
Terms containing rot | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Alarmstufe rotred alert
nat.res., fish.farm.Atlantische Rote Riesengarnelescarlet shrimp (Plesiopenaeus edwarsianus)
gen.Bildung von roten Blutkörperchenred blood cell production
gen.Bildung von roten Blutkörperchenerythropoiesis
telecom.braun rotbrown red (brown red, IEC 757)
opt.das ankommende Licht in seine Farbkomponenten rot, grün und blau zerlegensplit the incoming light into its component colours red, green, and blue
opt.das Maximum zum Rot hin verschiebenshift the maximum towards the red
gen.Das muss ich rot anstreichenI must make a special note of that
health.das Rote KreuzRed Cross
gen.jdm. den roten Hahn aufs Dach setzen veraltetput house on fire
fig.den roten Teppich ausrollen auch fig.roll out the red carpet
fig.den roten Teppich ausrollen auch fig.bring out the red carpet
agric.der bei Säuren rot und bei Basen blau reagiert.azolitmin
gen.der rote Fadenleitmotif
gen.der rote Fadenleitmotiv
gen.der rote Fadenthe recurrent theme
gen.der rote Fadenthe central theme
gen.der rote Fadencentral theme
social.sc.Deutsches Rotes KreuzGerman Red Cross
gen.Die Maske des Roten TodesThe Masque of the Red Death Edgar Allan Poe
gen.die rote Flutthe red tide cold war term
gen.jdm. die rote Karte zeigento red-card smb.
inf.Diesen Tag werde ich mir im Kalender rot anstreichen.That's a turn-up for the books. брит.
med.diffuses kräftiges Rotdiffuse beefy red
med.durch rote Blutkörperchen der Gruppe A immunisierte Personperson immunized by group A red corpuscles
gen.einen roten Kopf bekommengo red in the face
gen.Emblem des Roten Halbmondsred crescent emblem
health.Emblem des Roten KreuzesRed Cross emblem
gen.Es ist ein rotes Tuch für ihnIt's a red rag to him
phys.extremes Rotextreme red
chem.Falun-RotSwedish red
fin.Farbe:rotred colour
polygr.farbechtes Rotcolour-fast red
med.FORESTIER-ROTES QUEROL-Krankheitankylosing vertebral senile hyperostosis
telecom.gelb rotred yellow (red yellow, IEC 757)
health.Geschwindigkeit, mit der sich rote Blutkörperchen vom Plasma absetzenerythrocyte sedimentation rate
health.Gesellschaft des Roten Halbmondes BangladeschBangladesh Red Crescent Society
telecom.grau rotred grey (red grey, IEC 757)
zool.große rote Waldameisewood ant (Formica rufa)
telecom.grün rotred green (red green, IEC 757)
commer., polit., fish.farm.handelsübliche Aufmachung von Rotem Thuneach commercial presentation of bluefin tuna
gen.Ich wurde rot.I went red.
chem.Infra rot-Spektroskopieinfrared spectroscopy
health.Internationales Komitee vom Roten KreuzInternational Committee of the Red Cross
gen.Internationales Übereinkommen über die Unterhaltung gewisser Leuchtfeuer im Roten MeerInternational Agreement regarding the Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Sea
gen.Johannisbeere, rotred currant (Ribes rubrum)
gen.Johannisbeersaft rotredcurrant juice
inf.keinen roten Heller mehr habento not have two pennies to rub together
inf.keinen roten Heller mehr habento not have a penny to one's name
life.sc., fish.farm.Kleiner Roter Drachenkopfsmall red scorpionfish (Scorpaena notata)
gen.Kommando der Roten HandRed-Hand Commandoes
med.Konzentrat menschlicher roter Blutkörperchenhuman red cell concentrate
med.konzentrierte rote Blutkörperchenpacked red cells
agric.Körner mit roten Rillengrains striated with red
gen.Lichtnelke, rotered campion (Silene dioica)
chem.Lithol-Rotlithol red
health.Mangel an roten Blutkörperchenred-cell deficiency
gen.mit roten Augenred-eyed
med.mit Tannin behandeltes rotes Blutkörperchentanned red corpuscle
opt.nach dem Rot hin verschiebendisplace towards the red
social.sc., health.Nationale Gesellschaften vom Roten Kreuz und Roten HalbmondNational Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
environ.OECD-Verfahren der "roten Stufe"OECD red tier
