
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Von | all forms | exact matches only
Ablauf von virtuellen Maschinenvirtual machine expiration (A feature of Virtual Machine Manager that enables an administrator to set the number of days after the created date when a virtual machine is retired from use by self-service users. Expired virtual machines no longer appear in the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. However, the Virtual Machine Manager administrator still can manage the expired virtual machines. Expiration settings are applied transparently through the virtual machine templates with which self-service users create their virtual machines)
Abonnements von aktiven PostfächernActive Mailbox Subscriptions (A counter that measures how many active mailbox subscriptions there are at a given time)
Aktivierung von WindowsWindows activation (The process of activating Windows)
allgemeine Dienste von PerformancePointPerformancePoint common services (A set of commonly-used and shared services such as Logger, Configuration, Security Manager, Resource Manager, Transaction Management, Task and Schedule Manager, Type Library Manager, and Data Access Layer)
Anbieter von OData-ErweiterungenOData Extension Provider (A Business Connectivity Services feature that enables developers to extend functionality that is provided by the OData connector)
Anbieter von Zusammenarbeitsdienstencollaboration service provider (A company which provides online collaboration services (sharepoint sites, message boards, etc) to businesses or organizations)
Angriff durch Einschleusung von SQL-BefehlenSQL injection attack (An attack that attempts to compromise your database (and potentially the computer on which the database is running) by creating SQL commands that are executed instead of, or in addition to, the commands that you have built into your application)
Anzahl von Benachrichtigungennotification count (A number in the app bar to indicate that the user needs to take some action (such as an alert or a reminder) or that new activity has occurred (such as new mail))
Assistent für die Konfiguration von E-Mail-RouternE-mail Router Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides users in creating an incoming e-mail configuration, an outgoing e-mail configuration, and a link to an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. After they install and configure these components using this wizard, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router will transport incoming and outgoing Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail)
Assistent zum Brennen von Bildern und VideosBurn Pictures and Videos Wizard (The wizard used to burn pictures and videos on a disk)
Assistent zum Erstellen von BereitstellungspaketenCreate Deployment Package Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create a deployment package)
Assistent zum Erstellen von InstallationselementenCreate Installation Item Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create an installation item)
Assistent zum Freigeben von DomänenordnernDomain Folder Sharing Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
Assistent zum Hinzufügen von SourceSafe-DatenbankenAdd SourceSafe Database Wizard (A wizard that locates and configures a Visual SourceSafe database. If you cannot find an existing database to use, the wizard allows you to create a new one)
Assistent zum Importieren/Exportieren von Management PacksManagement Pack Import/Export Wizard (The wizard to import and export management packs)
Assistent zum Installieren von Active Directory-DomänendienstenActive Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
Assistent zum Konfigurieren von DatenquellenConfigure DataSource Wizard (A graphical interface where programmers can define the appropriate details to configure the data source in a few easy steps)
Assistent zum Verknüpfen von DatenquellenLink Data Sources Wizard (A wizard dialog title to create a linked data source, where you can link multiple data sources into one single data source such as two different tables in a SQL database)
Assistent zum Wiederherstellen von LizenzenRecover Licenses Wizard (A wizard that enables users to either import licenses from one license server on to another or re-install licenses previously installed in their server by re-building the license server database)
Assistent zur Vorbereitung von automatischen SystemwiederherstellungenAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
Aufnahme von Belichtungsreihenexposure bracketing (A photographic technique of taking multiple photos of the same scene with different exposure settings)
Aufzeichnung von Kommunikationsdatensätzencall detail recording (A function of the Monitoring Server for collecting information such as when a user signs in or out; starts, joins, leaves, or ends a conference or IM session; transfers a file; or places or answers a VoIP call. CDR captures only usage data; it does not archive the content of any communication activity)
Ausdruck für die Zuweisung von Arbeitsaufgaben-Warteschlangenwork item queue assignment expression (A statement that conditionally assigns work items to specific work item queues)
