
Terms for subject Microsoft containing kunde | all forms
eindeutiger Kundeunique customer (A customer who may visit a Web site several times within a certain timeframe, but is counted only once)
externer Kundeexternal customer (An outside organization or individual that submits a sales order for goods or services)
Intercompany-Kundeintercompany customer (An internal company that acts as a customer to another internal company. When a company does not satisfy an original sales order, that company becomes an intercompany customer when it directs a purchase order to another internal company to satisfy the original sales order)
Interessent, potentieller Kundeprospect (A potential customer)
Kunden- und Bestellungs-ManagerCustomer and Orders Manager (The Commerce Server Business Management user interface that you use to view customer and order status information and display all the associated details)
Lead, potenzieller Kundelead (A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived)
sekundärer Kundesecondary customer (A customer that is linked to the primary customer in a customer relationship)
übergeordneter Kundeparent customer (An account that is immediately above a contact entity. Any action taken on the account entity can propagate to the child contact entity)