chem.Pariser Rotred lead
chem.Pariser Rotplumbo-plumbic oxide
chem.Pariser Rotred lead oxide
opt.Pariser Rotrouge (a red oxide of iron)
chem.Pariser Rotlead oxide pigment
chem.Pariser Rotorange mineral
chem.Pariser Rotminium
chem.Persisch RotAmerican vermilion
chem.Persisch RotAustrian cinnabar
chem.Persisch RotVictoria red
chem.Persisch RotPersian red
chem.Persisch RotDerby red
chem.Persisch Rotchinese red
chem.Persisch Rotchrome red
chem.Persisch Rotneutral lead chromate
opt.Plättchen Rot I Ordnung1st order red (polarizing microscopy)
opt.Plättchen Rot I Ordnungfull-wave plate
chem.Rausch rotrealgar
chem.Rausch rotarsenic tetrasulfide (red)
chem.Rausch rotarsenic ruby
chem.Rausch rotred orpiment
chem.Rausch rotred arsenic sulfide
telecom.rosa rotred pink (red pink, IEC 757)
agric., food.ind.rot aussehendes Fleischred meat
telecom.rot blaured blue (red blue, IEC 757)
nat.sc., agric.rot-braune Fleckenred-brown spots
met.rot erleuchteter Gasstromred gas stream
chem.Rot 2Gazogeranine
chem.Rot 2Gred 2G
chem.Rot 2GE128
chem.Rot 2GCI food red 10
comp.Rot, Grün und BlauRGB
comp.Rot, Grün und Blaured, green and blue
fin.Rot-Grün-Abfertigungsverfahrenred-green system
comp., MSRot-Grün-Blaured-green-blue (A color model that describes color information in terms of the red (R), green (G), and blue (B) intensities that make up the color)
f.trade.Rot-Grün-Kanal-Abfertigungssystemclearway system
hist.Rot-Kreuz-ZeichenRed Cross sign (Andrey Truhachev)
chem.Rot/Kupfererzred copper ore
met., construct.Rot-Messingred brass
telecom.rot schwarzblack red (black red, IEC 757)
forestr.Rot-Sternred pip
astr.rot verfärbter Sternreddened star
gen.rot verheulte Augeneyes red from crying
comp., MSROT13-VerschlüsselungROT13 encryption (A simple encryption method in which each letter is replaced with the letter of the alphabet 13 letters after the original letter, so that A is replaced by N, and so forth; N, in turn, is replaced by A, and Z is replaced by M. ROT13 encryption is not used to protect messages against unauthorized readers; rather, it is used in newsgroups to encode messages that a user may not want to read, such as sexual jokes or spoilers. Some newsreaders can automatically perform ROT13 encryption and decryption at the touch of a key)
tech.rot werdenblush
gen.rot werdenturn red
gen.rot werdenredden
amer.rot werdencolor
gen.rot werdenflush
gen.rot werden wie eine Tomateturn as red as a beetroot
amer.rot werden wie eine Tomatego as red as a beet
amer.rot werden wie eine Tomateturn as red as a beet
gen.rot werden wie eine Tomatego as red as a beetroot
chem.rot Zinkerzred zinc oxide (min.)
chem.rot Zinkerzzincite
nat.sc., agric.rote Angelinpartridge wood (Andira inermis)
nat.sc., agric.rote Angelincabbage tree (Andira inermis)
nat.sc., agric.rote Angelinangelin (Andira inermis)
med.rote Atrophiered atrophy
comp., MSrote Augenred eye (A photographic condition where the eyes of the subject appear red, due to the reflection of the camera flash from their eyes)
nat.sc., agric.rote austernfoermige SchildlausItalian pear scale (Diaspis leperii, Epidiaspis betulae)
nat.sc., agric.rote austernförmige Schildlausred oyster shell scale (Diaspis leperii)
nat.sc., agric.rote austernförmige SchildlausItalian pear scale (Diaspis leperii)
nat.sc., agric.rote AusternschildlausItalian pear scale (Diaspis leperii, Epidiaspis betulae)
agric.rote Beetebeetroot (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva)
agric.Rote Beetebeetroot and leaf beet
agric.rote Beetered beet (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva)
gen.rote Beetebeet root
agric.rote Betered beet
agric.rote Betegarden beet (Beta vulgaris var.conditiva)
gen.rote Bete Rsv.beetroot
med.rote Blutkörperchenred cells
med.rote Blutkörperchenred blood corpuscles