Ausführen von IE mit geringsten RechtenLow-rights IE (A mechanism for running Internet Explorer processes in a restricted security context to protect the system against malware and viruses that depend on IE running in elevated privilege on a users machine)
Automatische Anwendung von Formatvorlagenauto style application mode (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be used on a page level as well as on an inline style level. The style application mode can also be set to manual)
Automatisches Entfernen von MulticastclientsMulticast Client Auto Removal (Ability to automatically remove a client from a multicast group (usually a client with lower bandwidth - to be served via unicast deployment), have it join a different multicast group or to terminate deployment)
automatisches Zuweisen von Kontingentenauto apply quota (A quota that allows the user to assign a quota template on a folder and have quotas based on the template be automatically created for the existing subfolders and any subfolders created in the future)
begrenzte Eigenschaft von Ressourcenlimited properties of work centers (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
bereitgestelltes Konto zum Abwickeln von Kreditkartentransaktionenprovisioned credit card processing account (An account that has been set up and activated for processing credit card payments and which was set up by using Dynamics Live)
Bereitstellung von SAP-Berechtigungen für Duet EnterpriseDuet Enterprise SAP Roles Claims Provider (A feature that augments the Duet Enterprise user's SharePoint security context with roles defined in SAP)
Bericht zu Einladungen von externen Benutzernexternal user invitation report (A report that lists the email address, invitation date, invitation status, and invitation submitter for external users invited to a SharePoint site collection)
Berichts-Generator von Microsoft SQL Server Reporting ServicesMicrosoft SQL Server Reporting Services Report Builder (A report authoring tool that features a Microsoft Office-like authoring environment and features such as new sparkline, data bar, and indicator data visualizations, the ability to save report items as report parts, a wizard for creating maps, aggregates of aggregates, and enhanced support for expressions)
Besitz von virtuellen Maschinenvirtual machine ownership (The ownership under which an owner can operate and manage a designated virtual machine through the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. If a self-service policy is created for a group, the group can have either per user ownership of virtual machines or shared ownership of virtual machines)
Darstellung oder Erwähnung von AlkoholAlcohol Reference (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
Dienst für die automatische Konfiguration von KabelnetzwerkenWired AutoConfig Service (A system service that provisions local area network (LAN) Ethernet adapters with the security and connectivity settings that are required for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired access)
Drehend, von außenSpin, out (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Einblenden, von schwarzFade In, From Black (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
Einblenden, von weißFade In, From White (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
Einfliegen von links obenFly In, Top Left (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Einfliegen, von links und rechtsFly In, Left and Right (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Empfänger von Duet Enterprise-BerichtenDuet Enterprise Reports Receiver (A SharePoint feature that manages publishing and authorization of Duet Enterprise Reports)
Entwicklung von Windows Store-AppsWindows Store app development (The process of developing Windows Store apps)
Ergebnis von Vergleichstestsbenchmark result (The result of a benchmark (test used to measure hardware or software performance))
Erkennung von magnetisierten Zeichenmagnetic ink character recognition A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
Ersetzen von Wertenvalue substitution (A string substitution performed on XML elements as a document passes through the pipeline)
erweiterte Verfügbarkeit von DokumentenEnhanced Document Availability (A set of Microsoft Exchange features that offers increased access to documents even when the documents are located on an internal network or the software required to view the documents is not installed on the client computer)
Festlegung von Zielversionenmultitargeting (The ability to target code to specific versions (for example, 2.0, 3.5, 4, or 4.5) of the .NET Framework)
Financial Modernization Act von 1999Financial Modernization Act of 1999 (A U.S. law containing financial provisions that require all financial institutions to disclose to consumer customers their policies and practices for protecting the privacy of non-public personal information. Non-public personal information includes any PII provided by a customer, resulting from transactions with the financial institution or obtained by a financial institution through providing products or services)
