
Terms for subject Microsoft containing vom | all forms | exact matches only
Abweichung vom Rechnungspreisinvoice price variance (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
Aktivierung von WindowsWindows activation (The process of activating Windows)
Assistent zum Brennen von Bildern und VideosBurn Pictures and Videos Wizard (The wizard used to burn pictures and videos on a disk)
Assistent zum Erstellen von BereitstellungspaketenCreate Deployment Package Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create a deployment package)
Assistent zum Erstellen von InstallationselementenCreate Installation Item Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create an installation item)
Assistent zum Importieren/Exportieren von Management PacksManagement Pack Import/Export Wizard (The wizard to import and export management packs)
Aufnahme von Belichtungsreihenexposure bracketing (A photographic technique of taking multiple photos of the same scene with different exposure settings)
Ausdruck für die Zuweisung von Arbeitsaufgaben-Warteschlangenwork item queue assignment expression (A statement that conditionally assigns work items to specific work item queues)
Ausnahme vom Servicelevelservice level exception (An alert that has remained longer than specified in a resolution state. For example, the default service expectation time for an alert to remain in the New resolution state is 10 minutes. If an alert's resolution state is New for longer than 10 minutes, it is considered a service level exception)
Darstellung oder Erwähnung von AlkoholAlcohol Reference (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
Dienst vom Typ BenutzerdiensteUser Services service (A Lync Server service that is used to help maintain presence information for users and to manage meetings and conferences)
Drehend, von außenSpin, out (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Einblenden, von schwarzFade In, From Black (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
Einblenden, von weißFade In, From White (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
Einfliegen von links obenFly In, Top Left (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Einfliegen, von links und rechtsFly In, Left and Right (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Empfänger von Duet Enterprise-BerichtenDuet Enterprise Reports Receiver (A SharePoint feature that manages publishing and authorization of Duet Enterprise Reports)
Ergebnis von Vergleichstestsbenchmark result (The result of a benchmark (test used to measure hardware or software performance))
Ersetzen von Wertenvalue substitution (A string substitution performed on XML elements as a document passes through the pipeline)
Festlegung von Zielversionenmultitargeting (The ability to target code to specific versions (for example, 2.0, 3.5, 4, or 4.5) of the .NET Framework)
integrierte Sicherheit von Windows NTWindows NT Integrated Security (A security mode that leverages the Windows NT authentication process)
kritischer Datensatz im Rahmen von GxPGxP critical record (An electronic record considered critical by the FDA)
Massenerkennung von DuplikatenBulk Duplicate Detection (A system job that detects duplicate records for one entity)
Offlineschalten von Anwendungenapplication offlining (The act of downloading BCS Solutions from a SharePoint site to Outlook)
Powered by, unterstützt vonpowered by (Pertaining to a process, tool, etc. that is enabled by a particular technology)
Richtlinie zur Schreibweise von Akronymenacronym casing guideline (A rule that clarifies whether an acronym is to be spelt with upper- or lowercase letter or a mix)
Suche vonSearch by (Pertaining to a search process enabled by a particular technology)
Verkaufschancen empfohlen vonOpportunities Referred By (A field that holds the name of the person who provided the opportunity)
Veröffentlichen von Zuordnungenpublish assignments (To notify resources of new and changed assignments to tasks)
Veröffentlichung von DuplikaterkennungsregelnDuplicate Detection Rule Publication (A system job that publishes a duplicate detection rule)
Veröffentlichung von Informationeninformation disclosure (The exposure of information to individuals who normally would not have access to it)
vom Administrator genehmigte Formularvorlageadministrator-approved form template (A browser-compatible form template that has been uploaded by an administrator to a server running InfoPath Forms Services. An administrator-approved form template can include code)
vom Anrufer festgelegter Rückrufset-by-caller callback (In Network Connections, a form of callback in which the user supplies the telephone number that the remote access server uses for callback. This setting spares the user any long-distance telephone charges)
vom System definierter Finanzdimensionstypsystem-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
Wiederherstellung vom Bandrestore (In DPM, the process by which an administrator retrieves a protected file or rebuilds a DPM server by using data that has been archived to tape. Restoring data requires use of tape backup software)
Überprüfung von Shapes und Verbindungenshape-level validation (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)