gen.rote Blutkörperchenred corpuscles
gen.rote Blutkörperchenred blood cells
gen.rote Blutkörperchen und Blutplättchenred cells and platelets
gen.rote Bohnered kidney bean
gen.rote Bohnekidney bean
gen.rote Bohnenkidney beans
interntl.trade., agric.Rote Boxred box
gen.Rote BrigadenRed Brigades
cook.rote Chilischotered chili pepper
nat.sc.rote Chironomuslarvechironomus larva
biol.rote Chironomuslarveblood worm
biol.rote Citrusmilbecitrus red spider mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
biol.rote Citrusmilbecitrus red mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
biol.rote Citrusspinmilbecitrus red spider mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
biol.rote Citrusspinmilbecitrus red mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
med.rote Degenerationred degeneration
zool.rote Edelkorallered precious coral (Corallium rubrum)
gen.rote Eingeweidered offal
nat.sc., agric.Rote Eschered ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
nat.sc., agric.Rote Eschegreen ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
gen.rote Feuerameisered fire ant Solenopsis invicta
biol.rote Fichtengallenlauslarch aphid (Adelges larici, Adelges laricis, Adelges strobilobius, Chermes strobilobius, Cnaphalodes strobilobius)
biol.rote Fichtengallenlauslarch chermesid aphid (Adelges larici, Adelges laricis, Adelges strobilobius, Chermes strobilobius, Cnaphalodes strobilobius)
biol.rote Fichtengallenlauswoolly larch aphid (Adelges larici, Adelges laricis, Adelges strobilobius, Chermes strobilobius, Cnaphalodes strobilobius)
biol.rote Fichtengallenlauslarch adelges (Adelges larici, Adelges laricis, Adelges strobilobius, Chermes strobilobius, Cnaphalodes strobilobius)
industr., construct., met.rote Filassesleek
industr., construct., met.rote Filassefine scratch
mamm.rote Fledermausred bat (Lasiurus borealis)
nat.res.rote Florida-Schildlauscircular scale (Chrysomphalus aonidum, Chrysomphalus ficus)
nat.res.rote Florida-Schildlausred spotted scale (Chrysomphalus aonidum, Chrysomphalus ficus)
nat.res.rote Florida-Schildlauscircular purple scale (Chrysomphalus aonidum, Chrysomphalus ficus)
nat.res.rote Florida-Schildlauscircular black scale (Chrysomphalus aonidum, Chrysomphalus ficus)
nat.res.rote Florida-SchildlausFlorida red scale (Chrysomphalus aonidum, Chrysomphalus ficus)
biol.rote Fruchtsoft fruit
med.rote Gehirnerweichungred of softening of brain
nat.sc., agric.rote Gewaechshausspinnmilbescarlet mite (Brevipalpus obovatus, Tenuipalpus inormatus, Tenuipalpus obovatus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Gewaechshausspinnmilbeprivet mite (Brevipalpus obovatus, Tenuipalpus inormatus, Tenuipalpus obovatus)
cook.rote Grützered fruit pudding
nat.sc., agric.rote Guajavered guava (Psidium guajava var. pomiferum)
nat.sc., agric.rote Guajaveapple-shaped guava (Psidium guajava var. pomiferum)
gen.Rote-Hand-BriefDear Doctor Letter
med.rote Hepatisationred hepatization
med.rote Indurationred induration
gen.rote Johannisbeerered currant
gen.rote Johannisbeerenkonfitüreredcurrant jam
gen.rote Jutetossa
gen.rote Jutered jute
gen.rote Jutecorchorus olitorius
nat.sc., agric.rote Kaffeemilbetea red spider (Metatetranychus bioculatus, Oligonychus coffeae, Paratetranychus bioculatus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Kaffeemilbered coffee mite (Metatetranychus bioculatus, Oligonychus coffeae, Paratetranychus bioculatus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Kaffeespinnmilbetea red spider (Metatetranychus bioculatus, Oligonychus coffeae, Paratetranychus bioculatus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Kaffeespinnmilbered coffee mite (Metatetranychus bioculatus, Oligonychus coffeae, Paratetranychus bioculatus)
nat.res., agric.Rote Kalifornische SchildlausCalifornia red scale (Aonidiella aurantii)
