
Terms for subject Medical containing basis | all forms | exact matches only
apikale Basisapical base
Basis cerebricerebral base (basis cerebri)
Basis cerebribasis of the cerebrum (basis cerebri)
Basis cochleaecochlear base (basis cochleae)
Basis cordisbasis of the heart (basis cordis)
Basis craniibase of the skull (basis cranii, basis encephali)
Basis cranii externaexternal basis of the skull
Basis cranii internainternal base of the skull
Basis der Oblongatapreoblongata
Basis glandulae mammaebasis of the mammary gland (basis glandulae mammae)
Basis glandulae suprarenalisrenal surface of suprarenal gland
Basis mandibulaemandibular base (basis mandibulae)
Basis-Modellwachsbasic modelling-wax
Basis modiolibasis of the modiolus (basis modioli)
Basis nasibase of the nose (basis nasi)
Basis ossis sacribase of the sacrum (basis ossis sacri)
Basis ossium metacarpaliumbase of the metacarpals (basis ossium metacarpalium, basis ossium metacarpi)
Basis ossium metacarpibase of the metacarpals (basis ossium metacarpalium, basis ossium metacarpi)
Basis ossium metatarsaliumbase of the metatarsals (basis ossium metatarsalium, basis ossium metatarsi)
Basis ossium metatarsibase of the metatarsals (basis ossium metatarsalium, basis ossium metatarsi)
Basis patellae:Kniescheibenbasispatellar base (basis patellae)
Basis patellae:Kniescheibenbasisbase of the patella (basis patellae)
Basis phalangisphalangeal base (basis phalangis)
Basis phalangisbase of the phalanx (basis phalangis)
Basis prostataebasis of the prostate (basis prostatae)
Basis pulmonislung base (basis pulmonis)
Basis pyramidisbase of the renal pyramids (basis pyramidis renalis)
Basis stapedisfoot plate
Basis stapedisbase of the stapes (basis stapedis)
Basis vesicaebase of the bladder
chemoplastische Basischemoplastic base
cheoplastische Basischeoplastic base
neue Basisrebasing
Wärmebelastungsindex auf Basis der SchweißabsonderungP4SR index