages in a journal queue. The limit is based on cumulative journal message size. When a journal queue`s quota is reached, messages are no longer stored)
контрольний журналaudit trail (A time-stamped record of all the changes that users make to a record. An audit trail also contains the name and identification of the user who made the change, and typically includes the reason for the change)
контрольний журналaudit log (The SQL Server database in which Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) stores data about successful and failed transactions for which auditing is enabled)
папка бізнес-журналуBusiness History Folder (A folder that contains all history items and the records they are linked to)
поштова скринька журналівjournaling mailbox (A mailbox used only for collecting journal reports in an Exchange Server organization)
правило журналуjournal rule (An Exchange rule that is used to record the e-mail messages sent to or from specific recipients)
проводка у журналіjournal entry (An entry to a company account to record a business transaction)
реєстрація подій у журналіlogging (The process of recording an audit entry in the audit trail whenever certain events occur, such as services starting and stopping or users logging on and off and accessing resources)
реєстрація подій у журналіevent logging (The process of recording an audit entry in the audit trail whenever certain events occur, such as services starting and stopping or users logging on and off and accessing resources)
системний журналsystem log (A record of events that are generated by the operating system components)
файл журналуlog file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
файл журналу транзакційtransaction log file (A file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database. All changes to the database are recorded in the transaction log files before they are written into the database files. If a database shuts down unexpectedly, unfinished transactions can be restored by replaying the transaction log files into the database)