nat.sc., agric.rote Kiefernbuschhornblattwespeeuropean pine sawfly (Diprion rufus, Diprion sertifer, Lophyrus rufus, Lophyrus sertifer, Neodiprion rufus, Neodiprion sertifer)
biol.rote Kiefernbuschhornblattwespelesser pine sawfly (Diprion rufus, Diprion sertifer, Lophyrus rufus, Lophyrus sertifer, Neodiprion rufus, Neodiprion sertifer)
nat.sc., agric.rote Kommaschildlauspear oystershell scale (Lepidosaphes conchiformioides, Lepidosaphes conchiformis, Lepidosaphes ficus, Lepidosaphes minima, Lepidosaphes rubri, Mytilocco cus ficus, Mytilococcus conchiformioides, Mytilococcus conchiformis, Mytilococcus minima, Mytilococcus rubri)
nat.sc., agric.rote Kommaschildlausfig scale (Lepidosaphes conchiformioides, Lepidosaphes conchiformis, Lepidosaphes ficus, Lepidosaphes minima, Lepidosaphes rubri, Mytilocco cus ficus, Mytilococcus conchiformioides, Mytilococcus conchiformis, Mytilococcus minima, Mytilococcus rubri)
nat.res.Rote Korallered coral (Corallium rubrum)
nat.res.Rote KoralleSardinia coral (Corallium rubrum)
med.rote Körnerred seed
health., anim.husb.rote Kükenruhrcaecal coccidiosis (nosogenum:Eimeria tenella)
nat.sc., agric.Rote LangusteCape rock lobster (Jasus lalandii)
nat.sc., agric.rote Lichtnelkered campion (Melandrium dioicum Coss.ét Germ., Melandrium nubrum Garcke)
environ., nat.res.rote Liste über die bedrohten TierartenRed List of Threatened Animals
mamm.rote Mangusteslender mongoose (Herpestes sanguineus)
zool.rote Mangustelesser mongoose (Herpestes (Galerella) sanguineus)
zool.rote Mangusteslender mongoose (Herpestes (Galerella) sanguineus)
nat.res., agric.rote Milbered pepper mite (Pygmephorus spp., Pediculoides stercoricola)
nat.res., agric.rote Milbepygmy mite (Pygmephorus spp., Pediculoides stercoricola)
biol.rote Mittelmeerschildlausspanish red scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
nat.sc., agric.rote Mittelmeerschildlausrusty red scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Mittelmeerschildlauspinnule scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Mittelmeerschildlauspalm scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Mittelmeerschildlausdictyospermum scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
nat.res.Rote MombinpflaumeSpanish plum (Spondias purpurea)
agric.rote Monbinpflaumered mombin (Spondias purpurea)
agric.rote MonbinpflaumeSpanish plum (Spondias purpurea)
zool.rote Moorantilopered lechwe (Adenota leche leche, Kobus leche leche)
nat.sc., agric.rote Mueckenlarvebloodworm (Chironomus cavazzae)
nat.sc., agric.rote Nachtnelkered campion (Melandrium dioicum Coss.ét Germ., Melandrium nubrum Garcke)
nat.res., agric.rote OrangenschildlausCalifornia red scale (Aonidiella aurantii)
nat.res., fish.farm.Rote Pandorared pandora (Pagellus bellottii)
met.rote Pestred plague
nat.sc., agric.rote Platterbseflatpod peavine US (Lathyrus cicera)
nat.sc., agric.rote Platterbsedwarf chickling vetch (Lathyrus cicera)
gen.rote rauchende Salpetersäurered fuming nitric acid RFNA
nat.sc., agric.rote Ribiselred currant
gen.rote Ribisel österr.red currant
life.sc., agric.rote Rübebeetroot
agric.rote Rübegarden beet (Beta vulgaris var.conditiva)
agric.rote Rübered beet (Beta vulgaris var.conditiva)
agric.rote Rübesalad beetroot
agric.rote Rübenred beet (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva)
agric.rote Rübenbeetroot (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva)
gen.rote Rückstrahlerred rear reflex reflectors
zool.rote Samt-Fledermausred velvety free-tailed bat (Molossus rufus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Schuppenmieresand spurrey (Arenaria rubra L., Spergularia campestris Aschers., Spergularia rubra (L.)Presl.)
gen.rote Schuppenmierered sandspurry (Arenaria rubra L., Spergularia campestris Aschers., Spergularia rubra (L.)Presl.)
