
Terms containing alternativ | all forms | exact matches only
environ.Alternativ leben Flandern-BrüsselAlternative living - Greens Flemish ecologists
gen.Alternativ LebenAlternative living
gen.alternativ zualternative to
agric.alternative Agrarproduktionsubstitute agricultural production
econ.alternative Agrarproduktionalternative agricultural production
agric.alternative Agrarproduktionalternative crops
empl.alternative Arbeitsplätzealternative employment
environ.alternative Ausrüstungalternative equipment
gen.alternative Bedienungsmassnahmenoptional operator actions
IT, dat.proc.alternative Bedingungalternative condition
transp., environ.alternative Beförderungsartalternative method of transport
gen.alternative Beschäftigungsmöglichkeitenalternative employment
commer., polit.alternative Bezugsquelle/Versorgungsquellealternative source of supply
gen.alternative Brennstoffegreen fuels
progr.alternative Darstellungalternative representation (ssn)
progr.alternative Darstellung in der Sprache KOPalternative representation in LD language (ssn)
tech.alternative Dauerfestigkeitsprüfungalternating stress tensible testing
math.Alternative einer verschobenen Lagelocation shift alternative hypothesis
agric.alternative Einkommensquelle für Landwirtesource of alternative income for farmers
earth.sc.alternative Einschnuerungalternate pinch
earth.sc.alternative Einschnuerung durch ein rotierendes Feldfocating field alternate pinch
comp., MSalternative E-Mail-Adressealternate e-mail address (An e-mail address to which password reset information can be sent if a customer forgets the password portion of their Windows Live ID)
energ.ind.alternative Energiealternative energy
energ.ind.alternative Energiequellenalternative energy sources
energ.ind.alternative Energiequellenalternative sources of energy
el.alternative Energiequellenalternative energies
energ.ind.alternative Energiequellenalternative energy source
gen.alternative Energiequellen zum Ölalternatives to oil
gen.alternative Energietechnikenalternative energy technologies
environ.alternative Entsorgungstechnologienalternative waste disposal technologies
social.sc.alternative EntwicklungAlternative Development
gen.alternative Erzeugnissealternative products
hobbyalternative Form des Tourismusalternative form of tourism
lawalternative Geschworenealternative juror
fin.alternative Handelsassoziationalternative trading organisation
fin.alternative HandelsassoziationAlternative Trade Association
fin.alternative HandelssystemeAlternative Trading System
gen.alternative Handelssystemealternative trading systems ATS
gen.Alternative JugendlisteAlternative Youth List
lawalternative Justizalternative justice
commun., ITalternative Klassealternative class
gen.alternative Kommunikationsmittelalternative means of communication
gen.alternative Konfliktlösungsmöglichkeiten zur Vermeidung eines Prozessesalternative dispute resolution
agric.alternative Landwirtschaftalternative farming
commun.alternative Leitweglenkungautomatic alternative routing
law, h.rghts.act.alternative Maßnahme zur Haftstrafealternative to prison
health.alternative Medizincomplementary/alternative medicine
health.alternative Medizincomplementary therapy
med.alternative Medizinnon-conventional medicine
health.alternative Medizinalternative medecine
health.alternative Medizincomplementary medicine
gen.alternative Medizinalternative medicine
fin.alternative Mindeststeueralternative minimum tax
transp., avia.alternative Nachweisverfahrenalternative means of compliance
gen.alternative numerische Tastenblockbelegungalternate keypad mode
fin.alternative Produktionalternative form of production
med.alternative Produktionalternative production
fin.alternative Prozentregelnalternative percentage rules
gen.Alternative Prozentregeln bei der Bestimmung des Ursprungsalternative percentage rules
commun.alternative Prüfschrittedefault actions
commun.alternative Routingverfahren anwendento alt-route
insur.alternative Rückversicherungnon-traditional reinsurance
lawalternative Schöffinalternative juror
construct.alternative Sperrenstellealternative site
commun.alternative Sprechdatenalternate voice data
environ., chem.alternative Stoffealternative substance
life.sc.alternative Stoffealternative substances
law, h.rghts.act.alternative Strafealternative penalty
lawalternative Streitbeilegungout-of-court dispute resolution
lawalternative Streitbeilegungout-of-court settlement of disputes
lawalternative Streitbeilegungalternative dispute resolution
environ.alternative Technologiealternative technology
environ.alternative Technologie oder Ausrüstungalternative technologies or equipment
life.sc.alternative Technologie oder Ausrüstungalternative technologies and equipment
gen.alternative Tonerdquellenalternative sources of alumina
fin.alternative Transaktionswertesubstitute values
environ., energ.ind.alternative umweltfreundliche Energiequellealternative, environmentally friendly energy source
