
Terms containing gestaffelte | all forms | exact matches only
commun., ITgestaffelte Abstimmungstaggered tuning
gen.gestaffelte Anordnungstaggered arrangement
econ.gestaffelte Arbeitszeitstaggered working hours
econ.gestaffelte Besteuerungprogressive taxation
econ.gestaffelte Besteuerunggraduated taxation
comp., MSgestaffelte Editionstaged edition (An edition that is present on the system, but not installed. All the files/components that are a part of the edition are present, but cannot be used yet. The edition can later be installed, essentially upgrading from something like Home Premium to Ultimate. Staged editions are used as part of the Windows Anytime Upgrade feature and AllBits feature)
gen.gestaffelte Einkommenssteuergraduated income tax
gen.gestaffelte Einkommensteuergraduated income tax
mining.gestaffelte Falteechelon fold
transp., tech.gestaffelte impulse methodestaggered impulse method
comp., MSgestaffelte Installation des schreibgeschützten Domänencontrollersstaged read-only domain controller installation (A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it)
antenn.gestaffelte Koppelleitungechelon strapping
fin.gestaffelte Kraftfahrzeugsteuerdifferential tax on motor vehicles
gen.gestaffelte Lieferungenstaggered delivery
construct.gestaffelte Liniestepped line
met.gestaffelte Martensit Härtungstep quenching
gen.gestaffelte Massnahmenphased introduction of measures
busin.gestaffelte Preisestaggered prices
fin.gestaffelte Registergebührgraduated registration tax
comp., MSgestaffelte RODC-Installationstaged RODC installation (A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it)
fin.gestaffelte Rueckzahlungsum on account
fin.gestaffelte Rueckzahlungrepayment by instalments
fin.gestaffelte Rueckzahlunginstallments
IMF.gestaffelte Schuldenoperationenphased debt operations
nucl.phys.gestaffelte Sicherheitsebenendefence in depth in plant design
construct.gestaffelte Spundwandjagged wall
econ.gestaffelte Steuergraduated tax
econ.gestaffelte Steuerprogressive tax
gen.nach unten gestaffelte Steuerdegressive tax
busin.gestaffelte Steuergraded tax
gen.nach oben gestaffelte Steuerprogressive tax
gen.gestaffelte Steuerdeferred tax
law, fin.gestaffelte Steuerbefreiunggraduated tax relief
law, fin.gestaffelte Steuerbefreiungdegressive tax relief
econ.gestaffelte Steuerermäßigungreduced rate relief
fin.gestaffelte Transferzahlungtransfers by instalment
fin.gestaffelte Transferzahlung aus einem Sperrguthabentransfer by instalment of blocked assets
lawgestaffelte Verfahrensgebührenprocessing fees to be spread
life.sc.gestaffelte Verwerfungfissures "en échelon"
mining.gestaffelte Verwerfungechelon fault
life.sc.gestaffelte Verwerfungfault "en échelon"
agric.gestaffelte Wassergebuehrdifferential water rate
fin.gestaffelte Zinsengraduated interest
fin.gestaffelte Zinsenincreasing interest
econ.gestaffelte Zinsenequated interest
law, ADRgestaffelte Zinsengraduated interest
environ., agric.gestaffelter Abwurfincremental drop
polygr.gestaffelter Anzeigentarifgraded advertising rates
econ.gestaffelter Auftragscale order
fin.gestaffelter Ausgabepreiscontingent-deferred sales load
fin.gestaffelter Ausgabepreisback-end load
agric.gestaffelter Interventionspreisincreased intervention price
gen.gestaffelter Preissliding-scale prices
econ.gestaffelter Preisadjustable price
busin.gestaffelter Preisgraduated price
econ.gestaffelter Preissliding scale price
gen.gestaffelter Preisgraduated price scale
life.sc.gestaffelter Produktionsteststep rate test
comp., MSGestaffelter ProzessStaggered Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a downward progression through stages. Each of the first five lines of Level 1 text corresponds with a rectangle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
agric.gestaffelter Richtpreisscaled target price
bank.gestaffelter Steuersatzgraduated tax rate
IMF.gestaffelter Steuersatzgraduated tax
law, fin.gestaffelter Steuersatzprogressive tax rate
econ.gestaffelter Tarifsliding scale
tax.gestaffelter Verbrauchsteuersatzdifferential rate of excise duty
fin.gestaffelter Zinsengraduated interest
law, ADRgestaffelter Zinssatzsliding rate of interest
fin.gestaffeltes Gebührensystemdifferential charges
nucl.phys.gestaffeltes Sicherheitskonzeptdefence in depth
met.gestaffeltes warmstranggepresstes Stahlprofilextruded steel section
met.gestaffeltes warmstranggepresstes Stahlprofilstepped hot-extruded steel section
met.gestaffeltes, warmstranggepresstes Stahlprofilstepped hot-extruded steel section
sport.Gleitschiff mit gestaffeltem Bodengrade-bottomed launch
fin.Hypothek mit gestaffelten Tilgungsleistungengraduated payment mortgage
nucl.phys.in der Tiefe gestaffelte Abwehrdefence in depth
econ.nach persönlicher Leistung gestaffelte Entlohnungflexible approach to remunerations depending on the individual performance
microel.nach Prioritäten gestaffelte Unterbrechungenpriority interrupts
commun.nach Regionen gestaffelte Gebührdifferential rate by region
gen.NATO-Programm für eine nach Höhen gestaffelte RaketenabwehrNATO Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence programme
gen.regelmässig gestaffelte Rückkehrreturn by regular stages
econ., agric.regional gestaffelte Ausgleichszahlungregionally differentiated compensatory payment
fin.zeitlich gestaffelte Freigabe von Warenrelease of imported goods in stages
lawzeitlich gestaffelte Reduzierungphased reduction
econ.zeitlich gestaffelte Zahlungeninstalment payments
tech., lawzeitlich gestaffeltes Zielstaged objective
gen.über das Wirtschaftsjahr gestaffeltphased over the marketing year
gen.über mehrere Jahre gestaffelter Entwicklungsplandevelopment plan covering several years