nat.sc., agric.rote Spargelerbsewinged pea (Lotus tetragonolobus, Tetragonolobus purpureus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Spargelerbsegarden winged pea (Lotus tetragonolobus, Tetragonolobus purpureus)
nat.res.rote Spinnecommon red spidermite (Tetranychus urticae)
nat.res.rote Spinnegreenhouse red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
nat.res.rote Spinnetwo-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
nat.res., agric.rote Spinnered mite (Metatetranychus pilosus, Metatetranychus ulmi, Oligonychus ulmi, Panonychus ulmi, Paratetranychus pilosus, Tetranychus ulmi)
nat.res., agric.rote Spinnefruit tree red spider mite (Metatetranychus pilosus, Metatetranychus ulmi, Oligonychus ulmi, Panonychus ulmi, Paratetranychus pilosus, Tetranychus ulmi)
nat.res., agric.rote Spinneeuropean red mite (Metatetranychus pilosus, Metatetranychus ulmi, Oligonychus ulmi, Panonychus ulmi, Paratetranychus pilosus, Tetranychus ulmi)
nat.res.rote Spinnehop red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
nat.res.rote Spinneglasshouse spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
agric.rote Spinnered spider mite (tetranychus telarius)
agric.rote Spinnespider mite (tetranychus telarius)
biol.rote Spinnered spider (Tetranychidae)
nat.sc., agric.rote Spitzered-top
agric.rote Stachelbeermilbegooseberry bryobia (Bryobia ribis)
environ.rote StufeOECD red tier
nat.sc., agric.Rote Stumpfnasenbrassered stumpnose (Chrysoblephus gibbiceps)
nat.sc., agric.rote Taubnesselred deadnettle (Lamium purpureum)
nat.sc., agric.rote Taubnesselpurple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum)
nat.sc., agric.rote Teespinnmilbetea red spider (Metatetranychus bioculatus, Oligonychus coffeae, Paratetranychus bioculatus)
nat.sc., agric.rote Teespinnmilbered coffee mite (Metatetranychus bioculatus, Oligonychus coffeae, Paratetranychus bioculatus)
gen.rote Tellerschildlausspanish red scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Tellerschildlausrusty red scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Tellerschildlauspalm scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Tellerschildlauspinnule scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
gen.rote Tellerschildlausdictyospermum scale (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, Chrysomphalus diversicolor, Chrysomphalus pinnulifer, Chrysomphalus pinnulifera)
life.sc., nat.res., fish.farm.Rote TiefseekrabbeWest African geryon (Chaceon maritae, Geryon maritae)
life.sc., fish.farm.Rote Tiefseekrabbedeep-sea red crabs (Chaceon)
life.sc., fish.farm.Rote Tiefseekrabbered deepsea crab (Chaceon quinquedens, Geryon quinquedens)
nat.sc., agric.Rote Tiefseekrabbered crab (Geryon quinquedens)
agric.rote Trüffelred truffle (Tuber rufum)
nat.res.rote Waldameisewood ant (Formica rufa)
nat.res.rote Waldameisered ant (Formica rufa)
zool.rote Wanderheuschreckered locust (Nomadacris septemfasciata)
zool.rote Wespewasp (Paravespula rufa)
zool.rote Wollbeutelrattewoolly opossum (Caluromys laniger)
fig.rote Zahlenred ink
nat.res., agric.Rote Zederthuja (Libocedrus decurrens)
nat.res., agric.Rote ZederWestern red cedar (Libocedrus decurrens)
gen.rote Zellered cell
agric.rote Zichorieradicchio
biol.rote Zitrusmilbecitrus red spider mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
biol.rote Zitrusmilbecitrus red mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
nat.res., agric.rote ZitrusschildlausCalifornia red scale (Aonidiella aurantii)
biol.rote Zitrusspinmilbecitrus red spider mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
biol.rote Zitrusspinmilbecitrus red mite (Metatetranychus citri, Panonychus citri, Paratetranychus citri)
biol.rote Zuckmueckenlarvechironomus larva
nat.sc., agric.rote Zuckmueckenlarvebloodworm (Chironomus cavazzae)
biol.rote Zuckmueckenlarveblood worm
gen.Roten KhmerKhmer Rouge
nat.sc., agric.roter Ahornscarlet maple (Acer rubrum)
nat.sc., agric.roter Ahornred maple (Acer rubrum)
fin.roter Ausgangred exit
nat.sc., agric.roter Baumwollkapselwurmpink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella, Platyedra gossypiella)
nat.sc., agric.roter Blasenfussred grass thrips (Aptinothrips rufus)
brit.roter Blutfarbstoffhaemoglobin
amer.roter Blutfarbstoffhemoglobin
gen.roter Bordeauxclaret
gen.roter Bordeauxweinclaret
mamm.roter Brüllaffered howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus)
mamm.roter Brüllaffered howler (Alouatta seniculus)
agric.roter Cicorinoradicchio
environ., nat.res.roter ColobusTana river red colobus
zool.roter Colobusred colobus (Colobus pennanti)
nat.res.Roter CologusTana River red colobus (Colobus badius rufomitratus)
nat.res., agric.roter Espenblattkaeferunspotted aspen leaf beetle (Chrysomela tremulae, Melasoma tremulae)