construct.alternative und fakutative Klauselnalternative and optional clauses
pharma.alternative Verhütungsmethodenalternative contraceptive measures
econ.alternative Verwendung von Agrarproduktenalternative use of agricultural products
fin.alternative Wertregelnalternative percentage rules
econ., fin.alternative wirtschaftliche Entwicklungalternative economic development
gen.alternative Wohnversorgungalternative residential accommodation
comp., MSalternative Währungbuyer currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
comp., MSalternative Währungalternate currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
comp., MSalternative Zugriffszuordnungalternate access mapping (An alternate URL mapping that Windows SharePoint Services preserves in the mapping table. It is the URL a user would see, but is not a URL that IIS would give to WSS)
social.sc.Alternative zur Gefängnisstrafealternative to imprisonment
social.sc.Alternative zur Inhaftierungalternative to prison
social.sc.Alternative zur Inhaftierungalternative to imprisonment
crim.law., fin.alternative Überweisungalternative remittance
stat., scient.Alternativen von LehmannLehmann alternatives
agric.alternativer Anbausubstitute agricultural production
agric.alternativer Anbaualternative crops
agric.alternativer Anbaualternative agricultural production
comp., MSalternativer Antragstellernamesubject alternative name (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
engin.alternativer Antriebalternative drive
gen.alternativer Arbeitsgangalternative routing
energ.ind.alternativer Brennstoffsubstitute motor fuel
energ.ind.alternativer Brennstoffsubstitute fuel
energ.ind.alternativer Brennstoffoil substitute
comp., MSalternativer Empfängeralternate recipient (An e-mail account to which e-mail messages are forwarded. A user can bundle e-mail messages addressed to different accounts by using a single alternate recipient for all the accounts)
R&D., energ.ind.alternativer Energieträgeralternative fuel
gen.alternativer Entschliessungsantragalternative motion
polit.alternativer Entschließungsantragalternative motion for a resolution
chem.alternativer innerer Standardalternative internal standard
fin., invest.alternativer Investmentfondsalternative investment fund
auto.alternativer Kraftstoffalternative fuel
auto.alternativer Kraftstoffalternate fuel
agric.alternativer Landbaualternative arable farming
agric.alternativer Landbaualternative farming
el.alternativer Leitwegalternative route
el.alternativer Leitwegalternate route
tax.alternativer Pauschalbetragstandard tax relief
tax.alternativer Pauschalbetragbasic tax relief
gen.alternativer Progammpfadalternative program path
gen.alternativer Programmpfadalternative program path
el.alternativer Schutz vor Kernanlagen-Strahlungalternative site radiation protection
bank.Alternativer StandardansatzAlternative Standardised Approach
comp., MSalternativer Text, Alternativtextalternative text (Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words)
ed.alternativer Unterrichtalternative education
med.alternativer Wegalternative pathway
mater.sc., mech.eng.alternatives Antriebssytemalternative system of propulsion
busin.alternatives Bedarfsdeckungsgutalternate demand
commun.alternatives Bündelsecond-choice routing
commun.alternatives Bündelalternative routing
gen.alternatives Handelssystemalternative trading system
med.alternatives Heilverfahrenalternative therapy
comp., MSalternatives Kontoalternate account (An additional user account that is in a different domain, but within the same forest as the primary account)
stat.alternatives Merkmalalternative character
transp., avia.alternatives NachweisverfahrenAlternate Means of Compliance
construct.alternatives Netzplanmodellalternative network model
gen.alternatives Quotenüberwachungssystemalternative quota control system
transp., avia.alternatives Schulungs- und Qualifizierungsprogrammalternative training and qualification programme
transp., avia.Alternatives Schulungs- und QualifizierungsprogrammAlternative Training and Qualification Programme
med.alternatives Spleißenalternative splicing
lawalternatives Streitbeilegungsverfahrenout-of-court dispute resolution
lawalternatives Streitbeilegungsverfahrenout-of-court settlement of disputes
lawalternatives Streitbeilegungsverfahrenalternative dispute resolution
IMF.alternatives Szenarioalternative scenario
lawalternatives Verfahren zur Streitbeilegungout-of-court dispute resolution
lawalternatives Verfahren zur Streitbeilegungout-of-court settlement of disputes
lawalternatives Verfahren zur Streitbeilegungalternative dispute resolution
crim.law., fin.alternatives Überweisungssysteminformal value transfer system
crim.law., fin.alternatives Überweisungssystemunderground banking
crim.law., fin.alternatives Überweisungssysteminformal funds transfer system
crim.law., fin.alternatives Überweisungssystemalternative remittance system
