
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Групи | all forms | exact matches only
абонентська групаdial plan (A grouping of telephony users with some specific properties, such as unique telephone extension numbers, that allow the Private Branch eXchange (PBX) to determine what action to take with dialed digits)
вбудована групаbuilt-in group (A default security group installed with the operating system. Built-in groups have been granted useful collections of rights and built-in abilities)
вбудована група ролейbuilt-in role group (A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization)
веб-сайт групиteam Web site (A customizable Web site with features that help a team work together. The default site has pages for document libraries, announcements, and team events. Only members, specified by the site creator, can use the site)
Видалити групуDelete a Group (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
Видалити групуDelete Group (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
Видалити групу разом з контактамиDelete Group and Contacts (An item on the right-click menu for a group that removes the selected group and its contacts from the user's contact list)
Вилучити з групиRemove from Group (An item that deletes a selected contact from a contact group, when the contact is right-clicked)
випробувальна групаpilot group (A representative sample of production machines that are used to test an Internet Explorer package before a full deployment to the entire organization. Unlike a test lab, a pilot group uses production machines and users)
вкладка "Група відповіді"Response Group tab (A custom tab, on an agent's Office Communicator client, that is used by the agent to sign in to his or her Response Group Service group. The agent must be signed in to the group in order to answer calls routed to the group)
власник групиgroup owner (A person authorized to manage and make certain changes to a group, such as to approve a membership request)
вікно групиgroup window (A drawing window you can open to edit individual components of a group. The group appears unrotated in the group window even if it is rotated on the drawing page)
вікно групиgroup box (A standard Windows control that groups a set of controls)
група адміністраторівAdministrators group (On a local computer, a group whose members have the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
група безпекиsecurity group (A group that can be listed in discretionary access control lists (DACLs) used to define permissions on resources and objects. A security group can also be used as an e-mail entity. Sending an e-mail message to the group sends the message to all the members of the group)
група виборуchoice group (A control that is used to present a set of mutually exclusive choices. By default, a choice group contains two choice sections, one of which appears to the user as the default choice in the form)
група відстеженняhunt group (" A set of telephone extensions that are organized into a group, over which the Private Branch eXchange (PBX) "hunts" to find an available extension. A hunt group is used to direct calls to identically-capable endpoints or to an application, such as voice mail.")
група "Досвідчені користувачі"Power Users group (A group whose members can manage accounts, resources, and applications that are installed on a workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. This group does not exist on domain controllers. Administrative tasks that can be performed by members of this group include creating local users and groups; modifying and deleting accounts that they have created; removing users from the Power Users, Users, and Guests groups; installing most applications; and creating and deleting file shares)
група елементів керуванняoption group (A frame that can contain check boxes, toggle buttons, and option buttons on a form, report, or data access page. You use an option group to present alternatives from which the user can select a single option)
група захопленняcapture group (" In regular expressions, an expression of the form "(subexpressionaafe202a-1d96-4b36-a270-d676dfd3c51c)" or "\(subexpressionaafe202a-1d96-4b36-a270-d676dfd3c51c \)" which matches the sequence of characters in the target sequence that is matched by the pattern between the delimiters.")