nat.res., agric.roter Espenblattkaeferpoplar leaf beetle (Chrysomela tremulae, Melasoma tremulae)
nat.res., agric.roter Espenblattkaeferaspen leaf beetle (Chrysomela tremulae, Melasoma tremulae)
agric.roter Eukalyptusriver red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus carnalculensis, Eucalyptus rostrata)
agric.roter Eukalyptusred gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus carnalculensis, Eucalyptus rostrata)
agric.roter Eukalyptuslongbeak eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus carnalculensis, Eucalyptus rostrata)
agric.roter EukalyptusAustralian kino (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus carnalculensis, Eucalyptus rostrata)
fig.roter Fadengolden thread
gen.roter Fadenred thread
nat.res.roter Felsenhahnscarlet cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruviana)
nat.res.roter Felsenhahnandean cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruviana)
nat.res.roter FelsenhahnPeruvian cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruviana)
biol.roter Fichtenwicklerspruce bud moth (Epinotia ratzeburgiana, Semasia ratzeburgiana, Steganoptycha ratzeburgiana, Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana)
biol.roter Fichtenwicklerspruce aphid moth (Epinotia ratzeburgiana, Semasia ratzeburgiana, Steganoptycha ratzeburgiana, Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana)
nat.res.roter Fingerhutfoxglove (Digitalis purpurea Lin., Digitalis purpurea)
agric.roter Fingerhutpurple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
nat.res.Roter FlamingoCaribbean flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber, Phoenicopterus ruber ruber)
mamm.roter Flughundrufous flying fox (Pteropus rufus)
mamm.roter FlughundMadagascar flying fox (Pteropus rufus)
nat.res., fish.farm.roter Gabeldorschred hake (Urophycis chuss)
biol.roter Gaensefussred goosefoot (Chenopodium rubrum L.)
biol.roter Gaensefusscoast blite (Chenopodium rubrum L.)
gen.roter Gauchheilscarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis)
gen.roter Gauchheilred chickweed cure all (Anagallis arvensis)
chem.roter Haematitred haematite
forestr.roter Hartriegelcornelian cherry (Cornus sanguinea)
forestr.roter Hartriegelcornel cherry (Cornus sanguinea)
agric.roter Hartriegeldogwood cornel (Cornus sanguinea)
gen.roter Hellerred cent
med.roter Hochdruckred hypertension
agric.roter Hornstrauchdogwood cornel (Cornus sanguinea)
med.roter Infarkt oder Keilred infarct
med.roter Infarkt oder Keilhaemorrhagic infarct
nat.sc., agric.roter Johannisbeerstrauchred currant bush (Ribes rubrum, Ribes spicatum)
gen.roter Johannisbeerstrauchredcurrant bush
nat.sc., agric.roter Kapselwurmpink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella, Platyedra gossypiella)
zool.roter KardinalNorthern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis, Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis)
nat.sc., agric.roter Knospenwicklerbud moth (Spilonota ocellana, Tmetocera ocellana)
nat.sc., agric.roter Knospenwicklereye-spotted bud moth (Spilonota ocellana, Tmetocera ocellana)
nat.sc., agric.roter Knospenwicklerapple bud moth (Spilonota ocellana, Tmetocera ocellana)
zool.roter Knurrhahntub gurnard (Trigla corax)
zool.roter Knurrhahnred gurnard (Trigla corax)
zool.roter Langurbanded leaf monkey (Presbytis (Presbytis) melalophus)
life.sc.roter Lehmred loam
nat.sc., agric.roter Maulbeerbaumred mulberry (Morus rubra)
biol.roter MaulbeerbaumAmerican red mulberry (Morus rubra)
zool.roter Milankite (Milvus milvus, Milvus milvus milvus)
nat.res.roter Milankite (Milvus milvus)
ornit.Roter Milanred kite (Milvus milvus)
nat.res.roter Milanred kite (Milvus milvus)
zool.roter Milanred kite (Milvus milvus, Milvus milvus milvus)
gen.roter Ockerraddle
life.sc., agric.Roter Palmen-Rüsselkäferred palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)
life.sc., agric.Roter Palmrüsslerred palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)
biol.roter Pappelblattkaeferred poplar leaf beetle (Chrysomela populi, Lina populi, Melasoma populi)
biol.roter Pappelblattkaeferbalsam poplar leaf beetle (Chrysomela populi, Lina populi, Melasoma populi)
life.sc.roter Pelitred pelite
mamm.roter PfeifhaseTurkestan red pika (Ochotona rutila)
mamm.roter Pfeifhasered pika (Ochotona rutila)
chem.roter Phosphorred phosphorus (amorphous)
industr., construct., met.roter Polierrandred edge
biol.roter Rapsblattkaeferred turnip beetle (Entomoscelides adonidis, Entomoscelis adonidis)
gen.roter Riesered giant
gen.roter Riesensternred giant star
gen.roter Rosttobacco frog-eye leaf spot
nat.sc., agric.roter Rostpilzred rust
agric., food.ind.roter/rosé Q.b.A.red/rosé quality wine P.S.R.
