
Terms containing back | all forms | exact matches only
environ.Abfaelle aus der Herstellung von Back- und Suesswarenwastes from the baking and confectionery industry
environ., food.ind.Abfälle aus der Herstellung von Back-und Süßwarenwastes from the baking and confectionery industry
industr.aufgesetzte Backewraparound lug
abbr.back at keyboardBAK
comp., MSBack-Endback-end application (In a client/server application, the part of the program that runs on the server)
comp., MSBack-Endbackend (In a client/server application, the part of the program that runs on the server)
comp., MSBack-Endback end (The part of a compiler that transforms source code (human-readable program statements) into object code (machine-readable code))
econ., el.Back-Endback end
ITBack-End integrierter Schaltkreisback-end integrated circuit
ITBack-End integrierter Schaltkreisback-end IC
comp., MSBack-End-Datenbankserverback-end database server (A server that hosts data, configuration settings, and stored procedures that are associated with one or more applications)
ITBack-End-Fertigungsvorgangback-end operation
fin.Back-End-Loadback-end load
fin.Back-End-Loadcontingent-deferred sales load
comp.Back-End-Prozessorbackend processor
med.Back/hefepressed yeast
med.Back/hefebakers' yeast
gen.Back-Natronbaking soda
gen.Back-Oblatenwafer papers for baking
commer., polit.Back officeback office
fin.back officeoperations department
commer., polit.Back officeexecutive office
fin.back officeback office
gen.Back Officeback office (Personalbereich und interne Infrastruktur eines Unternehmens)
fin.Back-Office-Bereichback office
ITBack-Office-Terminal"back-office terminal"
dril.Back-off-Verfahrenback-off shooting
abbr.back on topicBOT
chem., el.Back-pressure-Testmulti-point backpressure testing
gen.Back-propagation Verfahrenback-propagation procedure
gen.Back-propagation VerfahrenBP procedure
fin.Back Spread mit Callsreverse ratio call spread
fin.Back Spread mit Callscall ratio backspread
fin.Back Spread mit Putsreverse ratio put spread
fin.Back Spread mit Putsput ratio backspread
gen.back stehend Wind im Segelbackwinded
fin.Back-to-Back-Darlehenback-to-back loan
construct.Back-to-back-Hausback-to-back houses
fin.Back-to-back-Operationback-to-back operation
fin.Back-to-back-Operationback-to-back arrangement
fin."back-to-back"-Prinzipback-to-back principle
fin.Back-to-back-Transaktionback-to-back transaction
gen.Back- und Bratformencooking tins
patents.Back- und Kochspielzeugtoy bakeware and cookware
commun.Back-up-Serveshadow server
commun.Back-up-Serveback-up serve
chem.Backe um die die Probe gebogen wirdwedge
chem.Backe um die die Probe gebogen wirdon which the test piece is bent
abbr.I'll be back laterBBL
abbr.I'll be back later but not too soon because of dinner.BBLBNTSBOD
abbr.I'll be right back.BRB
med.Behind-back-Therapiebehind back-therapy
med.behind back-therapybehind back-therapy
amer.Citro-Backlemon flavor
gen.Come-back Rsv.comeback
comp., MSCRM-Back-End-ServerCRM Back End Server (A back-end server in CRM that runs the server roles, incl. Asynchronous Processing Service, Sandbox Service, and SharePoint Integration Service)
commun.DAS-Back-Up-TapeDAS back-up tape
stat., scient.doppelter switch-back Plandouble reversal design
gen.Feed-back Rsv.feedback
gen.feed-back Netzwerkfeed-back network
social.sc.Flash-backrecurrence phenomena
social.sc.Flash-backflash-back phenomena
industr., construct.Foam Backsfoam backs
comp., MSFront-End-/Back-End-Anwendungfront-end/back-end application (" An application consisting of a "back-end" database file that contains tables, and copies of a "front-end" database file that contain all other database objects with links to the back-end tables.")
industr.gerade Backemitred lug
gen.Herstellung von backfertigem Kuchenmehl, Back- und Puddingpulvermanufacture of food preparations generally in powder or granular form for making puddings, custards, table creams etc.
abbr.hug backHB
abbr.kiss backKB
ITLoop-back-Betriebback-to-back operation
IMF.Net-back-Bedingungennetback pricing oil
IMF.Net-back-Bedingungennet-back approach
abbr.Not in my back yard!NIMBY
amer.Orange-Backorange flavor
IT, mech.eng.Play-back-Roboterrecord-playback robot
IT, mech.eng.Play-back-Roboterplayback robot
IMF.Preisfestsetzung zu Net-back-Bedingungennetback pricing oil
IMF.Preisfestsetzung zu Net-back-Bedingungennet-back approach
lawSale-and-Lease-Backsale and leaseback
fin.sale-and-lease-back-Geschäftsale and lease back
gen.selbstüberwachtes back-propagation Verfahrenself-supervised back-propagation
abbr.smiling backSB
microel.Snap-back-Diodesnap-back diode
met.stromfuehrende backefixed jaw
met.stromfuehrende backecurrent carrying jaw
mech.eng.weiche Backesoft jaw