
Terms for subject Life sciences containing relative | all forms | exact matches only
relative Anzahl von Sonnenfleckenrelative sunspot number
relative Anzahl von Sonnenfleckensunspot number
relative Anzahl von SonnenfleckenWolf number
relative Bodenfeuchterelative moisture of the soil
relative Bodenverschiebungrelative ground displacement
relative Isohypserelative isohypse
relative Isohypsethickness line
relative Isohypserelative contour
relative Isohypsenkartethickness chart
relative Lotabweichungrelative deflection of the vertical
relative Schweremessungmeasurement of relative gravity
relative Sonnenscheindauerpercentage of possible sunshine
relative Topographiethickness pattern
relative Topographierelative hypsography
relative Verdunstungrelative evaporation
relative Verdunstungevaporation opportunity
relative Vorticityrelative vorticity
relative Vorticitylocal vorticity
relative Windgeschwindigkeitrelative wind
relative Windgeschwindigkeitapparent wind
relative Öffnungrelative aperture