agric.roter/rosé Tafelweinred/rosé table wine
agric.Roter Sandelbaumred sanders wood (Pterocarpus santalinus)
agric.roter Sauerampferrosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
agric.roter Sauerampferroselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
agric.roter Sauerampferthorny mallow (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
agric.roter Sauerampferred sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
nat.sc., agric.roter Schorfred scale
environ., nat.res.Roter Sichlerscarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber)
nat.res.roter Sichlerscarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber)
nat.sc., agric.Roter Soldatenfischred soldierfish (Holocentrus ruber, Sargocentron rubrum)
gen.roter Spaerklingsand spurrey (Arenaria rubra L., Spergularia campestris Aschers., Spergularia rubra (L.)Presl.)
gen.roter Spaerklingred sandspurry (Arenaria rubra L., Spergularia campestris Aschers., Spergularia rubra (L.)Presl.)
zool.roter Spießhirschred brocket (Mazama americana)
zool.roter Springaffered titi (Callicebus cupreus)
mamm.roter Stummelaffered colobus (Colobus badius)
zool.roter StummelaffeWestern red colobus (Colobus badius)
zool.roter Stummelaffered colobus (Colobus pennanti)
zool.roter Störlake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
nat.sc., agric.roter Sudankapselwurmred sudan bollworm (Diparopsis castanea)
nat.sc., agric.roter Sudankapselwurmred sudan cotton bollworm (Diparopsis castanea)
nat.sc., agric.roter Sudankapselwurmred sudan cotton worm (Diparopsis castanea)
nat.sc., agric.roter Sudankapselwurmred bollworm (Diparopsis castanea)
nat.sc., agric.Roter Taimadai (Chrysophrys major, Pagrus major, Sparus major)
nat.sc., agric.Roter TaiJapanese seabream (Chrysophrys major, Pagrus major, Sparus major)
life.sc., fish.farm.Roter Thunbluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
life.sc., fish.farm.Roter Thunnorthern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
zool.roter Thunbluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
environ.roter Thunfischbluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus)
zool.roter TropfenastrildPeters's twinspot (Hypargos niveoguttatus)
zool.roter Uakarired uakari (Cacajao rubicundus)
nat.res.roter Wachtelweizenpurple cow-wheat (Melampyrum arvense)
nat.res.roter Wachtelweizenfield cowwheat (Melampyrum arvense)
nat.res., fish.farm.roter Zackenbarschred grouper (Epinephelus morio)
nat.sc., agric.roter Zahntrostred bartsia (Bartsia odontites Huds., Euphrasia odontites L., Odontites rubra, Odontites vulgaris Moench)
biol.roter Zahntrostred eyebright (Bartsia odontites Huds., Euphrasia odontites L., Odontites rubra, Odontites vulgaris Moench)
industr., construct.roter Ziegelwell-burned brick
industr., construct.roter Ziegelwell-burnt brick
industr., construct.roter Ziegelfirst class brick
industr., construct.roter Ziegelred brick
industr., construct.roter Ziegelbody brick
gen.roter Zwergred dwarf
gen.roter ZwergM dwarf
nat.sc., agric.rotes Afrikanisches Padoukbarwood (Pterocarpus soyauxii)
nat.sc., agric.rotes Afrikanisches PadoukAfrican padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii)
med.rotes Begleitpigmentsecondary pigment
med.rotes Begleitpigmentred pigment
chem.rotes Bleioxidred lead oxide
med.rotes Blutbildred blood picture
med.rotes Blutbildred blood count
med.rotes Blutbildred blood cell count
med.rotes Blutbildred count
med.rotes Blutbildtotal red blood cells
med.rotes Blutbilderythrocyte count
health., anim.husb.rotes Blutkoerperchenerythrocyte
health.rotes Blutkörperchenred blood cell
health.rotes Blutkörperchenred blood corpuscle
health.rotes Blutkörperchenerythrocyte
chem.rotes Blutlaugensalzpotassium ferricyanide
agric.rotes Eingeweidered offals
agric.rotes Eisenholzred quebracho (Quebrachia lorentzii, Schinopsis lorentzii)
chem.rotes Eisenoxydred oxide of iron
med.rotes Ekzemeczema rubrum
gen.rotes Fleischred meat
nat.sc., agric.rotes Fussendetoppling over
nat.sc., agric.rotes Fussendebasal browning stipes
med.rotes Knochenmarkred bone marrow preserved in glycerol
econ.Rotes KreuzRed Cross