Format für den Austausch von ZeichnungenDrawing Exchange Format (A computer-aided design file format originally developed by Autodesk; for use with the AutoCAD program to facilitate transfer of graphics files between different applications)
Fremdinhalte, Inhalte von Fremdanbieternsyndicated content (A distribution mechanism for frequently-updated content that is aggregated by an RSS reader and delivered or published in a standard XML format. The content is often summarized, with links to a more complete version)
Genehmigung von Anwendungenapplication approval (An additional action that is required after an end user requests an application and before the application becomes available for deployment)
Generieren von Sichtenview generation (A repository engine feature that is used to create relational views based on classes, interfaces, and relationships in an information model)
Gesendet von meinem Windows PhoneSent from my Windows Phone (A tagline or signature added to all email that's sent from a Windows Phone)
Gruppe von Bilderngroup of pictures (A group of successive pictures, starting with an I-frame and followed by zero or more predicted (P and B) pictures)
inkrementelle Auswertung von Sammlungsmitgliedernincremental collection member evaluation (A process that periodically scans for new or changed resources from the previous collection evaluation and then updates the collection membership with only these resources)
Inlinesteuerung von Warnungeninline warning control (The ability to control whether warnings are reported for a particular region of code by specifying a compiler directive)
Instanz von Active Directory Lightweight ServicesActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
Integration von Anwendungsquelldatenapplication source data integration (The process of taking data from a data warehouse or data mart into PerformancePoint Planning Server staging and application databases)
Integration von Quelldatensource data integration (The process of cleansing source data, such as transactional and operational data, and moving it to a data warehouse or a data mart)
Integration von Unternehmensanwendungenenterprise application integration (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
integrierte Sicherheit von Windows NTWindows NT Integrated Security (A security mode that leverages the Windows NT authentication process)
Konfiguration von Anbietern für blockierte IP-AdressenIP Block List provider configuration (The configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Block List provider)
Konfiguration von Anbietern für zugelassene IP-AdressenIP Allow List provider configuration (Configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Allow List provider)
Konfiguration von RAD-WebzugriffRAD Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Konfiguration von RemoteApp- und Desktop-WebzugriffRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Konfiguration von RemoteApp- und Desktop-WebzugriffRAD Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
kritischer Datensatz im Rahmen von GxPGxP critical record (An electronic record considered critical by the FDA)
Leserichtung von rechts nach linksRight-to-Left Reading Order (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
lückenloses Brennen von CDsgapless CD burning (A feature of Windows Media Player that allows users to remove gaps between tracks that they burn to audio CDs)
manuelle Anwendung von Formatvorlagenmanual style application mode (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be not be used, but rather the styles defined in the Manage Styles task pane for the entire page or for individual items on a page will need to be applied by the user. The style application mode can also be set to auto)
Massenerkennung von DuplikatenBulk Duplicate Detection (A system job that detects duplicate records for one entity)
mithilfe von Push übertragenpush (To deliver data to a client without a client request for the data)
Offlineschalten von Anwendungenapplication offlining (The act of downloading BCS Solutions from a SharePoint site to Outlook)
Parken von KernenCore Parking (A feature that dynamically selects a set of processors that should stay idle and not run any threads based on the current power policy and their recent utilization)
Powered by, unterstützt vonpowered by (Pertaining to a process, tool, etc. that is enabled by a particular technology)
Prozent von Listepercent of list (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
Reihenfolge bei der Behebung von Richtlinienkonfliktenpolicy processing sequence (The order in which conflicts between policy rules are resolved. Policy rules defined at a lower level of the sequence always override conflicting policy rules at higher levels of the sequence)
Remoteentfernung von Geschäftsdatenremote business data removal (A feature that lets enterprises securely remove only enterprise data from personal devices, without affecting any personal data)
Rendern von Berichtenreport rendering (The action of combining the report layout with the data from the data source for the purpose of viewing the report)
Richtlinie zur Schreibweise von Akronymenacronym casing guideline (A rule that clarifies whether an acronym is to be spelt with upper- or lowercase letter or a mix)