група зберіганняstorage group (A collection of mailbox stores and public folder stores that share a set of transaction log files. Exchange manages each storage group with a separate server process)
група командного викликуteam-call group (A group of people who can answer calls on behalf of someone else)
група контактівcontact group (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
група локальних адміністраторівlocal administrators group (The group of users who have permission to perform administration tasks on the local server computer. The permissions for this group are set by using the administration tools for the operating system)
група макросівmacro group (A collection of related macros that are stored together under a single macro name. The collection is often referred to simply as a macro)
група маршрутизаціїrouting group (A logical grouping of well-connected Exchange servers between which no connector is required for message transfer)
група мірmeasure group (A collection of related measures in an Analysis Services cube. The measures are generally from the same fact table)
група надсилання й отриманняSend/Receive group (E-mail accounts and folders that you can group and set common options for, such as whether to download headers or messages, size limits on downloaded messages, behavior online vs. offline, and time interval for connecting to the server)
група новинnewsgroup (A forum on the Internet for discussions on a specified range of subjects)
група одиниць вимірюванняunit group (A compilation of the different measurements that a product is available in. A unit group contains the base unit in which a product is available, for example, a two-liter. It then lists all the different increments that this base unit is packaged in for sale, such as an individual two-liter bottle or a case of 6 two-liter bottles, and also indicates which measurement is the primary unit)
група оновленняupdate group (A collection of managed properties that are updated together in the search index)
група "Оператори серверів"Server Operators group (A group whose members can manage all domain controllers in a single domain. This group does not exist on workstations, stand-alone servers, or member servers. Administrative tasks that can be performed by members of this group include logging on locally, creating and deleting network shared resources, starting and stopping services, backing up and restoring files, formatting the hard disk of the computer, and shutting down the computer)
група операторів резервного копіюванняBackup Operators group (A type of local or global group that contains the user rights you need to back up and restore files and folders. Members of the Backup Operators group can back up and restore files and folders regardless of ownership, permissions, encryption, or auditing settings)
група ресурсівresource group (Two or more resources (users, facilities, or equipment) that can be scheduled interchangeably)
група розсилкиdistribution group (A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient)
група ролейrole group (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
група ролей адміністраторівadministrator role group (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
групи мовlanguage group (A group that controls which system locale, user locales, input locales, and user interface (UI) languages can be selected)
динамічна група розсилкиdynamic distribution group (A distribution group that uses recipient filters and conditions to derive its membership at the time the message is sent)
дискусійна групаdiscussion group (A forum on the Internet for discussions on a specified range of subjects)
Домашня група WindowsWindows HomeGroup (A Windows feature that enables users to share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers with other people on a home network)
Домашня групаHomeGroup (A Windows feature that enables users to share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers with other people on a home network)
експертна група з кінематографіїMoving Picture Experts Group (The committee that creates international standards for coding audio-visual information to a digital, compressed format. The acronym MPEG is appended to the beginning of individual specifications developed by the committee. For example, MPEG-2 refers to the standard, ISO/IEC - 11172)
експертна група з питань рухомого зображенняMoving Picture Experts Group (The committee that creates international standards for coding audio-visual information to a digital, compressed format. The acronym MPEG is appended to the beginning of individual specifications developed by the committee. For example, MPEG-2 refers to the standard, ISO/IEC - 11172)
еталонна групаreference group (A group that is associated with another group so that their properties and the properties of the groups and fields they contain always match. If the properties of one group are changed, the other group is updated automatically)
з'єднувач груп маршрутизаціїrouting group connector (An SMTP connector that is required for mail to flow between Exchange routing groups. When Exchange Server 2007 is installed in an existing Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server organization, the required routing group connector is created during setup)
загальнодоступна групаpublic group (An item in the global address list that provides an easy way to send messages to a group of people. A public group can include any item from a global address list, including other public groups)
засіб виправлення неполадок домашньої групиHomeGroup troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems with viewing computers or shared files in a homegroup)
захищена робоча групаsecurity-enabled workgroup (An Access workgroup in which users log on with a user name and password and in which access to database objects is restricted according to permissions granted to specific user accounts and groups)
календар групиGroup Calendar (The shared calendar that you can create in Office for a group of users to schedule events, track milestones, create meetings, and engage in conversations around events. Users can add events from a group calendar to their personal calendars)
керівник робочої групиworkgroup manager (The person who creates and maintains the project schedule and uses workgroup messages to assign tasks to the workgroup members; also uses the workgroup features to update tasks in the project as members reply)