nat.res.Rotes KänguruhRed Kangaroo
forestr.rotes Lauanbataan (Shorea negrosensis)
forestr.rotes Lauanred lauan (Shorea negrosensis)
forestr.rotes LauanPhilippine mahogany (Shorea negrosensis)
nat.sc., agric.Rotes LauanPhilippine mahogany (Shorea polysperma)
nat.sc., agric.Rotes LawanPhilippine mahogany (Shorea polysperma)
gen.rotes Licht an der ampelstop light
nat.sc., agric.Rotes Meerohrblacklip abalone (Haliotis ruber)
zool.rotes Ordensbandred underwing (Catocala nupta)
chem.rotes Präzipitatred precipitate
chem.rotes Präzipitatred mercuric oxide
chem.rotes Präzipitatmercuric oxide
nat.sc., agric.Rotes Quebrachored quebracho (Schinopsis quebraco-colorado(Schildt.)F.Barley & T.Meyer)
agric.rotes Quebrachoholzred quebracho (Quebrachia lorentzii, Schinopsis lorentzii)
el.rotes Quecksilberred mercury
zool.rotes Rattenkängururufous kat kangaroo (Aepyprymnus rufescens)
mamm.rotes Rattenkänguruhrufous rat kangaroo (Aepyprymnus rufescens)
mamm.rotes Rattenkänguruhrufous jerboa kangaroo (Aepyprymnus rufescens)
zool.rotes Riesenkängurured kangaroo (Macropus (Megaleia) rufus)
mamm.rotes Riesenkänguruhplains kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
mamm.rotes Riesenkänguruhred kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
mamm.rotes Riesenkänguruhkangaroo great red (Macropus rufus)
agric.rotes Sandelholzred sandalwood
agric.rotes Sandelholzred santal wood (Pterocarpus santalinus)
agric.rotes Sandelholzred sanders wood (Pterocarpus santalinus)
chem.rotes Selenred selenium
gen.Rotes Straussgrasbrown top (Agrostis tenuis Sibth)
biol.rotes Straussgrasscolonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
biol.rotes Straussgrasscommon bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
biol.rotes Straussgrassfine bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
biol.rotes Straussgrassfine bent (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
biol.rotes Straussgrassblack couch (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
biol.rotes Straussgrassbrowntop (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
biol.rotes StraussgrassRhode Island bent (Agrostis capillaris L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)
nat.sc., agric.rotes Waldvoegeleinred helleborine (Cephalanthera rubra, Cephalanthera rubra f. rubra)
gen.rotes Warndreieckred triangle
life.sc., environ.Rotkopfstummelaffe oder roter ColobusTana river red colobus (Piliocolobus rufomitratus, Procolobus rufomitratus)
gen.schräger roter Streifenoblique red band
chem.Schwedisch RotSwedish red
health.Schwedisches Rotes KreuzSwedish Red Cross
med.Schweizerisches Rotes KreuzSwiss Red Cross
gen.sich rot färbenredden
gen.sich rot färbenturn red
agric.sonstige Rot-und Roséweineother red/rosé wines
opt.Strahlung im fernen Rotfar-red radiation
gen.Tag , den man im Kalender rot anstreichen mussred-letter day
gen.Taubnessel, rotered dead nettle (Lamium purpureum)
med.unbeladenes menschliches rotes Blutkörperchenuncoated human red corpuscle
gen.Unter dem Strich sind wir in den roten Zahlen.The bottom line is that we're in the red.
gen.Vereinbarung über die Beziehungen zwischen dem Internationalen Ausschuss für den Internationalen Suchdienst und dem Internationalen Komitee vom Roten KreuzAgreement on the Relations between the International Commission for the International Tracing Service and the International Committee of the Red Cross
telecom.weiß rotred white (red white, IEC 757)
zool.westafrikanischer roter StummelaffeWestern red colobus (Colobus badius)
zool.westafrikanischer roter Stummelaffered colobus (Colobus badius)
opt.wiederkehrende Folge der roten, grünen und blauen Bilderrecurring sequence of red, green, and blue pictures
chem.Wiener RotAmerican vermilion
chem.Wiener RotDerby red
chem.Wiener RotPersian red
chem.Wiener RotVictoria red
chem.Wiener RotAustrian cinnabar
chem.Wiener Rotchrome red
chem.Wiener Rotchinese red
chem.Wiener Rotneutral lead chromate
agric.wilder roter Reiswild red rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.)
opt.zum Rot verschiebenshift toward the red
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