
Terms for subject Microsoft containing direkte | all forms | exact matches only
Direkt-Editor für TagsQuick Tag Editor (A tool for quickly selecting and inserting HTML)
direkte Aktivierunginside-out activation (A technique that allows a user to directly interact with the content of an embedded object without executing an explicit activation command)
direkte Methodedirect method (A method of deriving the net income provided by operating activities from the components of operating cash receipts and payments, instead of adjusting the net income for items)
direkte Synchronisierungdirect synchronization (A method used to synchronize data between replicas that are connected directly to the local area network and are available through shared network folders)
direkte Verbindungdirect connect (The state of being connected to a back-end database, so that any changes you make to a database diagram automatically update your database when you save the diagram or selected items in it)
direkte Vergütungdirect compensation (The fixed and variable compensation awarded to an employee in exchange for services rendered)
direkter Mitarbeiterdirect report (An employee who in the organizational hierarchy is immediately below the manager in question and who can either be a manager or an individual contributor)
direkter Preisdirect price (A price that is associated with a specific product in a catalog rather than with a pricing category)
direkter Speicherzugriffdirect memory access (A technology that allows certain devices, such as hard disks and CD or DVD drives, to transfer information directly through the computer's memory without using the computer's processor. DMA improves the performance of the device and frees the computer's processor so it can perform other tasks)
direkter Zugriffdirect access (The ability of a computer to find and go directly to a particular storage location without having to search sequentially from the beginning location. The human equivalent of random access would be the ability to find a desired address in an address book without having to proceed sequentially through all the addresses. A computer's semiconductor memory (both RAM and ROM) provides random access. Certain types of files stored on disk under some operating systems also allow random access. Such files are best used for data in which each record has no intrinsic relationship to what comes physically before or after it, as in a client list or an inventory)
direktes Ereignishandlingdirect event handling (An event handling strategy that does not involve routing)
direktes Hostingdirect hosting (For Microsoft networking, the sending of file and print sharing traffic using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol (also known as the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol) without the use of network basic input/output system (NetBIOS). Direct hosting for the Microsoft redirector (the Workstation service) and file server (the Server service) is supported over both TCP/IP and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX). Although direct hosting may be more efficient, a direct hosting client can connect only to a direct hosting server)
direktes Routingdirect routing (An event routing strategy where the event instance does not move in the tree and behaves like a standard common language runtime event)
Führungslinien für direkte FormatierungDirect Formatting Guides (A feature which, when activated, highlights the areas of text where styles, such as bold or italic, have been manually applied)
Regel für direkte Mitgliedschaftdirect membership rule (A collection membership rule that targets an individual resource, such as a user, user group, or an SMS/Configuration Manager client. This allows you to gather a diverse group of resources)
Remotezugriff auf den direkten SpeicherRemote Direct Memory Access (A networking feature that lets one computer directly place information into the memory of another computer)
Verbindung über direktes Kabeldirect cable connection (A link between the input/output (I/O) ports of two computers created with a single cable rather than a modem or other interfacing devices. In most cases, a direct cable connection is made with a null modem cable)