комп'ютер домашньої групиhomegroup computer (A computer that belongs to a homegroup)
локальна групаlocal group (A security group that can be granted rights and permissions only to resources on the computer on which the group is created. Local groups can have any user accounts that are local to the computer as members, as well as users, groups, and computers from a domain to which the computer belongs)
локальна група доменуdomain local group (A security or distribution group that can contain universal groups, global groups, other domain local groups from its own domain, and accounts from any domain in the forest. Domain local security groups can be granted rights and permissions on resources that reside only in the same domain where the domain local group is located)
модератор групиgroup moderator (A person who is assigned the ability to approve and reject any messages sent to a public group or a dynamic distribution group)
навчальна групаstudy group (A student collaboration group where studying can be organized and managed online)
назва групиgroup name (A unique name that identifies a group of contacts in the Contacts list)
Нова групаNew Group (The default name for a group of contacts created by the user)
Очистити групуClear Group (An item on the group context menu in the contact list that removes all members of the Recent Contacts group)
пароль домашньої групиhomegroup password (A password that helps prevent unauthorized access to homegroup files and printers)
Перейменувати групуRename Group (An item that lets a user rename a group, when the group name in the Contacts list is right-clicked)
планувальник роботи групиTeam Planner (A view that shows all of the resources on a project and their work over time. This makes it easy to rearrange work, schedule new work, and manage a team's load)
повторювана групаrepeating group (A group in the data source that can occur more than once. Controls such as repeating sections and repeating tables are bound to repeating groups)
політика іменування групgroup naming policy (A template applied to the distribution group names in your Microsoft Exchange organization. Specifically, you can specify that a prefix, a suffix, or both be applied to all distribution group names. You can also block certain words from being used in the names)
протокол керуваннями групами в ІнтернетіInternet Group Management Protocol (A protocol used by Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighboring multicast routers)
ресурси групиTeam Resources (A feature that allows task work to be assigned to a group at the resource level to rather than to an individual. The total work load of the team resource includes both each individual's and the team's. These are not project teams)
робоча групаteam (A group of users who share and collaborate on business records in the system. A team can consist of members who report to a single business unit (such as all sales or all customer service) or members who report to different business units (salespeople, customer service representatives, and accounting representatives))
робоча групаworkgroup (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
робочий сайт групиGroup Work Site (A team site template that provides group collaboration capabilities based on standard business practices. Integrated functions include a group calendar, Whereabouts, Announcements, Phone Call Memo, and Schedule and Reservations)
рівень групиgroup level (The depth at which a group in a report or data access page is nested inside other groups. Groups are nested when a set of records is grouped by more than one field, expression, or group record source)
сайт групиteam site (A SharePoint site created to facilitate team collaboration on projects and other efforts)
Створити групуCreate New Group (A menu item that creates a new group for the user's Contacts list)
тема групиgroup theming (A feature that enables group owners to change their group's image and colors for a better representation)
універсальна групаuniversal group (A security or distribution group that can contain users, groups, and computers from any domain in its forest as members)
універсальна поштова група безпекиmail-enabled universal security group (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. Unlike a mail-enabled universal distribution group, a mail-enabled USG can also be used to assign permissions. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled USG, all members of that group receive a copy of the message)
універсальна поштова група розсилкиmail-enabled universal distribution group (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled universal distribution group, all members of that list receive a copy of the message. Mail-enabled universal distribution groups cannot be used to assign permissions)
учасник групиgroup member (A contact within a group in the Contacts list)
учасник групи ролейrole group member (A member of an administrator role group, which is a universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. The roles assigned to the role group are applied to each member who is added to the role group. This grants each user all the permissions allowed by the roles assigned to the role group)
файл відомостей робочої групиworkgroup information file (A file that Access reads at startup that contains information about the users in a workgroup. This information includes users' account names, their passwords, and the groups of which they are members)
цільова групаpursuit team (People who are members of the group that is assigned to follow up on a particular lead)
членство у групіmembership in a group (A user's status as a member of a group)
ідентифікатор робочої групиworkgroup ID (A case-sensitive alphanumeric string that is 4 to 20 characters long and that you enter when creating a new workgroup information file by using the Workgroup Administrator. This uniquely identifies the Admin group for this workgroup file)
ім'я групиgroup name (A unique name identifying a local group or a global group to Windows. A group's name cannot be identical to any other group name or user name in its own domain or computer)
імпортувати групоюbulk import (To load a large amount of data, usually in batches, from a data file or repository to another data repository)