
Terms containing not | all forms | exact matches only
gen.aus der Not eine Tugend machenmake a virtue of necessity
fin.Bank in Notdistressed bank
fin.Bank in Notfailing bank
fin.Bank in Notbank in distress
fin.Bank in Notailing bank
commun.2 basic physical channels used for CCCH,not combined with SDCCHs2 basic physical channels used for CCCH not combined with SDCCHs
abbr.I'll be back later but not too soon because of dinner.BBLBNTSBOD
abbr.believe it or notBION
proverbDen Freund erkennt man in der NotA friend in need is a friend indeed (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.der Not gehorchenbow to necessity
gen.Der wahre Freund zeigt sich erst in der NotA friend in need is a friend indeed
gen.die Not lindernrelieve the distress
fin."Do Not Reduce"do not reduce
abbr.Do what I say not what I do!DWISNWID
med.does not existno definition found E
med.does not existcycloderma
gen.Ein Freund in der Not ist ein wahrer FreundA friend in need is a friend indeed
gen.ein Retter in der Nota knight in shining armour
gen.Er kam mit knapper Not davonHe got away by the skin of his teeth
econ.finanzielle Notfinancial pressure
fin.flip-flop floating rate notesflip-flop
gen.Freunde erkennt man in der NotA friend in need is a friend indeed
abbr.GNU's Not UnixGNU
abbr.I am not a lawyerIANAL
econ.im Falle dringender Notin case of critical need
gen.In der Not erkennt man die FreundeA friend in need is a friend indeed
gen.In der Not frisst der Teufel FliegenBeggars can't be choosers
gen.In der Not schmeckt jedes Brot.Beggars can't be choosers.
gen.in großer Not seinto be hard up
gen.in großer Not seinbe hard up
abbr.in my not so considered opinionIMNSCO
abbr.in my not so humble honest opinionIMNSHO
gen.in Notstricken ship, aircraft
gen.in Notstranded
econ.in Not bringenstraiten
econ.in Not bringendistress
law, ADRin Not geratene Firmadistressed company
gen.Jungfrau in Nötendamsel in distress
commun.Koordinationsverbindungen für Not- und RettungsaktionenSAR coordinating communications
transp., avia.Luftfahrzeug in Notaircraft in distress
gen.mit der Not kämpfenkeep the wolf from the door
inf.mit knapper Not davon kommenhave a narrow squeak
gen.mit knapper Not davonkommenhave a narrow escape
gen.mit knapper Not entkommenhave a narrow escape
gen.mit knapper Not entrinnenjust manage to escape
gen.mit Mühe und Notwith pain and misery
gen.mit Mühe und Notjust barely
earth.sc.Not-Abluftreinigungssystememergency clean-up system
mech.eng.Not-Absenkeinrichtungemergency lowering requirement
gen.Not-Aktionsprogramm im Bereich der nuklearen Sicherheiturgent nuclear safety action programme
abbr.not at allNAA
tech.Not-Ausemergency shutdown (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.Not-Ausemergency stop
commun.Not-Aus-Druckknopf"panic button"
commun.Not-Aus-Druckknopfemergency pushbutton
gen.Not-Aus-Einrichtungemergency shutdown
industr.Not-Aus-Einrichtungemergency stop equipment
construct.Not-Aus-Einrichtungemergency stop device
interntl.trade., agric.Not-Ausgleichslagercontingency buffer stock
gen.Not-Aus-Pilztastermushroom emergency button
health.Not-Aus-Schalterautomatic safety device
gen.Not-Aus-Schalteremergency switch
health.Not-Aus-Schalterautomatic guard
el.mach.Not-Ausschaltungemergency switching-off
tech.Not-Aus-Schlüsselpilztasteemergency-off mushroom-head pushbutton
transp.Not-Datenadapterstandby data adapter
transp.Not-Flugsteuerungemergency flying control
gen.Not-Gasaufbereitungssystememergency gas treatment system
tech.Not-Haltemergency stop
el.mach.Not-Haltemergency stopping
transp., mech.eng.Not-Hydraulikpumpeemergency hydraulic pump
health.Not-Impfungemergency vaccination
abbr.Not in my back yard!NIMBY
abbr.not invented hereNIH
gen.Not ist der Liebe TodWhen poverty comes in, love flies out
lawNot kennt kein Gebot.Necessity knows no
gen.Not kennt kein GebotNecessity knows no law
gen.Not leidendindigent
gen.Not leidendneedy
gen.Not leidenddistressed impoverished
gen.Not leidenddestitute
bank.Not leidende Anleihebond issue in default
fin.Not leidende Forderungliability
bank.Not leidende Wertpapiereworthless securities
bank.Not leidende Wertpapierevalueless
bank.Not leidender Wechseldishonored bill
bank.Not leidender Wechselunpaid bill
bank.Not leidender Wechseloverdue bill
gen.Not macht erfinderischNecessity is the mother of invention
brit.Not-OPemergency operating theatre
amer.Not-OPemergency operating room
IT, dat.proc.NOT-OR-Funktionnon-disjunctive operator
IT, dat.proc.NOT-OR-FunktionNOT-OR operator
IT, dat.proc.NOT-OR-Operatornon-disjunctive operator
IT, dat.proc.NOT-OR-OperatorNOT-OR operator
mech.eng.Not-Regelventilemergency regulating valve
transp.Not-Relaiscrash relay
transp.Not-Reserveradtemporary use spare tyre
transp.Not-Reserveradtemporary-use separate unit
transp.Not-Sauerstoff-Handgriffemergency oxygen manuel operating handle
transp.Not-Sauerstofflascheemergency oxygen cylinder
transp.Not-Sauerstoffsystememergency oxygen system
ITNot-Speicherabzugdisaster dump
med.not statistically significantnon statistically significant
med.not statistically significantn.s
gen.Not-Stossdaempfungsvorrichtungemergency snubbing device
abbr.not-to-exceed priceNTE price
transp., avia.Not- und Dringlichkeitssignaledistress and urgency signals
gen.Not-und Nachkuehlsystememergency cooling and residual heat removal system
commun.Not- und Rettungssatellitsatellite EPIRB
transp., avia.Not- und Sicherheitsausrüstungemergency and safety equipment
med.Not verbandemergency dressing
transp.Not what you thinkDo it yourself
mech.eng., construct.Notend-Schalterfinal limit switch
law, ADRnotes over bond spreadnob spread
health.Nott-MethodeNott's method
abbr.Oh no, not againONNA
abbr.Oh no, not this againONNTA
abbr.Oh no, not you againONNYA
gen.ohne Notwithout good cause
gen.Rettung aus finanzieller Notbailout
gen.Schlagtaste "Not-Aus"panic pushbutton
gen.Schlagtaste "Not-Aus"slam
gen.Schlagtaste "Not-Aus"emergency pushbutton
transp., avia.Schulung und Überprüfung des Gebrauchs der Not- und Sicherheitsausrüstungemergency and safety equipment training and checking
abbr.shipping notes/n
gen.sich in höchster Not befindento be in extremis in difficulties
abbr.Sorry, could not resist.SCNR
abbr.That is not what I meant.TINWIM
abbr.That is not what I said.TINWIS
gen.wenn Not am Mann istif worst comes to worst
gen.Wir haben unsere liebe Not mit ihmWe have our hands full with him
econ.wirtschaftliche Noteconomic distress
gen.zur Not tut es auch... брит. at a pinch ... will do
gen.zur Not tut es auch... амер. in a pinch ... will do
gen.ärgste Notdirest need
transp., avia.Überprüfung des Gebrauchs der Not- und Sicherheitsausrüstungemergency and safety equipment checking