
Terms for subject Microsoft containing alternativ | all forms
alternative E-Mail-Adressealternate e-mail address (An e-mail address to which password reset information can be sent if a customer forgets the password portion of their Windows Live ID)
alternative Währungbuyer currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
alternative Währungalternate currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
alternative Zugriffszuordnungalternate access mapping (An alternate URL mapping that Windows SharePoint Services preserves in the mapping table. It is the URL a user would see, but is not a URL that IIS would give to WSS)
alternativer Antragstellernamesubject alternative name (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
alternativer Empfängeralternate recipient (An e-mail account to which e-mail messages are forwarded. A user can bundle e-mail messages addressed to different accounts by using a single alternate recipient for all the accounts)
alternativer Text, Alternativtextalternative text (Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words)
alternatives Kontoalternate account (An additional user account that is in a different domain, but within the same forest as the primary account)
Alternativtext, alternativer Textalt text (The text string that appears in place of an image when a Web page is loading, when graphics are not being displayed, or when users pause on the image itself with their mouse)