Routing von AnwendungsanforderungenApplication Request Routing (A proxy-based routing and load-balancing module for IIS 7. This module uses information gathered from HTTP headers and server variables and then leverages the URL Rewrite module to make routing decisions at the application layer)
Routing von Anwendungsanforderungen, ARRARR (A proxy-based routing and load-balancing module for IIS 7. This module uses information gathered from HTTP headers and server variables and then leverages the URL Rewrite module to make routing decisions at the application layer)
Sammlung von Integritäts- und VerwendungsdatenUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
Schutz von Datendata protection (The process of protecting data from loss or corruption by centrally creating and maintaining replicas and shadow copies of the data. DPM is designed to provide short-term disk-based backup, to support rapid and reliable recovery of data)
seitenübergreifendes Senden von Datencross-page posting (In ASP.NET Web pages, the process of submitting a page to a specified target page in contrast to submitting the page to itself)
Serverinstanz von Windows AzureWindows Azure compute instance (The computing operation or execution of logic within Windows Azure Platform in response to function call from an application)
Suche vonSearch by (Pertaining to a search process enabled by a particular technology)
Synchronisieren von Ordner- und ProgrammeinstellungenSyncing folders and program settings (The list item for reporting that the syncing folders and program settings feature is problematic. The list is displayed in the problem reporting utility built in to beta versions of Windows Live Sync)
Team von Expertenteam of peers (An organizational work model that emphasizes the use of small, cohesive teams of role specialists who communicate on an equal basis in the accomplishment of their individual and group tasks. This work model contrasts to that of the traditional top-down, linear-structure work model, and has been functionally proven in a variety of different organizations, cultures, and project sizes)
Teilrendering von Seitenpartial-page rendering (The process of refreshing only a region of a Web page during an asynchronous postback. This is typically accomplished by using UpdatePanel controls. Partial-page rendering is an important feature of AJAX technology)
US-amerikanischer Verband von Herstellern elektronischer Produkte, Electronics Industries AssociationElectronics Industries Association (An association based in Washington, D.C., with members from various electronics manufacturers. It sets standards for electronic components. RS-232-C, for example, is the EIA standard for connecting serial components)
Verkaufschancen empfohlen vonOpportunities Referred By (A field that holds the name of the person who provided the opportunity)
Verwaltung von Informationsrechten, Information Rights ManagementInformation Rights Management (A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send)
Verwendung von Platzhalternwildcarding (In DNS, the supported use of wildcard characters such as the asterisk (*) in domain names for DNS queries that resolve to multiple names. When wildcarding is used, DNS servers must support resolving name queries that use wildcard characters, and resolvers must be able to parse multiple records from any resource record sets (RRsets) issued in wildcard query responses)
Verwendung von Platzhalternglobbing (In DNS, the supported use of wildcard characters such as the asterisk (*) in domain names for DNS queries that resolve to multiple names. When wildcarding is used, DNS servers must support resolving name queries that use wildcard characters, and resolvers must be able to parse multiple records from any resource record sets (RRsets) issued in wildcard query responses)
Veröffentlichen von Zuordnungenpublish assignments (To notify resources of new and changed assignments to tasks)
Veröffentlichung von DuplikaterkennungsregelnDuplicate Detection Rule Publication (A system job that publishes a duplicate detection rule)
Veröffentlichung von Informationeninformation disclosure (The exposure of information to individuals who normally would not have access to it)
von einem Gerät importierenImport from a device (An option that allows user to import images from a device as opposed to some form of media. Device denotes an electronic device capable of showing or transmitting digital images)
von links nach rechtsleft-to-right (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, and languages for which text is displayed in a left-to-right direction. English and most other European languages are left-to-right languages)
von rechts nach linksright-to-left (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, languages, etc. for which text is displayed in a right-to-left direction)
Zusammenstellung von Datendata co-location (In DPM, a feature that enables protection of multiple data sources on a single volume or on the same tape. This allows you to store more data on each volume or tape)
Überprüfung von Shapes und Verbindungenshape-level validation (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)