
Terms containing im Hintergrund | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSAutomatisch im HintergrundAuto Hide (A feature that minimizes tool windows along the edges of the IDE when these windows are not in use)
comp., MSAutomatisch im HintergrundAutoHide (A feature that minimizes tool windows along the edges of the IDE when these windows are not in use)
comp., MSDrucken im Hintergrundbackground printing (The process of sending a document to a printer at the same time that the computer is performing one or more other tasks)
gen.im Hintergrundin the background (Andrey Truhachev)
comp., MSim Hintergrundbackground (In the context of processes or tasks that are part of an operating system or program, operating without interaction with the user while the user is working on another task)
gen.im Hintergrundbackdrop
fig.im Hintergrund stehento be in the back seat
comp., MSIm Hintergrund wiedergebenPlay in Background (An audio style that sets your audio to play in the background as a soundtrack to your presentation)
environ.Messstation im ländlichen Hintergrundrural background station
comp., MSProzessabbruch im Hintergrundsilent process exit (Silent and unexpected process termination by the process itself or by another application)
opt.Punkt im Hintergrundbackground point
gen.sich im Hintergrund haltenefface
gen.sich im Hintergrund haltentake a backseat
gen.sich im Hintergrund haltenefface oneself
comp., MSSynchronisierung im HintergrundBackground Sync (A feature that synchronizes offline files in the background, ensuring that the server is frequently updated with the latest changes)
equest.sp.Zaun mit Graben im Hintergrundfence with ditch in the background