comp., MSAlternativtext, alternativer Textalt text (The text string that appears in place of an image when a Web page is loading, when graphics are not being displayed, or when users pause on the image itself with their mouse)
lawan einem alternativen Programm teilzunehmendiversion order for criminal defendant to participate in alternative program, instead of prison
energ.ind.Arbeitsgruppe für alternative EnergiequellenWorkshop on Alternative Energy Strategies
energ.ind.Ausschuss zur Anpassung der Richtlinien an den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fortschritt - Nutzung alternativer EnergiequellenAdvisory Committee on the Management of Demonstration Projects on Exploitation of Alternative Energy Sources
biol.Beratender Ausschuss für die Verwaltung der Demonstrationsvorhaben im Bereich der Nutzung alternativer EnergiequellenAdvisory Committee on the Management of Demonstration Projects for Exploitation of Alternative Energy Sources
transp., construct.bituminoese Tragschicht mit AlternativeRecyclingbituminous base course alternatively recycled material
environ.Demokratische AlternativeDemocratic Alternative
el.Demonstrationsprogramm für Energieeinsparung und alternative EnergiequellenDemonstration programme on energy saving and alternative energy sources
lawder alternative Schöffealternative juror
gen.Deutsche AlternativeGerman Alternative
fin.die DM als alternative Reservewährungthe DM's role as an alternative reserve currency
gen.Die Grünen - Die Grüne AlternativeThe Greens - The Green Alternative
gen.ein Gesamtprogramm der Gemeinschaft für Alternativ-Energiequellena comprehensive Community programme of alternative sources of energy
health., nat.sc., polit.Europäische Forschungsgruppe für Alternativen bei der ToxizitätsprüfungEuropean Research Group for Alternatives in Toxicity Testing
health.Europäisches Zentrum zur Validierung alternativer MethodenEuropean Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods
environ., energ.ind.gemeinschaftliche Demonstrationsprogramme in den Bereichen Energieeinsparung, alternative Energiequellen, Substitution von Kohlenwasserstoffen, Verflüssigung und Vergasung fester BrennstoffeCommunity demonstration programme in the field of energy savings, alternative energy sources, substitutes for hydrocarbons and the liquefaction/gasification of solid fuels
proced.law., econ.Grünbuch über alternative Verfahren zur Streitbeilegung im Zivil- und HandelsrechtGreen Paper on alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law
stat.IEC-alternativer UmwandlungsfaktorIEC alternative conversion factor
environ.kostengünstige Alternativeinexpensive alternative
coal.Kühlung auf der Basis alternativer Kühlmittelcooling using alternative refrigerants
math.Lehmannsche AlternativeLehmann alternatives
transp., mil., grnd.forc., energ.ind.mit alternativem Kraftstoff betriebenes Fahrzeugalternative fuel vehicle
transp., mil., grnd.forc., environ.mit alternativen Kraftstoffen betriebenes Fahrzeugalternative fuelled vehicle
transp., mil., grnd.forc., environ.mit alternativen Kraftstoffen betriebenes Fahrzeugalternative fueled vehicle
gen.Nationale AlternativeNational Alternative
environ., energ.ind.Nationales Institut für Alternative EnergienNational Authority for Alternative Energy
environ., energ.ind.Nationales Institut für Alternative EnergienAgency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment
gen.Programm der alternativen Entwicklungalternative development programme
agric., mech.eng.Pumpe mit geradliniger Alternativ-Bewegungreciprocating pump
law, fin.Richtlinie 2011/61/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über die Verwalter alternativer Investmentfonds und zur Änderung der Richtlinien 2003/41/EG und 2009/65/EG und der Verordnungen EG Nr. 1060/2009 und EU Nr. 1095/2010Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations EC No 1060/2009 and EU No 1095/2010
law, fin.Richtlinie 2011/61/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über die Verwalter alternativer Investmentfonds und zur Änderung der Richtlinien 2003/41/EG und 2009/65/EG und der Verordnungen EG Nr. 1060/2009 und EU Nr. 1095/2010Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
gen.Richtlinie über die Verwaltung alternativer InvestmentfondsAlternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
gen.Richtlinie über die Verwaltung alternativer InvestmentfondsDirective 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations EC No 1060/2009 and EU No 1095/2010
environ.umweltverträgliche alternative Stoffeenvironmentally safe alternative substances
transp.Verlagerung auf alternative Verkehrsträgermodal shift
fin., invest.Verwalter alternativer Investmentfondsmanager of alternative investment funds
fin., invest.Verwalter alternativer Investmentfondsalternative investment fund manager
busin.Zeitvorgabe für alternatives Verfahrenalternate standard
gen.zusätzliche oder alternative Gesundheitsgarantienadditional or alternative health guarantees